No one that has wasted their life until 25 go on to achieve their dreams

No one that has wasted their life until 25 go on to achieve their dreams

Prove me wrong


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I wasted my life until 25 and Im graduating next week from college as a chemist, which was my dream all along. Im 28.
Also have a gf who wants to have kids with me.

You made this thread to hear what you wanted to hear. Which is that it's too late, you should give up.

It's too late, you should give up. There, now buzz off.

dreams change, reality sets in, and sometimes to get those dreams you have forsake your soul to get there. Then there is the dream it self, its colorful magical, then you have vicious underbelly that comes with thay dream and turns into a nightmare. Thats how I feel better about it.

I explicitly asked for the opposite

Ang Lee was an unemployed, stay at home dad up until his mid thirties when he finally became a filmmaker.
This guy was 26 when he started to get his shit together

I feel like crap because I had a chance to start therapy and shit about a year ago but insteas startin to work on my issues I decided to lay around and do the same old shit. Now im hitting 26 and the Reality is startin to lurk im. Im petrified. Did I ruin my last chance to get my life together? I believe not. I may have hindered the potential outcome but I think life will carry me out of this dark place if Im just willing to do the work. I had a chance to go smoothly but I decided to fucking slack off and go the hard way. Pray for me, because this is going to be rough ride but I will find balance in the end.

I was reading a book about a writer who spent his 20s partying and socializing, he wrote a poorly received novel and that was about it. Then he went on to write a highly successful book series when he was much older by incorporating all the characters he met while wasting his youth.

David Goggins is another example. Was a fat security guard in his early 20s, whet on to become a navy seals and motivational speaker.

That doesn’t mean you can’t be the first.

I wasted my life until 28, and now on my way to do better than ever. It gets better user..

I am a 27yo NEET with no degree and no job. What to do?


Get a job and learn a trade
College is a meme unless it's trade school

Stay out of debt and youll be fine. Alot of people your age have negative money and can't start a family because of the debt
Having nothing > being in debt. Avoid it at all costs

I wasted my life until 30. I’m now 35 and i own a house, a car and some land. No debt. I don’t have education, i didn’t inherit anything. I just got a job and managed my finances and now im on passive income and just enjoy life.

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Were you flat broke when you were 30? How much income got you to where you are now?

Hahahah, this fucking thread.
>be me
>finish law school at 24
>finish specialization at 27
>finish internships at 28
>open up company at 29
>live in luxury at 31
I don't worry about bills, food, repairs, etc. I have a nice car, nice house, nice dogs.
If I want to go out and eat fancy shit, I can and not feel like I wasted money.
Same with clothes and other trivial matters.

Work smart, work hard. Don't be a dumbass.

>finish law school at 24

So, this thread's challenge doesn't apply to you.

>No one that has wasted their life until 25 go on to achieve their dreams
Larry David started working on Seinfeld at age 42, before which he was a limousine driver and had minimal wage jobs.

I'm 34 and have a menial job and no friends, never had a gf. Constantly get rejected by women for my job, for having no friends etc. Everything feels too late for me. I hate my parents for putting me into this world.

>women reject you for you having no friends
Wait, what? Why does that shit even matter to them?

Lad, you're fucking retarded.
A barebones law degree means fuck all. You can't even imagine how many people with a master's degree in law are performing wagecuck jobs.
If I hadn't done my specialization and internships, I'd be sweating bullets in a corporation while some fatass in a suit is breathing down my neck.

Don't fucking tell me what does or doesn't apply to me if you have zero knowledge on the matter.
I didn't spend 10 years educating myself just so a simpleton could make a stupid comment.

Are you saying your law school was a waste of your life up until age 24? This is the only way to be consistent with OP.
Stop trying to be intimidating, you sound fake.

Look, here's how it spreads out.
Going to law school in itself is a big risk. Studies are a piece of shit to get through. Your education is almost useless. The market is saturated. Lawyers have offices on every street in bigger cities, some building are completely taken over by different companies. The competition is rough, the union is ridiculous.
If I was American, I wouldn't even go to law school. But since university here in Europe is free, I rolled the dice.

Yes - law school is a waste of time. If your plan is "I guess I'll just get a degree", then better turn around and take up something else.
If you lack determination, the competition will eat you alive.

Again - unless you went through law school, a specialization and the necessary internships - you should shut the fuck up, because you know nothing.

the mark cuban one is hilarious
"until 25, bartender (at his own bar)"

but seriously OP, life is what you make it. If you feel like you've ran out of time at 25, you've got another 45-75 years to do nothing then.

Are you able to get a specialization without going through law school?

Not in my country. There are some exceptions, but they're usually about transferring from one specialization to another.
A master's degree is required for you to start one at all.
THE CATCH, however, is that you can decide NOT to go through a specialization. If you start an internship or a job in a private/public law company and work there enough years, you don't have to take up a specialization - you only need to pass a profession exam and you're good to go.
However, that's like shooting yourself in the foot, because you don't get the essential practice, inside knowledge, and so on.

Then you didn't waste your life until 25. The law school was a necessary step.

Oh, so you're just stupid, after all.

Face it, you're just butthurt that I dared to question you even though I'm "beneath" you. It didn't even matter that I was right about it. You had to mince it into the practical value of your education and ignore the utter necessity of the outcome - your degree, like I was going to fall for that sort of mental gymnastic.

No, because then you could say that anyone that became mildly successful in their 30's had to take "necessary steps" and that they weren't wasted time.
C'mon, don't be a retard. Most university education is garbage, and the whole system needs an overhaul to even make me reconsider.
Practical knowledge? Yeah right, ask the lawyer making my fries at the local McD's.
Just because the system is rigged, doesn't mean that time wasn't wasted. I could've gotten a degree in something else and start my own business before 25.

This is true if you just wanted to operate your own business. I had the impression you wanted to specifically practice law. Either way, you're a fucking sperg, you know that?

Yep at 25 I married. Now I’m 32 with wife and kids, dreams do come true.

>Not all who wander are lost
I hope for my own sake

I plan on getting my shit together, joining the video game industry and becoming a star vidya game designer, which I think is very possible. I'm in school if anyone is wondering.

The ONLY thing up in the air is my love/sex life. I genuinely feel like I'll never find anyone. I'm 26 btw. It's such an uphill road to climb.

I started college at 23, I'll be 28 when I graduate then I'm off to grad school for another likely 5 years.
I won't have my first "adult job" until I'm in mid 30s.
I have no doubt I'll make it. You can do it user.