ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to give honest answers, don't answer question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Is it too late to start dating?
As Jordan Peterson says, what's the alternative? Just not to date and wait for death?

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Other urls found in this thread:

>As Jordan Peterson says, what's the alternative? Just not to date and wait for death?
that's what I'm seriously considering

The worst feeling I've ever had was when the girl I liked kissed but but was disappointed because I "didn't kiss her back" even though I thought I did


Didn't get a response last thread, trying again:

>this guy I regularly meet is going crazy over me for some reason
>I'm basically just a "whatever" type of person, because I'm in a shitty situation
>cancer, constant hospital visits, not exactly a good prognosis so far, and my family wont talk to me "because it hurts them too much" so I'm not exactly talkative or in a good mood, ever.
>Apparently my demeanor is "cute" to him
>he refuses to leave me alone
What hurts is that... he is a good guy. I'm tried
>I'm really not interested
>go away, please
>I'm gay
Nothing works, because he (accurately) can tell I dont mind his presence, but it's getting hard to think of what to say to turn him away at this point. I dont want to destroy that cheery happy guy here, but o feel like I will whether I brutally turn him down, or just relent and go out with him. Chances so far looks to be that I have a few years, probably between 5-8 (aggressive form of leukaemia they dont expect to be able to treat, merely slow down), and I really dont want to drag him into that. I somehow doubt he would believe me if I told him this.

What do? What's the most effective way to make a guy lose interest without burning him in the process? Or would a guy actually be fine with dicking a girl for a couple of years before she dies off automatically?

>Or would a guy actually be fine with dicking a girl for a couple of years before she dies off automatically?
while I wouldn't want the girl I was happy with to die I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to be with her either.

She didn't use tongue either

Then it's barely kissing desu

what are some redflags for you guys/girls?

I guess that's a fair point, I just cant really imagine it being mentally healthy for someone to have to watch someone slowly die. My own family can't watch, so I find it kind of hard to imagine someone else could, unless they are sociopaths.

cheating and that's it imo

Let's try again

Meeting a match again on saturday, last time we went out my friend said I was good but not flirty enough.

Now, how do I be flirty, what about hand holding? Do I kiss after? My mind's overloading, I've never done this before.

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Well we were 13


>violent against someone else
>speaks ill of their family
>constant trashy behaviour

I opened my tinder app after months of leaving it alone and uninstalling it, just to find that some girl matched with me and gave me her Snapchat

I added her, asked her out, but she's already in a relationship to agreed to stay as "friends". I kind of like the odds of us getting together if it doesn't work out with her current boyfriend, but she keeps asking me for face pics and I'm not sure I should give her any. Should I send her face pics? idk why she wants face pics so bad desu. My gut tells me it's not just because she wants to know what I look like

To be exact she said
"fax what u look like tho"
*Send face pic with eyes covered by text*
*"Can you send it not w words lol"

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History of cheating (of any kind, even fishing for a new relationship prior to a dumping the old one), long list of partners (10+ in general), 1 night stands of any kind, a history of violence, negging of any kind.

I can accept a lot of shit, but none of that is at all acceptable behavior, especially if it is during the initial dating steps.

Asking again

How to act if the girl I’m dating suddenly acts cold and bitchy? We were texting after a date last week and she was sweet and nice, texted me, everything good basically. Then she doesn’t text me for 6 days which was weird enough. I couldn’t text her because my phone broke and I texted her the day after I got a new one. Suddenly she took like hours to respond and acted weird and bitchy. We agreed to go out on Sunday but she left me on read in the middle of the conversation last night.

What the fuck? Is she mad I didn’t text her? She doesn’t know I had no phone for a few days. Has she met someone else? What do I do now? I won’t blow up her phone but I don’t think some dumb ass game where both act cold is something I want either.

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Can't imagine wanting to get a relationships with a guy who was dying, but I dont have any good advice to shut him down for you, not this late, especially if you are that bad at lying that he easily sees through it. Honestly just be blunt and say you are literally dying, and can't muster the strength to date nor continue this flirting with him. If he is fine, just enjoy the time with him, a lot of guys would probably be happy to know you will die in a few years. Gives them a chance to get another girl later, and a good sob story that guys seem to love to collect for their shitty flirting attempts.

