I have an opportunity to go to bars to hit on women with a guy, i.e. have a guy as wingman. It's not a friend, it's a guy I met once and we met because we are going to be wingmen to each other. But I have a menial job and he has a very good job. I can't help but think of all those women who rejected me for my job and that they probably wouldn't reject him and it makes me very jealous of him. Therefore I don't know if I want to do it. I'm also irritated at a thing I said where I met him where I said I took a course and afterwards I realized what I said kind of implied it was tough for me, an embarrassing and annoying mistake. Also maybe he'll get hotter women than me all the time, not sure but maybe, and how fun is that? Should I do it?

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Yes, this is how the world works. But it’s good to have someone better than you looking out for you. See him as a mentor. Befriend him.

He's not supposed to look out for me. We are supposed to learn from each other and help each other. Plus he's younger than me.

What do you mean "this is how the world works"? Also nobody is better than me.

also fuck you

No you should not do it. It seems you are already seething with envy. What happens when you two go out and the girl you want picks him?

I do not believe your ego can handle it. The answer is clear - go solo or don't go at all.

Haha, just wait until you have people a decade younger than you and better than you in every aspect of your life. No one is equal. Enjoy living in denial, see how that works out.

That's insulting too. Anyway when I met him I wasn't feeling very jealous, it was a little fun to talk, but afterwards I started thinking of all the women who rejected me for my job and I started feeling jealous and hesitant to meet him again. I'm leaning towards meeting him but I'm hesitant. If he'll reply that is.

I already have many such people, doesn't mean anyone is better than me. Just because a woman rejects me and doesn't reject someone else doesn't mean he's better than me.

user I do not mean for it to be insulting, but I don't want to hold anything back in regards to telling you the truth.

If you will be envious and jealous while you two are picking up girls, not only will he sense it but the girls will as well. That negativity will repulse others.

Maybe if you didn't take rejection personal, but thats not the case. I think you should only go out with him when you aren't a slave to the outcome of the situation (scoring the girl.

I have wingmanned with groups before and it always sucks when the girl you want chooses someone else - but that will happen no matter what. You just got to keep it moving and give yourself the best chance for the next opportunity.

You are so missing the point so hard and this explains a lot...

your English sucks and that explains a lot

>only mens' replies

lol no wonder he does better than you

Male feminist acts are garbage, but if you're treating women like they have nothing to offer but their holes, they're going to feel like shit around you.

You again? Didn't you learn anything from the last thread?

Fuck off retards

Nothing wrong with only wanting men's replies. This is a men's topic. If you posted about pms or pregnancy or whatever you wouldn't want men in the thread but for some reason when men do it it's sexist. Maybe the same reason women get mad if men enter the women's bathroom but think it's totally fine if they enter the men's bathroom.

>making up a really poor argument that nobody is saying to justify your sexism as an excuse to your failures at bar hopping
>guysssss why don't women want meeeeee at the barrrrrr wahhhhh my complexxxxxxx with my hot friend no homoooooo btwwwwww

>I'm a retard and I will make an incoherent post just to bitch
How about next time a thread says no women just don't post anything at all

>incoherent post just to bitch
>Nothing wrong with only wanting men's replies. This is a men's topic. If you posted about pms or pregnancy or whatever you wouldn't want men in the thread but for some reason when men do it it's sexist. Maybe the same reason women get mad if men enter the women's bathroom but think it's totally fine if they enter the men's bathroom.

Women aren't worth your effort, and if you need someone else to help you get them, you've already failed.

Baw baw baw!!! We want to be allowed to speak too!!! Listen to us!!!

Attached: ob11124_sexism-kills-stop-wife-abuse.png (1600x1033, 994K)

What are you one about? How does my post () warrant that response?

Just don't dwell on your job, talk about other things that make you interesting. It should be obvious which one of you will get the better women by whoever is more charismatic.


>and if you need someone else to help you get them, you've already failed.

That's wrong and this thinking is actually one of the reasons why we have so many betas and incels: Look at how many boys nowadays grow up without a dad or at least a father figure

"lol either u know shet by default or ur 1 fegit"