Jesus didn't care about stained glass

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I'm not giving my money to some inside out nigger.


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They think 'turn the other cheek' means spread your ass for the shitskins

A little late, there is 800 million already donated.

Hello fellow white people.

That haircut leads me to believe perhaps she is not being genuine.

Helping population explosion is probably not what Jesus wanted. The world has changed much and helping thd wrong people will cause more harm.

This is so true. Jesus never even existed but if he did, he would not give a shit about Notre dame. The only thing that matters is the fact that no one was hurt in the fire. Jesus was not interested in fancy buildings, not even a little bit.

How do you know for a fact he didn't care about that particular set of stained glass.
>inb4 bible verse
He's capable of anything, even changing his mind from what he said 2000 years ago.

>Pope Pius XII is a Freemason. Sworn in while he was Papal Nuncio in Paris.
>He removes good men and puts evil men in positions of power.
>He dies before he can bring about the changes.
>A "Caretaker" Pope is put into place. "Saint" John XXIII becomes pope. He brings about the Vatican II Council.
>He dies and Pope Paul VI takes over. Pope Paul VI bans the Latin Mass.
>The Catholic Church is at this point dead. Seminaries are emptied. Convents empty.
>Homosexuals and pedophiles now control the Catholic Church.
>Witchcraft is done at the highest levels. Lucifer is enthroned in the Vatican.
>Pope Paul VI even comments on the "Smoke of Satan" has entered the Vatican.

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the church is his fathers house
I'd be pretty upset if my fathers house burned down

im starting a give to me campaign
fuck it if they can do it so can I

>fellow catholic here
Yeah no. Then she would know and appreciate the value of these cathedrals, and all the work and suffering that went into them.

Rather see catholics as doormats than the usual kiddie fiddling their usually up to.

I mean, she's not wrong per say, but's being very western centric (and thus white supremacist) in her approach. If she really wanted to help she'd go to help the mozambique people with the floods they've been having, or go to burma and help the rohingha people out

(((fellow christian go- i mean people)))
she's a jew

>donate to get kids out of cages?

By building the wall?

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Another kike trying to claim shes a white christian in order to trick the goyim.

>the usual kiddie fiddling their usually up to.
Catholics are some of the last good people on this godforsaken planet. Don't let the actions of predatory homosexuals tarnish the one true church

Jesus didn't care about humans.
He cared about the truth and those who followed it.
The Pharisees could be nuked to hell for all He cared.

What an idiot. A lot of the Church's worth is tied in real estate like churches (duh) and art. And even the Catholic Church is the largest charitable organization in the world in actual charitable spending. Secondly, the maintenance of Notre Dame is not the Catholic Church's responsibility since the building is owned by the French government.

So thanks for explaining to me what Jesus cared about according to the talented Mrs Higgins, but I reject your opinions and your libtard dogmas.

>keep throwing money at Puerto niggers after ten years, surely $15 billion wasn't enough

She strikes me as a pro abortion Catholic

Funny, Catholics at least are doing something to fight the sick fucks in the church. They actually criticize themselves. When are muslims, jews and cultist aka protestants/evangelicals going to do the same. There is always a double standard when it comes to judging Catholics.

Catholics are an easy target. Everybody loves to see a giant fall.

>Don't give your money to the church, give it to niggers

Why do most people in the West think Jesus was this sandal-wearing Hippie ?? Was Jesus Christ Superstar really so popular??

You're not tricking me, Kri-STAN

>Hello fellow white people
Turned in
>Hello fellow catholics

They don’t even need it. I was down in that shithole a few months ago. It looks better than it did before the hurricane. What they need to donate to help Puerto Rico are some braincells.

She's not 100% wrong. The Church can definitely afford to fix their own stuff. Humanitarian aid is not the same, although I'm not sure PR should be the priority.

Also doesn’t help that the eternal anglo and dutch have been generating anti-church propaganda since the 1500s. A lot it funded by exiled kikes that were butthurt after being kicked out of Iberia and Italy. Catholics have always been very weak when it comes to defending their public image. Always let propagandist define them.


Old San Juan is gorgeous and still retains its historic sites and charm very well
Was there last year
They don't need the money

>Catholics have always been very weak when it comes to defending their public image
This gives me more reason to respect the church. You don't see this out of the Jews or the Muslims.

It actually smelled good last time I was there. The hurricane washed away all the dog shit and piss smelling streets. Wish they had a hurricane every year.

>speaking as a catholic
Nice protestantism you have there boi

Pretty much why I stopped being Catholic. Between them being cucks, slowly seeing my church go from all white to 90% Latino and not seeing the church defend itself from kike attacks made me realize this isn't the denomination of Christianity good would be backing.

Maybe Puerto Ricans should try being better Catholics.
Who's to say the hurricane isn't punishment for their sins?

>Speaking as a Catholic here

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The fire at Notre Dame was God’s wrath for the pedo scandal in the Catholic Church.


It was just another of 100s of attacks on churches in France because the French fucked their own asses.

>My Fellow Catholics...

I wouldn't rule that out either.