I'm a girl though, so take this with a grain of salt.

Sounds like she is fishing for it for malicious purposes, to be honest. I'd be very careful if I were you.

Same. She's cute, and tempting, but I'd rather not get sacked because my dumb ass blindly did what she asked for

You seem to think very poorly of men with the end of that paragraph.
Makes me wonder why you would even visit this thread or care what any man thinks

24. No idea what he is, assuming a few years older based on looks, but idk

I guess just being open about it might help, could be he just knows when I'm lying, and well... I would not be lying about this.

I'm not so sure your view on men is entirely correct, but I'd be pretty happy if he though this way, he just kinda doesn't feel like the type. He kinda... how to put it. He looks like a dad, despite not having kids or ever having been married, if that makes sense.

Wouldn't want to be overly cautious, but it just seems a bit sketchy from your description of things. Doesn't hurt to be careful when it is basically a stranger asking for it.

I'm bad at understanding men, but I've seen enough of them cheat and have their "midlife crisis" where they either dump their girlfriend/wife, or just break the relationship apart until their girl wants to end it herself. It seems like a sad pattern to me.

I'm here trying to get some better understanding of how my target demographic think, so I can hopefully avoid ending up with a guy like that.

>long list of partners (10+ in general)
Isn't that a pretty low number tho? Many girls i know had like dozens, maybe over a hundred, without being official whores.
Also if she had a few ons but only a couple serious long relationship, isn't it better? It means she can dedicate to something long term.
Just asking out of curiosity.

>a lot of guys would probably be happy to know you will die in a few years
wew lass

>He looks like a dad
Pic? Lol

But fair enough, I guess it might be best to be very honest. Maybe you should just consider if you would be alright with a relationship with him, and just go with the flow, and trust him to make the right decision for himself. If he can't, that's kinda on him, you already tried to shut him down and and given him the truth, you can't really take more responsibility than that.

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Maybe she quit supporting him or never physical except on birthdays, or got turbo fat (that would be like the guy quitting his job and expecting things to be fine)
Even if not, don't pretend that's male exclusive.
I find when both parties are still making an effort, there's always a chance to keep it working

>forgot to state my gender
Sorry, I'm a girl. It slipped my mind when writing it out.

>Many girls i know had like dozens, maybe over a hundred, without being official whores.
Sorry, if you have had over a 100 partners, you are a certified whore, regardless of your gender, reason, or any circumstances that isn't "unwillingly raped countless times"

I think she said that because this thread was intended to be questions for the opposite sex.

If you like having him around then don't chase him away. It's sad that your family is distant, but that's their problem. Focus on yourself and who you like to be around.

Some people say its low, some say its high. I'd say 20+ is pretty high especially considering we're probably talking about people in their twenties.

I understand your pov. It's just that those aren't your standard disco whore that gets rekt on free drinks and fucks anyone that hits on them. They are basically always sober and are pretty selective, but everytime i met them they are going out with someone new and they always somehow end it before i met them again. They aren't bad or anything but you can hear from how they talk that they got messed up by the abundance of options they had.
It seems like some get broken by this behaviour while some doesn't. My brother is chaddish and had a real lot of girls but he always preserved a mental stability and now is in a long relationship that works fine. A friend of him that basically did the same conquer game during their younger years got obsessed by it and can't stop searching for more girls and getting bored fast by them once the "freshness" of it runs off. They are getting close to 40 now.
Dunno, i hear about people in holidays having ons every day with someone different. Normal people too, not necessary party obsessed ones. I was always cut out of that world so i don't really know.

>Dunno, i hear about people in holidays having ons every day with someone different.
Might be location dependent too but I've always considered that just the usual male bragging/exaggeration.

This sounds extremely alien to me, sorry. I can't see myself trusting a guy like that to be stable "till death do us part".

>I think she said that because this thread was intended to be questions for the opposite sex.
You miss the entire point of my question then.
If she really thinks most men would prefer their partner die early and with pain so they can get a new one, then why would she be able to muster a single fuck about any man's opinion?

Are you familiar with the phrase "know thy enemy"

Ha, close. Maybe a bit more chubby.

