Lost story short, my girlfriend keeps and insists on biting me.
It has come to the point that she bit me so hard I bled all over the floor and nearly tore my skin. Every time she did it she does say she's sorry and she can't help herself but will she ever stop. One time I got mad at her so much because I was sleeping and she bit me in my chest that I woke up. She cried and begged me to not to get angry. Then she said she'll do anything so I won't leave her.
Is she already showing signs of being psychotic and controlling? I keep on telling her I'm not her meal but she keeps on doing it. Then when I scold her she acts all kind, sweet and submissive.
Nigga stop dating a fucking pitbull, beastiality is illegal.
Jason Young
I did that sometimes but it only makes her bite more. She actually wants me to bite her back as hard as she bites me and after that she goes back and bites me harder.
Also it's not kinky in any way, my mother already saw the bite marks on my body when I stayed at their house and I have to lie that they were bruises from boxing (I lied that I am going to a boxing gym) . I probably had 3 on my chest, 2 or so on each arm.
Juan Gray
To tell you the truth she's been a great girlfriend. Does all my laundry, cooks for me, and I enjoy her company. Only problem is the biting.
Also, out of my anger I once said I'm breaking up but she begged me not to.
Oliver Hughes
Maybe try to find another weird physical way of showing affection to replace it. Something that won't leave obvious marks. She clearly wants something spicy. Maybe there is something that could work for both of you.
>Then she said she'll do anything so I won't leave her If you said "Stop biting me" as her "I'll do anything!" plea, then just end it. I'd label it as psychotic and personally, I wouldn't have hung around after the 2nd bite.
Andrew Miller
She sounds cool op. Biting is wierd but also super unique. She sounds like she's got personality and is also fucking mental. Sounds fun.
John Thomas
that's sexy as fuck
Jordan Robinson
>How the fuck old are you two?
I'm 31 and she's 24.
Ethan Rivera
also this is not psychotic or controlling you moron she has low self-esteem and biting is a way of comforting herself probably, like sucking your thumb for some people her biting you in her mind means she loves you and you comfort her you're not accepting that due to obvious reasons but still, I'd accept her like that
Jaxson Ramirez
bathe in cat piss, works every time
William Nguyen
Sometimes I forget that we're literally apes and then stuff like this happens. >help my girlfriend won't stop biting me
Landon Parker
it could be a sort of prying for your scoldings as a form of attention due to a bit of insecurity Talk to her about it, ask her why she bites you, and if she says idk then be more specific with the question (what are you feeling in the moment of the biting and prior to it). She might do it as a sort of poke; in which case, you say stap a few times then reluctantly chomp her, thus consuming your entire girlfriend, solving the problem forever
Camden Hill
Have sex.
Landon Sanchez
Some girls are just weird like that. Since you're a boy she probably doesn't think it hurts you that much.
David Perez
I use to hate but everytime she does it I get a lil boner and we just start fucking afterwards haha
Jonathan Jenkins
Hold her down and pump her holes.
Robert Cook
I'd just roll with it and escalate. It is kinda hot that she's at least acting like she can't help it. You know what I'd do? Tell her, in no uncertain terms, that biting me is now equivalent to asking to be choke fucked on the closest surface in the home. >That's rape! She can call the cops, if she can stop squealing for more.
Yeah, this is really hot. She's a keeper, OP. All the quivering homos crying about "abuse" are just jealous.
Thomas Rogers
Stop having pre-marital sex.
Michael Walker
>24 Holy shit women are autistic. I mean look nibbling is cute but bro drawing blood is pants on head retarded.
Is she a fuckin nerd or some shit? I don't have to ask you if you're posting here.