How are those anti-depressant prozacs working user?

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My LSD is working fine, thanks for asking.

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anti-depressants are a confirmed jewish scheme to make the white man dumb and numb. thats why the kikes never take them. you dont need any medication for feeling hopeless and hateful its completely normal

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theyre great i got em with promo code Shapiro

Not enough to cure my zoomerism

I take lexapro and it has stopped me killing myself in the past. Ive had two major depressive episodes in life. Once after being cheated on by my first long term partner with my best mate and the second time when my wife divorced me.

ITT schizos talk out their ass.

and now im too scared to go off them because I dont want to feel the way I have have felt when i break down. its more than sadness.. its madness.

You should try biking/running man

I eat brocall chicken and rice and frequent the gym. I dont watch porn, i dont wank, I take good quality vitamins, i meditate, i do yoga, i spend lots of time in nature, i try to do literally fucking everything. Im stable and run my own business.. im just too scared to get off them again.

it feels pretty nice that a bro on the otherside of the world cared about me for a split second

Your story is pretty rough dude I hope you meet some good people that prove to you not everybody is scum. Being betrayed by those we love can leave us feeling hopeless but there are just as many good people as there are bad and your life will be much more bright when you can surround yourself with genuine good people.

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custom meme to express my feelings right now.
thank you user

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Saying a prayer for you, roo fucker.
You're one of the good guys.

ditto burger

oh different dude. thanks paki

Have a meeting with a counselor on the 26th. Should I cancel and schedule one with a psychiatrist?

I’m in the same wagon m8

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shouldn't ever take anti depressants. i was prescribed them years and years ago and just brief usage had physical consequences i still deal with years later. they're fucked up

don't worry user
you're going to get through this
also get off those meds
the longer you take them the more dependent you become
fuck big pharma

Yes don’t waste your money of someone that can’t prescribe drugs. They will just go tell you to see a psychiatrist aswell

I have medical so its not about money. Just wanna get on something so I can feel normal.

like what?

this post has given me the motivation to get off them. I perfected my method of weening. Ive done it before with zero withdrawels... it takes 5-10 months though lel.

Therapist here :
Pills are good for short term not killing yourself but are not a long term solution. They are not lifeskills in a bottle. Get yourself a therapist and in around 12 sessions you will probably be OK to taper off the meds with the help of your psychiatrist. Good luck.

No, talk first. Only when it's seriously bad, get on meds. First try to fix your life like
this user
if you still feel like shit, try to check your vitamins for a deficit
check your diet
and love yourself more
if nothing works, then try meds
but meds will make you dependent, or make you feel like shit, which is better than killing yourself, but it's not good either

>How are those anti-depressant prozacs working user
Saved my life probably, but I was a walking zombie the whole time, no emotions at all.
Taper off and you can quit, which my doc told me was impossible.

I'm a counselor, and 99% of the time I can take care of depression without meds. It's worth trying talking therapy first before fucking around with brain chemistry in my opinion. Good luck.

that's fine really, as long as you get off of them and be your own self again. You're doing pretty well for a depressed person.
the time it takes to get off them really doesn't matter, they're drugs meant to change your hormone balance so cold turkey quitting is literally catapulting yourself in another depression
take your time

wow thanks a lot. I will start tonight. I take lexapro 10mg... what i do is switch to liquid lexparo 1mg a drop and do:
10 drops for a month
9 drops for a month
8 drops for a month
etc... i did this last time and had zero withdrawls...i think by the end i was only waitin 2 weeks between dropping.

they helped a little with the despair but not enough, i was still miserable. the main issue i got from them was unconsciously tensing my muscles, specifically my jaw and it was enough to knock my jaw out of alignment in my sleep. it clicks loud when i open my mouth, sometimes strongly enough to make my head feel knocked and momentarily disoriented.
i get migraines and intermittently this feeling i can only describe as an electrical jolt through my eyes and nose, for a period of a few hours i'll feel that jolt when i blink or move my eyes, it can also be disorienting.

I have crippling anxiety which I know sounds faggy as fuck but its true. Also I have 0 motivation to do anything feeling like a zombie seems like a better alternative to this.
I smoked meth when I was a teenager I’m sure my brain chemistry is fucked as it is. Appreciate the response though

jesus that sounds terrible.. has it gotten better?

Only communism can bring hapiness

I don't use prozac

I don' use drugs lel

i destroyed my brain chemistry drinking beer after the first event i described above... in the end id have one beer and it would bring on a panic attack... 6 years later of being sober and if i have any legit amount of alcohol im depressed for a week

because death is happiness

I'd do it with a doctors help, not by yourself, but that's just me. You run the risk of having a pretty bad reaction (think talking to yourself psychosis bad) but if you have done it before you will probably be OK. Good luck man!

Not good man hope you get well, honestly. I also smoked that spice shit and it totally ruined weed for me, if I take one little puff my anxiety goes through the roof and last time I smoked it I felt like I was gonna die. Alcohol is the only thing that makes me feel ok.

Doesn't matter man. Brains heal with time. I've seen people get better after years of everyday Meth use and sleeping twice a month. You are likely not as fucked up as you think. People get better from this. I see it everyday.

