
Why is it become popular and how do we fix it?

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>Why is it become popular
>how do we fix it?
outlaw drivel.

It’s better than rap

You can’t spell crap without ‘rap’

much MUCH better than nigger shit...


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It's not popular, Blackpink barely enters top 40 rotation in the US. It's more popular in Russia, but we're smaller and poorer. Koreans don't see what to do with us.

Most of K-pop is boy bands for teenage girls, male audience listening to girl groups is an additional factor. Visible on chans mostly.

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>better than rap
it is exactly the same as rap.

The kpop boybands are more popular than the girl ones. South Korea is filled with white girls looking for korean boyfriends now.

only niggers watch kpop bullshit.


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No it isn't. K-pop fans are arguably worse than niggers themselves.

both are over sexualized trash.

Yeah they're mostly hot

K-Pop girls for the boys, K-Pop boys for the girls.

why are you into ugly chicks?

Because I glanced in its direction.

Not a high bar

Canada must have the ugliest girls in the world then.

based high IQ and reserved people.

Cute girls catchy music what's not to like?

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Both Korean males and females are unattractive to Europeans of good mental health.


Best manufactured pop since the 80s. Western music has been generally shit for decades.

K pop women are all prostitutes.
It was my suspicion for years but got proved recently.

i like how all these kpop and korean threads on Jow Forums are always posted with old groups and idols that are irrelevant and/or have quit the industry, do some research and post something from 3rd generation

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t roastie

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>what's not to like?
the cute girls and catchy music.
that shit is called annoying, just like anime.

Man some of them are cute as fuck. Would probably love if I slammed their yerrow pussies

Go listen to 2chainz and mumble rap you Amerimutt

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you will be killed alongside the coal burners



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Yeah because it's so bad compared to whores you pump with money and awards such as muh based


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K-Pop has complex choreography, incorporates several languages into the lyrics, and is more entertaining than pop music in the west. I think a lot of people are also hungry for something different and tired of listening to rap.

This video released two weeks ago and already has 200,000,000+ views.

Good luck with that stormcuck

It's not

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capitalism and child porn

>It's not

Go back to asia mongol

Bottom left is full of cuties. Disregard white whores and get an Asian white boiiz

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Stormcuck incel

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>Why is it become popular
Globalization. I've been into this shit since the start of the 2nd gen. The production quality is professionally executed to the point of monotony.
>and how do we fix it?
You dont. It's my favorite non-white activity of the week. It's called kpop for a reason, not k-with-spics-and-niggers-pop.

Did Jow Forums watch MCD today?

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there are asians in catalonia?

>Did Jow Forums watch MCD today?
why would i watch mcdonald's?

>he didnt watch M Countdown
>he doesnt watch 12 hours a week of kpop shows

It's not very popular is it?

Americans are just like niggers
they want their fingers in everything

Got any feet pics of them?

>cute girls doing cute stuff
>handsome boys doing faggy stuff
No wonder it works.

The question is, how do we exploit this phenomenon? How can we convince our women they should stop being fucking whores, and just do cute things, have children and live a happy life instead of going on a never-ending war against a non-existent enemy to claim things they already had all the while losing their most prized possessions?

How can we steer women towards healthy traditional models, and how do we make these models attractive?

This is how we save the white race.

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