Honestly, how does pol respond to this?

honestly, how does pol respond to this?

if black people are a lesser race then how come black men can be so successful and attractive to women with their handsome and strong bodies, whilst most white men look like acne ridden fat pigs?

Attached: pol destroyed.jpg (800x752, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>to women
you mean to the irrelevant people?

Looks like slander to me.

The guy on the right believes he is a DJ who has had success as an actor, the guy on the left has been involved in finance, film-making, media, and of course politics.
Stop retatding.

Attached: IMG_1208.jpg (773x935, 47K)

Just as a reminder, he's right.

Cool libel but do you have citations?

Attached: William Cromwell - whites unite.jpg (900x600, 407K)

stay mad

Attached: mad.png (639x615, 260K)

wh*Toids are disgusting, cant wait for them to go extinct

Honestly there are better looking black dudes than him desu