Just took 9mg instead of 10 :)

yeh i did it once before after i told the doctor my plan and they said go for it...

they suggested a fuking stupid plan like 3 quarters for a week, half for a week quarter for a week, none...

I had to go slower to get off fucking dizapam

the zapping has lessened but my jaw is still fucked. it's misaligned enough that the hinge on one side sticks out when i open. i couldn't say how common the side effects i've gotten are but i don't think it was worth trying to feel happier through the medication

well drugs are degenerate anyway so no big loss. i genuinely hope you find peace soon user

I’ll take your word for it and go through with the counseling session then and see what they say. Thanks user

True. Havent done anything but drink in awhile. I just wanna be happy and be able to start a family eventually thats all.

thats so fucked up... did they tell you what exactly has happened up there to make your jaw do that?

this user says your brain may heal with time.. so theres that.

Yeah diazapam is a rough one. But seriously talking therapy works. Here's one more piece of advice. If your therapist is a faggot and you hate him fire him and find a new one. There's a lot of good folks out there, but there are some idiots too. Don't let one bad experience (if you have one) ruin it for you.

yeah thats all i want too. i started going to the local baptist church because theyre somewhat trad and have HUNDREADs of young adults.
Finna find me an aryan wifu who wont divorce me this time.

we are made to coexist with wimmin. find a good one and she will heal you.

yeah it was just constant tensing of the muscles, jaw clenching. hope whatever you move ahead with works for you

Good luck man. You'll be OK.

Fuck mate that's a rough go having your first do you like that. You must have been going fucking mental. What was it like?

thanks mate, you too.

It's true.

I went to a therapist a few years ago that recommended I go have bunch of casual sex. Absolutely fucking terrible advice. I'm not considering seeing someone that can prescribe... in intelligent doses.

Might have to start going to church with my sister. I worked at a church for a bit and the atmosphere is really nice.
I genuinely appreciate it user thank you
I’ve had casual sex quite a bit and it just makes me feel worse after.


Yeah some of these therapists are degenerates. Like I said to the other user, don't let one faggot ruin all of them for you. Find one that will work within your values.

do it mate, you'll be right! also I did the casual sex thing.. didnt do a lot for me either

Just started microdosing LSD, 15 min into popping my second 1/9th of a tab. Anybody got any experience with that? First time I did it I felt great but it could also have been placebo.

I was on 3 different sari/snris over the course of two years for “anxiety”

Each time he would prescribe me a new ssri that I had to take for 3 months, and I had to try a minimum of 3 because that is what is required to be considered “non responsive” to the class of drugs

They made me extremely lethargic, lazy and indifferent. I wasn’t extremely sad, but never happy. Getting off the meds is an amazing feeling, you forget what feelings are actually like and I was much happier.

It’s borderline criminal how they overprescribe ssris for things like anxiety before they will give real anxiety medication such as klonopin.

Non ssri only works via being a dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Worked wonders when I started it.

After long-term use?
>coke should just be legal

Suggested resources to find one? I'm in CA... the psychology today website didn't seem all that helpful. The profession is loaded with liberal jews and libs in general.

Im sure I will be I’m still pretty young. Thanks user

And how to cope with clinical depression? It is genetic lack of dopamine, which is critical for any long term behavior.

vitamins and amino acid therapy?

look into the bodies process of producing dopamine and make sure you support it in its entirety.

Psychology today allows you to search by religion I believe. Find a catholic, Mormon or some other kind of traditional Christian and then don't ever bring up religion when you go see them. They won't bring it up on their own (or they shouldn't) and you don't have to deal with degeneracy.

Look up cognitive behavior therapy. It's a proven (30 year track record) drug less way to handle depression.

I mean it's just part and parcel of living in a capitalist society.

use to take them a lot, never felt anything
they said to not go off it suddenly and to ween off it otherwise you get a bunch of side-effects. I went off it cold turkey never felt anything
anybody else experienced this? people always say they make you numb, but it doesn't make me any different and I've been on citalopram and prozac, same nothing.
I also have autism and was told that if would make my autism not as bad, but it didn't work either

Ok, good advice. Thx theranon.

lol same friend. Anxiety and no motivation have ruined the last two years of my life as well.
lol same with weed here

there's a reason they tell you not to do drugs

I have major recurrent depression with psychosis f33.3 from age of 4. Sport, vitamins, running - doesn't work. When cycle come i became vegetable or boiling pot. Happens 2-4 times a year. Every cycle is worse, to the point that by age of 21 i began to expirience memory loss and strong derealization. I ate crippling antipsihotics just to sleep and dont harm myself, and AD are the only thing that can provide short term constructive behavior.

I actually was doing ok for a bit, got a job and was socializing more. Then I met a girl who I really liked and completely opened up to which I’d never done before then she dumped me without reason. Not her fault but that shit definitely didn’t help.

