‘Barbaric and inhuman’: Two Indian men SECRETLY decapitated by Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia has secretly beheaded two Indian nationals without notifying either the embassy or the men’s relatives of the brutal executions.
To add to the shock, the Kingdom will not surrender the remains to the families.

Attached: Shi'ite Muslims with swords during the religious festival in Saudi Arabia.jpg (1280x720, 452K)

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Why do some of them look like they aren't into it?

I only give a shit when conservative white people are killed.

So this is the punishment for street shitting in SA

The jew will always tell you what happened, but never why

>Poos get beheaded by SA
>I wonder (not really) what they did to anger the muzzies

usa has been in bed with Saudi Aramco since the 39.

what i'm getting tired of hearing is social media low IQ using the past to throw at the present president, no matter who it is.

can you feeble-minded barkers pls leave the internet? thanks.

in my opinion, the west should not be doing any business with human rights violators, phoney religious states pretending to be kings, hoarding their wealth and investing in the west, and savagely setting the most shit example to children all over the world.

at least us "christcucks" know the difference between people who worship money and the damage they cause,

and God.

New talking points user?

>Satwinder Kumar of Hoshiarpur and Harjeet Singh of Ludhiana were decapitated on February 28, in connection with the case of the murder of another Indian man back in 2015. The verdict was reached without the knowledge of the Indian embassy and without any prior warning issued to the men’s families.


Of course he is, he needs to keep getting loans from them.

Those are Shiias scums, you ignarmous flaming faggot.

>Those are Shiias scums, you ignarmous flaming faggot.
They are all Trumps buddies.



Attached: 1554318433629.jpg (250x182, 7K)

hi katua

All hail the Orb!

Attached: nwo.jpg (640x453, 40K)

Do indians even have a headcount over their people?

t. hindooo

i got a gif that fits the's old

Attached: 1539844473995.gif (200x150, 2.21M)

In diplomacy there is no morality. Just interests.

Trump always looks so fake in pictures.
Why he is making that goofy face.

Trump is ‘Saudi Arabia’s servant’ as he refused to end US support of Yemen war – Tulsi Gabbard.

Attached: Trump and his stupid face.jpg (1280x720, 276K)

The guy wearing the funny clothes looks scared and uncomfortable

Because Trump just farted

>showing pics of shia religious bloodfest
>talking about Saudis
fucking mutts

cmon m8, there would be thousands that would fit the description. saudis are fucking dogs.

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The Japanese did the same thing. but but but Jow Forums loves the Japanese. So its ok the japs get a pass. Samurais are super duper cool and shit. durrr

Perhaps NOW theyll stop shitting in the streets.

If your religion was so great you wouldnt need to cut off peoples heads to abide by it.

>Perhaps NOW theyll stop shitting in the streets.
Or Americans in public...Lol

Attached: Shitty American culture:.jpg (979x1080, 547K)

Second greatest ally!

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He's having fun, I'm not sure if you're familiar.

Don't worry friend when India become Superpower in 2020 and SA daddy is not there to protect their ass we will punish SA for all the crimes they commuted against us and humanity. We will punish those sand nigger for creating a fucked up religion like Izlam.

Beheading looks bad but death is instant. I prefer beheading over electric chair or death by injecting poison.