I'll be honest, I wouldn't mind a relationship, would be nice to have the chance to feel like I haven't just wasted my time, I just dont want to make someone miserable because of my selfishness.

I am mostly worried I'll irrevocably hurt someone who didn't deserve it.

No problem. Obviously i can't see the future so i don't know if it will work forever.
But i'm also not so sure if someone that had little to no relationship is that reliable. If it was simply because he/she was unfuckable cheating might happen in a flash the moment there is the chance. Only know one girl that married the first guy she dated, and she cheated on him simply out of curiosity about how someone else('s dick) would feel.
Might be but multiple people there confirmed. Also it wasn't the standard for all of them.

Whatever, don't fucking answer then.

Again, if you really view men as an enemy, why even give a fuck about them? Better to just Munch clam, or start investing in cats.

Now, I'm not her and I'm just spitballing here as a hypothetical super radfem. But just because you don't give a fuck about men doesn't mean they won't give a fuck about you. It pays to know how men tick if you want to stay safe.

Maybe. I guess I just see it as compulsive liar syndrome to say "I will love you through all ups and downs till the day we die!" But then say "oh shit you got fat, I'm out!".

Not saying this is exclusive to guys, but a married women with children will pretty much never leave a guy. Guys are much less likely to want children in the first place, and are more prone to avoid the talk of marriage, to not "commit too much".

Because I want to know how to avoid this outcome, as I wrote earlier. And I'm not sick with a terminal illness, so I wont actually die, and I want to get some insight in how to behave to get a guy, and actually keep him happy enough to not want to leave because "it got old" like Is talking about

If I spoke the same way about poc as you do about men you'd label me a bigot, not a radwhite

Just so you know, his "it got old" mode starts about 6 months in, and terminal illness wouldn't make a difference.
Anyway it probably depends on his human attitude. Some are scared shitless by death, some accept that they might die anytime. The latter would probably have no troubles dating you. Personally i wouldn't care, at least. Retirement is more of a nightmare for me than a dream.

>go on date with seemingly normal dude
>during date, he reveals he's not normal, keeps trying to invade my space, talk over me, argue with me when it's not a debate
>I don't like that, I don't want to see him again
>tell him I'm not interested in him and don't want a second date
>he asks why

If I ignore him, he'll harass me non-stop demanding an explanation. If I give him an explanation, he won't accept it and he will try to argue with me how I should give him another chance because I'm wrong in feeling bad about him, which frankly convinces me my instincts are right about me and it just makes me hate him and not want him even more. I don't want a man who doesn't respect me. I also don't want to be harassed by this creep. How do I get rid of him for good?

She might be cheating or thinking of breaking up.

Tell him you have aids or get some friend to beat him up. The sooner the better, because you will end up doing that anyway after years of being miserable trying to get him out of your life.
(why people like that get a date and i can't, sigh)

And radfems are labeled bigots by a big chunk of the LGBT community, what's your point?

Getting fat is a legit deal breaker same as if he quit working and helping around the house.

>I'll be honest, I wouldn't mind a relationship, would be nice to have the chance to feel like I haven't just wasted my time
Seriously, if he is still fine after knowing the truth (and dont let him answer right away, give him a week to mull on it), then I'm pretty sure he would be happy to be the one you used to experience everything you wanted to, before you passed away. If nothing else, I doubt he'll care much when "dicking you" down.

That you shouldn't hate people for their skin color or sex, and to assume all of a group is violent or liars because of it is bad, except redguars because 13/50

Like I said I'm devil's-advocating as a radfem best as I can. Not all men are murderers and rapists, obviously, it just so happens that the vast vast majority of murderers and rapists are men. I don't need to hate them, but avoiding them seems to be a smart move.

same for poc then yea?
PS I wouldn't think you ever have to interact with a man ever outside your job if you choose not to
Am I right to pin you as lez then?

Absolutely. I interact with the negroes much less than with normal men really.
Totes gay yes.

For girls

I know personality goes with looks when talking about attractiveness. I think my looks are an issue because history keeps repeating itself with the rejection I get. Why doesn’t anyone ever find me attractive? I’m only going to look worse with age... shouldn’t some people be attracted to me by now, given that I’m late 20s already?

