He's fucking right

He's fucking right.

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He isnt though, we spent way more money on 3rd world countries and it did nothing, africa has china now.

no shit. NB no one will fix it for free. and this person posted this on facebook.

Which particular world issues could be fixed with 600 millions?

acting as if donating to notre dame is in any way affecting the way billionaires donate otherwise. which they do, annually and generously. get the fuck outta here with this bullshit. sage.

Deez nuts

It doesn't matter how much money you throw at them. They'll still murder and rape and steal only they'll be doing it in nicer shoes and live streaming it with the latest iPhone.

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they'll all claim the donations back on their tax, so it is actually Joe citizen who will pay. donations are a way for rich people to look good while funneling money into various globalist organizations that ends up being paid for in the tax collected by the government: majority from normal people since the rich and their corporations don't pay tax... it's just another scam

Normies also love to interject with random nations they deem to be shitholes when confronted with this question
>what about Haiti?
In 2010 the Palais National in Port au Prince was destroyed by an Earthquake and the French Government offered to pay for the entire cost of reconstruction. It was the largest national monument in Haiti. It hasn't been reconstituted because corruption was so fucking bad and the public eye so intense that no government has still taken the French up on their offer.

what a cunt lmao, if world problems could be instantly solved with a few million cash injection it would have been solved 50 years ago.