I’m on cymbalta and bupropion and Ive been feeling good.
More importantly I started taking responsibility for my actions and made a significant amount of progress towards a contributing factor of the depression.
I highly recommend not working third shift though if you’re already really depressed, if only physically. Don’t drink or smoke weed at all either or your brain will get fucked. It’s not worth it.

Stories like these is why I get so upset when people blanket medication as evil period.
Im genuinely so sorry to hear that user. I hope you improve with time.

Absolutely this. Depression is normal when you live in bad times. The only way to truly fix is revolting. The kikes don't want that so thats why they love giving anti-depressants to goyim

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ding ding ding ding ding

take one microdose of lsd and make one od paracetamol
make sure you can't know which is which somehow (plastic bag then try to get then mixed up so you don't know which is which) then take one
later take the other
if you feel something with both, it's probably placebo, if you feel nothing with either you know it's placebo all along
if yoi feel something with one and nothing with the other, then it actually works
make sure you don't know which is which, maybe by ingesting it with juice

I currently take 45mg of Mirtazapine. I've been on anti-depressants on and off for 30 years. I don't like taking them but recognise that I'm better on them than off them.

It's the least of my problems to be honest.

i dont take psych meds. i took some placebo worm medicine just a few minutes ago

There is no pill that will fix faggotry. Just stop being a whiny fag.

how do i revolt wise one?

Yeah I never had a problem stopping except for when I was just starting, if I missed a dose I knew it. But after a while I'd miss doses and not notice so I just stopped taking them

so you can do it user, that's good to know, right?
and one bad apple doesn't ruin the rest

You sound like you might have bipolar, but that's just a guess. When was the last time you had an assessment? In any case research says best prognosis is for a combination of medication and talking therapy. If you are having psychosis/derealization you might need to take something long term. Good advice, make sure your prescription is coming from a psychiatrist and not a general practicioner and get it checked at least every three months. Find a talking therapist too. It can help.

Literally just rebelling against the status quo. Be a neet, be an anti-semite, be a pagan living in a faraway ethnic commune, be a politician who can't be bought, be a alt-right financier, be an anti-war soldier etc etc.
Be the things the (((establishment))) doesn't want you to be. If enough people did this the whole kike system would collapse.

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>if I missed a dose I knew it.
how did you know though? everything the drug does sounds so vague to me

Glow harder

Actually yeah, kind of her fault. The no reason part is bullshit. Also, the older I get the waaaay more conservative I get in intimate relationships. At this point I'm basically about ready to wait till marriage before anything serious phsycally or even emotionally.

Actually i am sort of social darwinist, because i know a lot of such people and their condition, It not worth living and is barely treatable, and if treatable it costs more than heart transplantation. And anyway those people cant be productive by modern day standards. What really scares is quantity of such people - in some region it is every third. This alone can destroy any society. Only hope is advanced genetic treatment and eugenics.

I was horribly depressed from as far back as I can remember to about the age of 26-27 and it all just sort if went away one day. I generally feel happy but still have such a shitty, bleak outlook on life. It's weird, I guess I came to terms with everything being dull and meaningless.

The thing that still erks me is how fucking boring everything is. I am forever bored. I get brief respite from the eternal boredom whenever I game out but even that is dull and pointless now. Movies are a near joyless experiance, same for spending time with people. I might find a good book but for the most part sleeping is where it's at, nothing beats an epic slumber.

Meds never helped, nor did exercise or eating proper. I tried my damndest to force my self to genuinely be happy but just couldn't manage. Like I said though, the overpowering urge to kill myself and the near inability to get out if bed just sort of fucked off one day.

Thanks for the good vent.

The job I had my brother in law worked too so it made it way easier. I started a new job doing production at foster farms and felt so fucking secluded and depressed I quit that night. I know I can do it I just need a little help.

you sound depressed

She had a “reason” but it was stupid as fuck. But yeah from now on I’m not dropping my guard like that ever again. I actually liked this other girl kinda but she let me fuck her the 3rd time hanging out so thats a no from me.

>You sound like you might have bipolar
I have, but manias are only drug inducted. It is combination of bipolar type 2/mixed and borderline personality disorder which is most likely variation or extension to bipolar disorder (cause cognitive behavior therapy is a hoax and BDP is proven organic). Pills dont really work the most pragmatic way, they may cut some suffering, but they make you even more unproductive, you sedate yourself to not feel shit.

I'm hoping it's just after affects of being so down my whole life. I'm always cracking jokes with my coworkers and friends, if I'm not avoiding them. Idk, I think I might have hardwired in a really terrible outlook on life but I guess only time will tell. To be fair I'm just about to turn 30 so it's not like I've been walking on sunshine for too terribly long in comparison.

Are you all normies? I take medication and it just makes me feel a bit more normal, none of this "numb" shit. I imagine that's how a normie would feel though, but if you have a real disorder they're like aspirin.

>normie that doesn't know it's a normie

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Antidepressants are fine and they have helped a lot of people,don't listen to people that lack the knowledge required to have an opinion,you can't fix the world if you don't fix yourself.

Roughly the same. It's all bullshit and we're trying to find things to occupy our time.

Being outside and in nature helps, we weren't made to spend our lives so close to one another/in areas without nature.