My husband won't cum inside me. I have an IUD, got it two years ago after having our one kid because no thanks...

My husband won't cum inside me. I have an IUD, got it two years ago after having our one kid because no thanks, one is enough. I'm not overweight, ugly, bitchy, over-bearing, dumb. He was like this when we started dating, so I stopped having sex with him til he stopped pulling out (we didn't get pregnant for years somehow) and I guess he liked [having sex with] me that badly he started filling me up. It's the most intimate beautiful act I can think of between lovers, and I like dripping out all day and night, why is he being selfish and dumb like this? He says it's because he doesn't want to get me pregnant. Like no fucking duh WE do not, that's what the IUD is for. How can I get through to him? Take him to the doctor so they can explain how this thing works? Does he just not love me anymore? I should note he hasn't told me he loves me in a long time, and does complain about me a lot, but we try to get along for our kid. He might have cheated in the past year, there was a few months he was being extra shady, and I've caught his friend's cute busty roommate hanging on him when she thinks I'm not around. I'm not trying to cheat, since I can't do that I want to feel close to him. Help me get filled, anons?

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how about next time pick a guy that won't cheat
oh wait you would've already done that with beta willing raise someone elses kid


Respect your husbands boundaries - If someone is uncomfortable about something, they are allowed to be and don't have to do it. IUD or not, if he doesn't want to come inside you, he doesn't have to. Depraving him of sex is a bitchy thing to do, despite you saying you're not a bitchy person. You clearly are selfish.

Let your husband know that he is 100% willing to cum inside of you, and there will be no consequences due to the IUD, hell, if he wants to know why you want it, tell him why. Other than that, if he ever wants to, he'll do it himself.

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I'm not leaving him? I just don't understand how to make him understand this vital part of our relationship that is lost is kind of hurting me. It makes me feel used, whether or not I also orgasm.

No? Relationships don't work like that. There is compromise in some areas and this is one that's affecting me in a way that makes me not want to have sex with him. So, I guess, that's kind of true in that if I'm uncomfortable having sex with him I don't have to.

But I want to so I'm not really sure what to tell you. I also don't understand what you're saying >let your husband know he is willing to

Maybe ask him to pee in the hole instead

Come on anons this is one of the faster boards I know you're here.
Continuing to have sex with him if it leaves me unsatisfied is going to be a problem/stressful for me (it's been a whole year of this!) and I don't want to not have sex, or cheat. Has anyone been in this situation with their girlfriend and cum around (get it)? Give me some hope.

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Tell man to either cum inside or not cum

>faster boards
When will you people learn that 99% of your relationship problems can be solved through communication?
Yours is no exception. The biggest problem I see here is you shrugging off the threat of him cheating on you which is an (obvious) fucking problem.

What is even going on your fucking mind?

It's okay op, I can cum inside you

Are you just the same guy responding over and over. I forgot to mention he does that sometimes. He'll fake an orgasm/cumming by flexing his dick, or he'll just stop and fall asleep. I don't know how often he masturbates but not much I think, he can cum quickly when he does at all. So if I tell him to just not cum...? That's the opposite of what I'm trying to achieve?

You are a male weirdo talking about cum pretending to be a woman go fuck off you freak

I don't think he's cheating, maybe he was a year ago but I have no evidence. This issue started before then. No shit I've tried talking to him about it. I've said dumb shit that you guys love like "fill me up daddy I'm your cumdumpster" nonsense while bouncing on his lap and he'll push me up. I've offered to get a doc appointment so the doctor can explain it. He's pretty controlling, wants to know where I'm at always, how much money I have et cetera, but nothing crazy. Just this. I'm wondering if it's because he'll feel like he's lost control and that that's a bad thing. I wouldn't know how to bring that up in a way he won't get defensive/offended. I'm so frustrated.

Thanks for the offer?

You mentioned twice you've offered to take him to the doctor to tell him how ot works, and he won't take the offer. My money is on him still cheating.

Have you asked him why he doesn't do the deed inside you? There has to be a reason, does he get anxious? Is your husband old by any chance, I don't understand why he wouldn't understand what birth control is for. Take him to the doctor to have the doc explain. I'm really sorry you're going through this OP, I know some guys can have weird insecurities but this is odd.

He flirts, he is charismatic and especially so when I'm not around. But all his friends he hangs with know he's married and we all know each other.
I guess I can't rule it out. Fuck.

>There is compromise in some areas
then compromise with your husband you retarded female.

>No shit I've tried talking to him about it. I've said dumb shit that you guys love like "fill me up daddy I'm your cumdumpster" nonsense while bouncing on his lap
Why the fuck would you say that to your husband while you know he dislikes this? Do you not care how he feels at all? Why would you say “that you guys love” and make an over generalization when your husband very obviously isn’t comfortable with cumming in you? You say you’re not dumb, but that’s incredibly foolish.