>Jesus was not interested in fancy buildings, not even a little bit.
as a carpenter, he would have had an interest in the wooden roof

She's right tho. The Church is worth billions and if they donated more to help Notre Dame sooner it probably wouldn't have burned down.

I would much rather donate money to repairing a historic architectural treasure built by whites than to corrupt niggers who would squander it and then cry for more gibs.
Is there somebody we can just give Puerto Spico to? Do you think the dominican republic would take it off our hands? Addition by subtraction I say.

False... Jesus was a gay hippie... he probably had a little artsy Roman glass pot pipe in his man purse.

>(((Oy vey my fellow Catholics)))

Be as butthurt as you want, but she's not wrong.

>to get kids out of cages

They really swallowed that crap, didn't they?

Odd, tithing has been around since before jesus was walking Earth

catholics in general are FAR more right-wing than atheists. but obviously youre going to find some cucks that are catholic as well

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>Speaking as Catholic here

>catholics actually believe that communion items magically turn into actual literal flesh and blood when you digest it, and are offended by the notion that it's meant to be a metaphor
are they fucking retarded?

This "Pope" is an impostor
Makes me sick

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White Christians that still at this critical stage even now would refuse to subscribe to rosette delacroix I must now put the curse of Jesus upon you! It's real and it's for your own good! All your misfortune and setbacks should now recognizable, correlated and associated! Your misfortune will grow and fester until you see the light pilgrim! Subscribe now and propagate to put an end to the horror!

Jesus said that Peter's church will crumble someday. This will be the beginning of the Book of Revelations

This. The post in the OP is the canonical "Susan from the parish council" type. I never get these people. She undoubtedly believes that contraception is cool, abortion is a choice, and why won't the church just "get with the times" and have women priests. There are protestant churches that would fit them perfectly. They can go there, deny the Real Presence, talk about helping refugees, and how much they hate the Catholic church.

It's all just Novus Ordo religion bullshit.

>help Puerto Rico recover
Lol is she dumb? They where given aid and the mayor stole it and kept aid from the citizen and only gave it to wealthy officials , then the military had to go down there and distribute it.

(((Fellow catholics)))

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>Speaking for all Catholics here
Fuck off, your not the pope.

>the pedo scandal in the Catholic Church.
Remember, it's mostly pubescent boys (though not all). The media loves calling it the "pedo" because it lends credence to retarded arguments about "priest marriage". As if that makes a lick of difference to what they really are: Homosexuals. Gay men often target younger boys. This is well documented and known. We have a clergy polluted with fags that have no interest in doing the work of the church, except playing dress up and satisfying their disgusting proclivities.

The Catholic Church spends 171 billion a year, 100 billion going to healthcare.

>Knowing anything about the Church and it's services

The three wealthiest families in France donated most of it.

Yes people can't seem to actually read the bible can they? They simply repeat what they are taught as little kids and somehow never grow from there, or become even gayer. They forget righteous anger and even stories like Numbers 25 or Jesus driving out the money changers.

Basically this is what I can come up with as well. Vatican II and US/UK kike subversion. I'm currently doing a very slow job of pursuing Orthodoxy I've been bad about going to Church lately.

Aussies can't read can they? Do you know what spiritual means? They spiritually transform. Fucking idiot.

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That's why Yuri said religious subversion is important.

Define how a piece of bread """spiritually transforms""" into flesh after you eat it and it's conveniently in a location that you can't verify its state without throwing it up (which, I might add, if you were to do you would discover that it was indeed still bread and not flesh)

You are still low level

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>being retarded on purpose

>jesus doesn't care about stained glass
also jesus
>destroys temples to pagan gods
>whips Jews out of his father's house
>states quite clearly in plain English text that the church is important and should be maintained


Do you believe communion bread turns into literal flesh?

>donate to get the people of Flint clean water

shes a woman what do you expect.

>listen and hear what I think you should do with your money

Statistically speaking it’s quite likely Jesus Christ sucked a dick at least once if not more

The niggers are embarrassed.

It hurts user
I'm a Catholic, and I proudly state rebuild Notre Dame
Puerto Rico can get fucked

It is, but even then he's more of an angry ugly dude.

search her tweets for:


Don't donate to Notre Dame or niggers in Puerto Rico,donate them to scientist for Genetically Engineering Catgirls for Domestic ownership

Everybody cares about stained glass. It's fucking marvelous. And hundreds of years ago it was likely all the more marvelous.

I guaran fucking tee she has donated to none of these causes.
btw, has puerto rico still not got its shit together?
they've had plenty of us aid, they just mismanage it or outright refuse it because it came from drumpf and orange man bad.
Remember that fat spic woman who the left loved for a week because she was standing up to trump while trucks and warehouses full of supplies went unused?
they would rather people suffer so they can push their narrative.

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>people prioritizing life of some fucks over historic buildings, artistic or cultural heritage

Fucking disgusting.

Only redpilled post itt

damn jon and kate plus 8 still rocking that dyke cut still.

The water in Flint has been safe to drink for 3 years now. Why do people keep bringing it up?

Spiritual change is consubstatiation, a Lutheran belief, not transubstantiation, the Catholic belief. But of course Catholics rarely know the actual tenets of their church.

it turns into nutrients that later turn into cells