Thanks to the constant shilling of anti-Christianity on here I am having a crisis of faith. I would like to study the perennial phenomenon of the old indo-european cultures as well as criticisms of Christianity. It's important to challenge your worldview regularly.
I would like to know for some one who has never read Neetzche and Evola... what are the first two books of each should I read? Thanks lads.
real posts only please. id rather be a pagan than a faggot athiest.
Jaxson Thomas
thank you sir... I knew mutt anglos wouldnt sort me out.
Jose Diaz
ahem these are trash listen to the history of rome by mike diuncan and he will get to sol invictus our world tells a story every year of the unconquered son, and finally that son showed up its jesus
Zachary James
>these are trash lyes I suppose cutting off young boys testicles, crusaders raping & pillaging european cities among other shitty things that are conveniently forgotten about would be considered trash by a christkike in denial.
Julian Davis
I wouldn't say that Nietzche is pagan and I don't think he overcame nihilism either, but it would make sense to read his criticisms of christianity, so read the antichirst
Brody Reyes
Kys jidf
>Sam Harris stop shilling this e-celeb as some sort of great thinker you insufferable fucking kikes.