This place is awful. We was hungry and told the lady we wanted us a bucket and she acted like we was really making her mad. I told her it don't make me no nevermind if we have a mix of light and dark meat and so she comes around with these two employees...a black girl and a white girl. They didn't even have chicken or any kinds of sides or anything. My wife started hollerin about the service and we was asked to leave. I ain't never going back here no way. Hell, I didn't even smell chicken...smelled more like a seafood joint to me. Man I'd say take your hard earned cash to the colonel - he never lets me down.

So let him do something he wants in exchange, how fucking hard is that.

>fill me up daddy I'm your cumdumpster
this is the most retarded shit i've seen yet, this has to be b8, you know he doesnt like it so you make it all around it.

Lets skip the shit, the reason he wont cum inside OP is because "I like dripping out all day and night" I think when he does cum in her she's leaving the house looking like a snail lives there.

I do care about his feelings which is why I've offered to take him to the doctor so she can properly explain to him as a professional how the IUD works and we can resume a healthy sex life, like we had before. Because his only reason for not doing so so far, as he tells me, is he doesn't want another kid. Do I really have to write it all out again or can you read the thread? Are you able to read?

Riddle me this. If I say that, he will cum within 30 seconds. I'd say he likes it very much. Are you stupid or an asshole?

She spread herself wide open to let the insects in
She leaves a trail of honey to show me where she's been
She has the blood of reptile just underneath her skin
Seeds from a thousand others drip down from within
Oh my beautiful liar
Oh my precious whore

Then promise him you’ll get an abortion if you do get pregnant.


I have told him that. We've talked about all of this. I don't need to promise him anything because I PERSONALLY do not want another child. HENCE IUD. They WORK. Except for VEry very very few women.

On that note - abortions should be legal and free and accessible everywhere. There's going to be a thing happening where all women stop putting out until abortions are at least legalized everywhere. In America, anyway. Protests might be good places to get laid. *wink*


What, then?

there is no way for any of us to know exactly. you have to speak with him. if he doesn’t give any other answer then just divorce him. you can’t compromise with him, and he can’t compromise with you. you both clearly have issues with eachother.

Can't. Kid. Little kid. But not little enough to not be fucked up by us getting a divorce.

forcing the kid through his/her’s shitty parents marriage is worse than the hurt they would feel if you two split. clearly, since the kid is the only issue, that means you ARE willing to divorce. which means you need to fucking do it.

When I started going out with my current gf, we fucked without restrictions for quite some time until we got scared shitless because we thought she was preagnant. After we confirmed that she wasn't, I was scared of sex, and cumming inside her. I've been recovered from that, I love when she asks for it while we're fucking, but that's because now, we have control over it (god bless parsley).

If your husband doesn't want to cum inside you, for any fucking reason, let him NOT CUM INSIDE YOU. It's his fucking decission. It's like forcing him to watch a show you love with you, regardless if he's enjoying it at all. It's selfish to be mad about it, because imagine yourself being in his position, where he's contantly trying to push you to let him cum inside of you, while you're scared of getting preagnant, and having a reminder of the consequences of that, just running around your house (I don't know how old is your child), can just strengthen that fear.

His cum is not yours to have at any point you want it, he needs to feel the orgasm as well, and if he's not feeling it, talk to him about it, and ask him why he isn't comfortable with it.

And don't you fucking dare ask him and forcing him to cum inside of you regardless of how he feels. He's your partner, you should understand certain problems, and you need to understand that not because a man feels uncomfortable means that he doesn't love you. He probably knows the problems of having a child now, and wants to avoid it for both of you.

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I feel your pain OP. My gf refuses to let me cum inside her even though she has an IUD, and let her ex do it. Every time I have to put on a condom. It's been a year already. The thoughts of she doesn't love me enough get harder to ignore every day

actually, it doesn't
a marriage where the parents don't argue in front od the kid is way better than any sort of split

>my gf refuses to let me cum inside her
>even though she has an iud
>let her ex do it
lmao why

she has no iud and her ex is still coming inside her, get over it

i fucking hate kids. even though my girlfriend uses BC, i still only cum inside her during certain times in her cycle. i fucking hate kids. i fucking hate them. fuck that. you need to understand the man's fear. watch the movie eraserhead

She tells me she's afraid to get pregnant. But really, I think she just loves him more and sees it as some sort of betrayal. It really hurts a lot when I think about it

dont be fucking dense, you can literally feel the strings

which is why I'd leave her over it. But understandably it's hard to leave someone

attention whore as you can see no one want to respond to your boring blog post there is reddit for that

Good god. Half my girlfriends weren’t comfortable cumming inside raw. Of course it’s better but you’re being insensitive to his feelings. Did you everthink if he came inside raw that he would maybe enjoy it less?

Be sensitive to his feelings