Hey ccn someone help me

i want my ex back but idk i hfe even thinks about me in fact he might've graduated already so i dont even know if i'll ever see him again

what do i do

im a grill btw

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n***** if you see this ple as e talk to me

tell him ur preg n its his bb

lmoa thats not gonna work we never even had sex

o ,miss you

My name isn't N*****. It's Claire.

shur up

Hi Claire i'm Chad.

stfu white bitch

No u. How tf do you know I'm white, nigger?

cause u retarded

No u

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pleas tell me bjow to get my exbf back

If you are really stuck with him then give him a call or a text saying hey i want to be with you. Then take it from there. If it's not meant to work then FOR GOD'S SAKE THERE ARE A MILLION OTHER GUYS OUT THERE. PICK ONE.

thanx user

but im scared

whatif he tells his friends and they start to talk shit about me

what if somehow ,y current boy gets to know
'man i regret past me so much. i coul' e been less anxious and let him known im exactly the type of girl he wants

Girl, fuck his friends. You weren't/aren't dating them. You want THIS guy so go and tell him how you feel and let the other fags tell whatever the fuck they want. If it just doesn't work out i told you. PLENTY OF FISH IN THE SEA.

i love you
ur so kind

You probably left him eh? Learn that everything you do in life has consequences and keep that in mind later in life.

nahhh he left me cause he had a thing for some sjw bitch he had a thing for

and then she ended up calling him abusive lmao

now she dates some guy who looks exactly like her

karma really does work i guess

should i message him or not

Give all of his friend blowjobs, let them cum on your face and send your ex a pic.

>Anonymous 06/22/19(Sat)02:38:58 No.21038567
they are all ugly

Even better.

Then stop thinking about that nigger and find someone who isn't going to leave you for some sjw cunt and who is actually going to love you.

i mean i did but i still cant stop thinking about him
in all likeliness im the retard for this
but man do i really want to be friends with him

even better