Opinions on the UK

I'm curious as to why Jow Forums (specifically Jow Forums) seems to view our country so negatively, a lot of aspects we're teased for, western Europe shares with us as well, it perplexes me. Is it all just "shitposting" or do people unironically believe most of this shit?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png (1200x600, 5K)

its all true, user.

Not all, for instance, we have immigrants, but we don't have the most as people often imply, am I to believe you're a rEdPiLLeD self hating Brit?

UK has been cucked since its inception, while continental Europe at least had some high points during its history (Prussia, Third Reich, etc.).

Not to mention europe current situation can be largely attributed to the eternal anglo meddling in european business.

who has 'the most' isn't really relevant.
we have 'enough' to ensure demographic suicide.

Im not self hating, you have to separate the people from our ZOG Government.
I love our people and our what our nation could be, not what it currently is.

maybe we appear the worst because most people can speak our language so there is more conversation about us.

Stay mad, Hans.

Attached: 1553429818721.jpg (719x1024, 147K)

We don't want dirty poles instead let daddy farrage import the pakis en masse.

All the major western countries here get hate. But there has been an increase in UK hate threads made by German flags since the Brexit process started. Also German hate threads started by Brit flags. Having sad that, I post on Kraut/pol/ very often and find them to be just as friendly to me with my brit flag as before.

I hate all the conspiracy bullshit but it does honestly seem like shills.

most German posters are good lads.
seems we have come a long way since the 'migrant crisis'
there was a lot of german/British hate then... not so much now.
Euros a teaming up against our common enemy

Unfortunately this. Brexit is a massive own goal and immigration from Pakistan and Africa has increased already to make up for the lack of eastern europeans.