How to be a good dom

I'm seeing this girl and she has a major daddy kink and thinks if I was more dominant we'd be more compatable

the problem is im super apologetic and softboi
we went on a date yesterday and i tried being "dominant" and she said it came off more aggressive and scary

please help Jow Forums I really like her

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Gross. Daddy kinks usually stem from a childhood of daddy shoving his hands down her panties. You sure you wanna be in that family way? Abort mission and bail.

I see your point however titties

Its confidence and not being afraid to say what you want.

Be careful tho, sounds like crazy bitch.

>asks for dom
>it's "aggressive and scary"
This is why I never trust girls when they say they want a Dom. What they want is a constant stream of validation that adjusts subtle nuances of flavour at her whimsy.

Then again, is right. Daddy kinks and the girls into them are not the places of wise people.

In her defense I was a bit too forward I think like i told her where to sit what to eat

what am I doing wrong?

Ok Two questions; 1. What made her think it was scary? 2. What kind of girl is she exactly? What do you like about her? That’ll definitely help in this and probably help you in trying to become this for her (I think). All in all, if you don’t think you can fulfill it for her then you need to tell her.

I like how caring she is she isn't always the best at conversation but she's really nice to be around she's pretty and very supportive

she said I was too aggressive and menacing she was kinda right about that part I don't mean to be

more like no daddy in her family so she needs an actual dad...
OP you gotta try less and be more
it's not hard but being dominant is having a will and telling her to accommodate you

>try less
>be more
please explain

take what you want without getting beyond the idea that sex isn't an inherently violent experience

lol this
the girls I've had who had daddy kinks were hopelessly without self esteem and wanted to be a pillow princess with me doing all the work, both reward and punishment. all she did was being bratty and bitchy always claiming she was just innocent
god she was annoying
but cute
just a shame she didn't suck dick

>daddy issues
>didn't suck dick
user... I know the girl you're talking about and she blows like Louis Armstrong.

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I want an actually relationship with her not just sex I really want to be what she wants without becoming a basedboy "Of course you can fuck 8 guys while I watch honey"

>In her defense I was a bit too forward I think like i told her where to sit what to eat
This is what usually being the dominant one in a relationship means, but it's usually what this user said and that it's all about controlling you. See, there's nothing actually dominant about seeking her approval at all. She doesn't like that you told her where to sit? Tell her tough luck buttercup. And if she's acting like a brat, suggest she will be paying for her own share of the food unless she behaves and acts like a good girl.

Such a tiring bullshit to have to do that all the time. Again, this user was also on point: . It's been my experience as well that it's all about giving them attention 100% time. Even being dominant and telling her what to wear or what to eat, the whole purpose is on giving them your time and focusing on them. Ask for a backrub, then they act bratty and "No!" or ask for sex then if they're not in the mood "wow, you're really scaring me and your reaction to being told no is super sketch..." then you will fold because you actually care or you don't and she will say you were an abusive rapist after the inevitable breakup.

so what do I do?

Do whatever you want, except being a softboi and apologetic (don't need to be controlling), and give her less attention when she's behaving in a way you don't like or complains about you not being dominant enough. Your needs > Her needs

But maybe be more dominant in bed by lightly choking her and stuff.

any kinks of your own? if so just ask to do some stuff you like and share what you both like from time to time and if not then just do what this guy says

“...thinks we’d be more compatible if...”

honestly, I wouldn’t date someone who didn’t like me for me. I did it once and it was fucking horrible.


Dominance is something you can instinctually figure out. Imagine you are female, now imagine what kind of sex a female would enjoy. They don't want a Jigglypuff pussy pillow guy, and not a serial killer Elliot Rodger type. They want someone who controls then physically, holds them in place, tells them what to do, slaps and chokes, but does not want to actually injure them. It's not too hard to figure out and very natural when you get into the groove of it. It is already programmed into you as a male you just need to eject all the manners and a lot of the feminism you were taught in the bedroom. This one is literally asking you too.

I think porn is bad for you but the guy women watch and want you to be is usually someone like Rocco siffredi. Study that dude if you must

Abort mission. If you are not about that lifestyle, just walk away. If you are not a natural Dom, "learning" to be one for someone's sake will crash and burn anyway