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I don't want to spread lies that might come bite back at me later and I want to stay clear with the law.

>why people like that get a date

It was just sitting at a cafe for 30 minutes top in broad daylight surrounded by a crowd of people, don't think it was anything special. No touching or kissing at all, he tried but I dodged him. My creep alarm started blaring in that moment but men call you a bitch if you leave them right there and then so I decided to be polite and listen to him from a safe distance. When he tried to get in my space again I shoved him away and decided fuck what men think, being a bitch is better for me so fuck him, I very loudly told him I'm going home now and threatened to call the police if he tried to stop me or follow me in any way. Everyone looked at him. I took advantage of the moment and left. I don't think that's the kind of date you want to get.


Your views now strike me as internally congruent thank you for helping me to understand (not that my judgement matters a tiny iota but my OCD would have had me trying to understand this forever)

>I don't think that's the kind of date you want to get.
Obviously, but not even getting the chance is annoying. Asked 3 girls out in total, all said no. It's not like i took a test and didn't pass, acceptable, i didn't even meet the necessary standards to take the damn test.
And i didn't ask out some random i just knew, took care in being sure at least they knew me for a bit and see that we could hit it off decently. Oh well.
>I don't want to spread lies that might come bite back at me later and I want to stay clear with the law.
If he doesn't fuck off, report him or something then. That seems the only clean way, even if annoying.

I'm the girl you originally started this chain of posts with, and really, i am far less comfortable around girls. I do like guys, I am just careful with what I give them, because unfortunately, most simply aren't careful enough to not accidentally break it because they think something is "fine" to do, or that they assume they can get away with it no harm done.

And I love dick, I'd hate to be with a girl and never have the chance to get proper sex with the rush of getting creampied. Girls would never do it for me, ever.

You can think you know someone over text and then find out they're a completely different person in reality. I also spoke extensively over text with the creep, didn't mean he wasn't deceiving me.
Those 3 girls are likely wiser than I and would rather spare themselves the danger and problems I encountered being stupid and naive enough to respond. I should be more like them.

>If he doesn't fuck off, report him or something
I wish I could get a restraining order already, but there's not enough material to go on at the moment. I'll collect enough evidence and then get one on him.

How do I make girls pay attention to me?

Girls always overlook me for other guys... My friends are always getting the girls when we go out, while I am alone.

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Since you’re a girl...
Can you please answer my question? I’m a virgin and it’s driving me crazy as time
Goes on Same dude. I even have a social life and stuff, but girls always ignore me and obviously go nuts over my friends. It’s so crushing to my self love

Why don’t you ask your friends for help. You don’t need us.

Brendan meme is dead, try something new

We knew each others in person.

Yea sorry got a bit distracted by my OCD, if you really want to look at finding and keeping a man, find a communicative one.
Marriage researcher John gottman (gottwalt?) Found the man shutting down/out was the strongest indicator of divorce.
Funnily enough, these non communicatung men are what women seem most attracted to

Then accept they don't want you and move on.

My friends don't know what's wrong. They told me I should be able to get a girl easily... But no girls pay attention to me.

Some of my friends don't even believe me when I tell them I'm a kissless virgin. They think I'm memeing.

How can you have friends not knowing this? You dont have friends... sorry. You have a group of people letting you hangout with them. Its a big difference.

It’s not a meme.... I keep asking because what else am I supposed to do, fucking ask random women on the street if I look good enough? No that’s weird. I have ocd and am obsessed with the unnatural incapability to attract the opposite sex. This isn’t a problem with other guys around me. I need to know what’s wrong, even if it means asking on here a thousand times I won’t stop until somebody seriously addresses my concern. This is what the thread is for. I feel the need to ask the opposite sex this type of question.

We‘re not even a couple. But yeah probably still applies

Im The one everyone has always been ignoring... I have friends too but I’m too afraid to ask them. It shows how weak I am and it’s weird to ask my friends why girls don’t like me.... I feel more comfortable asking here.

Any tips how to stop women calling the cops or their husbands/boyfriends when ever you sit on a bench returning to your flat ?

Other women, is it possible that birth control pills might start having side effects after like, one year?

