Im a dude; want to lose my virginity, but I want the first time to be with someone really understanding and forgiving...

Im a dude; want to lose my virginity, but I want the first time to be with someone really understanding and forgiving. One reason is that I have a small and ugly dick, but also, itd be nice to have someone I can be comfortable with. Usually this would be a girlfriend, but -- I can't have a girlfriend right now.

What can I do?

Note: I've had many opportunities to have sex - I'm not ugly or retarded.

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Legal brothel in Nevada.

Considered this. Hoes are legal where I am. It actually would be a very smart solution.. A high quality hoe would have good people skills and know how to put clients at ease. 'Girlfriend Experience' is a thing, and I'm sure hoes would be used to doing 'requests', etc.

...but fuck me, I don't know if I could live with myself knowing that I had to buy a prostitute for my first time

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>Im a dude; want to lose my virginity, but I want the first time to be with someone really understanding and forgiving.
That is cute, you actually think your first time matters. I remenber being this naive.

>One reason is that I have a small and ugly dick
How small? And define ugly.

>but fuck me, I don't know if I could live with myself knowing that I had to buy a prostitute for my first time
Your first time is going to be shit, deal with it. Also, you should just get it over with, you will feel better afterwards.

I'm more curious about that "I CAN'T have a girlfriend right now".

You have two options:

Option A:
Wait until marriage with a girl you like and who is waiting herself.
Option B:
Eat the business end of a loaded shotgun for being a degenerate manwhore.

I can't vouch for either on personal experience, but I'm inclined to say the first is preferable.

>How small? And define ugly.
5", and thin. It's bent and twisted to the side a bit, and probably worst of all, i have a superficial skin condition that looks weird. Literally the worst part of my body.
>Your first time is going to be shit, deal with it. Also, you should just get it over with, you will feel better afterwards.
God.. the idea of just fucking some rando in town; having her likely be weirded out af; being completely not into it myself...

>I'm more curious about that "I CAN'T have a girlfriend right now".
Dealing with a lot of shit personally right now. I don't have the time or emotional energy for one. Not much to offer either. Also involved with overbearing stupidly religious parents right now who would not cease to give me shit.

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>5", and thin. It's bent and twisted to the side a bit, and probably worst of all, i have a superficial skin condition that looks weird. Literally the worst part of my body.
Well, given that you are likely young I should tell yo that it will likely grow another inch in the following years. As for the bent and twist, you do know it is caused by your underwear, right? You place the penis to the same side every time, try placing it to the other side to unbend it.

As for the skin condition, seek a dermatologist.

Post your dick on /soc/ and ask if it’s weird or just look at all the other weird dicks on there and then come back to us. Also could do a face rate to make sure you’re not ugly like you say

link to soc threads please

nobody cares about your weird dick when you're getting naked with a hick
just go to the club, hit it off with a girl, go home with her, and she probably will never bring up your dick weirdness

I'm semi prominent in my city; can't be posting face. I've had enough attention from girls to know I'm attractive enough. Ive also used Photofeeler before, which confirmed.

Not sure about dick pics. Will consider it

>I'm semi prominent in my city
get a whore.

>you actually think your first time matters

this dude is probably like 35 or something, at this point his first time will be life changing

show us your duck benis!

let your best friend buy a high level hoe for your first time. rent hee for antire day

oh fuck, i tried to imagine that dick....shiiittt

anyway op. watvh youtube video on how to eat her out wiht your mouth. really care about her feeling doen there while you are eating he rout. thats all you need.

Don't worry about your dick too much, focus on the parts of your body (and your personality) that you can change.

Look at it this way, most men would be fine sleeping with a woman who has smaller boobs, especially if she's otherwise attractive, hygienic, nice, funny, what have you. But if she smells bad or is slovenly, is a bitch, whatever, she will be avoided and the smaller boobs become just another reason not to sleep with her.

Sex is awkward, and you won't get it right the first time. So in my (unpopular) opinion it is better to do it with someone you're connected with who will be willing to work with you through it, either that or a hooker. You're on the right track with this.

Is premarital sex really that bad?

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I'm afraid so.