/brit/pol Nigel Farage Thread

Let's get a Nigel Farage thread going, post your best in respect to /our/ guy.

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Nigel Farage is a Jewish puppet

Attached: 339E109D-3B5F-4536-9C2A-984C67F754FD.jpg (600x701, 64K)

Nigel Farage is a fish

Attached: Capture.png (835x182, 24K)

The Jews have already tried killing our guy, he has no reason to form an alliance with them.

Attached: _52164277_farage.jpg (304x171, 14K)

/our/ nige

Attached: nige.jpg (1020x612, 85K)

I don't get it...

Will Britain have a European parliament election or not?

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bump for the only mep with balls