Sat in my house basically just browsing the computer for close to a decade

>sat in my house basically just browsing the computer for close to a decade
>no friends
>no interests except vidya and anime which I don't even enjoy that much anymore either
>never felt a drive to socialize
>never felt a drive for anything in life
>anxiety got so bad I have depersonalization
>makes life feel meaningless and empty, the "magic" of life is not there
>completely wasted my teens living this way

Do you think I should kill myself? I'm just a lifeless husk who already lost most of his youth and is going nowhere.

Missed out on so much, wasted so much and the worst thing is I feel nothing. My life is already over and it never even began.

Attached: dfg.jpg (480x480, 30K)

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No point living in the past, user.

There is only the now, the then is gone and nothing you can do can change it. Ruminating about it and feeling sorry for yourself is unproductive and will only lead you to the supreme selfish act: suicide.

Be thankful that instead of being born in a third world country where every day you would have had to struggle to survive, not knowing if you were going to have a roof over your head or were you were going to have your next meal, you were able to spend your life in comfort.

Realize the gift you have received, that you have realized you are living an unpurposed life.

Get outside, volunteer, do something to help someone else. It will give you a sense of accomplishment, and a sense that you are doing something positive in the world.

Those in this life that feel without purpose are often those that do nothing but think of themselves; if you feel without purpose, lend a helping hand to your fellow man.

This is also a great way to meet people and socialize, and get a new perspective on life

Give me your discord op. We can talk it out.

Do whatever the fuck you wanna do. If you wanna kill yourself, do it. You wanna live? Live but live better than you are now cause you're not living

You posted two threads about the same shit. I'm 34 and have a menial job, never had a gf. Worse than you have it.

nigga just go out lol

I'm not OP, but I just wanted to say how solid this advice is. I'm in a pretty similar situation to OP, and it wasn't until I recently read the autobiography of someone who faced years of horrendous abuse as a child that I realized just how much of a blessing my seemingly dull life was. I'd never even considered the kind of challenges others face, let alone the most vulnerable of them. When I realized how much impact a bit of good could have in the life of somebody like that, I resolved to start bettering myself (getting into shape, working on confidence, getting out more, etc) so that I could, in turn, try to be there for people who truly need it. I've only been at it for about a week so far, but already I feel so much better about myself, and that I have some kind of purpose to work towards now. It feels nice, like my life is finally on track to somewhere, and has some purpose.

>I've only been at it for about a week so far

I know, I know. But after years of doing literally nothing (just working from home and playing vidya), it feels like I'm really turning a new page. I can't remember the last time I felt so generally happy and optimistic about life. I actually look forward to getting up and out of bed, and out of the house. It's amazing what a bit of motivation can do for you, really.

where do you go out?

Nowhere fancy. I've just been getting out for a walk or two a day, whether it's just around the block, at the dikes, one of the nearby parks, etc. Once I've got some stamina, I'm going to start exploring more things like hiking and swimming, maybe going to a gym.
It's just refreshing to be outside and feeling alive again.

Keep it up user, all the best, stay strong

Please do not kill yourself, have hope.

>Be thankful that instead of being born in a third world country where every day you would have had to struggle to survive, not knowing if you were going to have a roof over your head or were you were going to have your next meal, you were able to spend your life in comfort
I would prefer this over my life now in the first world desu

If you've never experienced abject poverty, I really doubt you would. You shouldn't take things like that for granted.

>Be happy you're not a starving african child
Really nigga? You can apply that to almost anything.

Yeah, so it means stop being a sad sack of shit and do something because you arent a starving african child. Youre a first world man. Get out there and do something.

Have you lived that life? If not, then shut your fucking mouth.


I am in the same situation. I don't go out anymore. I work and stay at home with my dog. There are many days I think I fi I didn't have my dog I would be dead, I have no social skills.

I am going to see a counseler. There is a reason we are in this rut. It's time to talk to someone. You should too. If you want to kill yourself well at least wait until you have exhausted ALL of the other options. If you want my opinion on it. You shouldn't. You are a miracle and somewhere out there there is someone who is just like you about to go out for the first time in a long time just like you are and they are going to meet you. Everything will change soon. Don't resist it.

We are here. Let's ride it out.

you still have the drive for things in life. It's impossible to feel like your time has been wasted unless you have a deep desire for different, better things.

You know what you want deep down user. You know what the good things in life are. Take some time to really figure out what you want to take from life. It will be agonizing, feeling powerless to obtain those things. But they're worth moving towards, and will be worth so much more to you once you've attained them

Same situation. Talking to friends and doing stuff with them makes me feel happy, but it's the only thing that does it for me.

Whenever they're gone I feel extreme depression and am back to square one. I still have work to do, but that might be where you want to start off first.