I've been taking them for a year and a half now and didn't have any problems, no mood swings, headaches, low libido etc. However in the past 2 months I've been really irritated for no reason, I get angry at the most insignificant stuff and I don't understand why. Might it be the BC pills or should I look somewhere else? Since they didn't give me any problems in the first year and a half.

Beat up all of them then sit back on the bench. Why do they do that? Think you are some sort of creep stalker pedo?

You give off creep vibes, you unconsciously display behavior most women don't like, women are happier without men and don't want to make their life worse.

>How can you have friends not knowing this?

Because I lie and do everything possible to make sure people don't know that I'm a kissless virgin. Also I have sort of kissed some girls at parties and clubs while very drunk so it is plausible to people that I might not be a kissless virgin, even though I am secretly.

No, I rarely go out of the flat, but at least every 3 months, I have to go to the docter to get my prescriptions. No idea if I look like a pedo, haven't met one, but women do seem to percive me either as a threat or at least don't want me around. I am not going to beat up anyone, I have problems with walking, heck standing is a problem, that is why I need to sit on the benchs. my parents flat is on the 5th floor and we have no elevator, so it is very hard for me to go back home, specialy now durning summer.

I don't know maybe it is the smell. I lost the sense of smell a long time ago, but I have open wounds on my legs, and I don't think they smell nice, and I can't cover them or spray them with a deo, because it feels like being burned.

Are you black and you live in an area with lots of white people?If so, film a confrontation while remaining calm and explaining your reasons. Expose their racism.

Fake it to you make it is clearly bot working for you. Try a more honest approach

Are you white and you live in an area with lots of black people?If so, film a confrontation while remaining calm and explaining your reasons. Expose their racism.

It's not very likely.
Talk to your doctor tho.

I am trying and I've been slowly admitting to some of my closest friends about my kissless virgin status, but it's very hard for me. I struggle to get the words out of my mouth.

In fact I still can't openly admit to actually being a kissless virgin.

Sometimes people ask me "so user who are you dating right now" as if they expect me to say a name, and I have to respond "oh, no, nobody, I'm not good with girls..." and people respond with confusion. I dont understand...

No I am white, there are almost no non white people in my country. Minorities make up less then 1% of population here.

The problem is that here there is no confrontation, they call the police, the police takes me to their car in handcuffs (because they have to, it happened so many times, they know who I am. I lived her for over 19 years now), check my ID, then they let me rest a bit in the care because walking from the bench to the street where their car stands, is very hard for me. And then they let me go back, and I have to walk cross all the women looking at me as if I just bribed the police.

You have to embrace it and be more chill about it. If you’re cool about your situation, so will others. Girls included. There isn’t really a one fix magical way to get a girl. But being a closet virgin and anxious about it will definitely not help.

When you reach 37-38 they stop asking. At least that is how it was for me. They stop also with questions like where does he work, what is he doing, does he have kids etc

I don’t believe you. Be honest, this bench is in front of a kindergarten.

Dude the reality is women are extremely shallow and you’re probably just ugly :(

Women are simple, there’s like 3 types of women. They care about looks and status. And confidence (if you aren’t ugly)

Confrontation can end very badly for a woman, of course they want to avoid you. You might want to explain why your reasons for needing the bench because you are doing nothing to improve your image in their eyes.

To women of a certain age: do you actually feel the wall approaching? Is the "ready to settle down" thing a meme?

Any wisdom you would give to yourself at 32?

The wall itself is a meme bud

What exactly is wrong with women wanting a man they are attracted to? Why do you think that entitled you to call them shallow? You would not accept a woman you are not attracted to yourself, hypocrite.

There is undeniably a moment in life when the statistical majority of women can't be pretty without putting in much more effort compared to before that moment.


what does an "unapproachable" woman look like to you? personality or looks-wise?

There is undeniably a moment in life when the statistical majority of women doesn't give a fuck about being pretty for males and just live their life happy without men.

Really, a moment? One second they're extremely desirable and the next, ugly old hags? Dang.

The apartament is horse shoe shaped I live under number 23, the benchs are in the middle, there is no kindergarden in the complex, but there is a sand pit and some swings near the benchs. But when I come home, it is before noon to avoid the heat, so most kids are at school. Only kids that are there are small ones.

>this is what 30 something thots tell themselves

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