How do we end atheism?

how do we end atheism?

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atheism is a form of protestantism. It's the same theism. So if you want to end atheism you have to look into ending theism.

That is unironically the most retarded thing I have ever read

prove god exists

by posting cute big tiddy gfs

why? atheists are not exactly doing anything except rioting in front of stonewall. You know atheism is a prepackaged mission for tagging along of don quichotes to attack annoying windmills. All they are doing is fallacies of "trying" to prove negative. It's illogical. So if you bite - you're another zombie from plenty of fish ripe for picking on with hooks, lines and sinkers.

Mind control helmets.

Yeah, Puritans were atheists right? How dumb can you be? It was the catholics who didn't give a shit about god, they just wanted wealth

>how do we end atheism?
Simulation hypothesis

puritans, atheists, catholics, etc are all just words for labeling the same thing. Nobody wanted any wealth. It's all tar budget circus. The crusade that never ended. It's still ongoing. So WWI, WWII, holocaust, rainbowcaust, etc is part of it.

i'd end her atheism if you know what i mean

God is dead

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This. And nothing less than this. Atheism will never go away until somebody proves God exists. Nobody ever has and nobody ever will because god is a fucking meme. Larping about "muh holy spirit" and ""speaking in tongues"" is proof of mental illness, not of god.

I bet scientists could create a drug that tricks the brain into believing a god. Then you could force everyone to take that drug.

The rapture will end atheism.

What fucking rapture lol?

Solipsism will never go away until you can prove consciousness other than your own exist. Thoughts are occurring, but are they your thoughts? Are you real?

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Sharia law

Really Good Water Filters!!!!!

> checked btw

Honestly the retardation of churches and how human christianity is made me leave it. There's no divine feeling from that religion, only fake ceremonies and metaphors.

Atheism is too important. The intelligent need atheism so that they can be unfettered to make the hard decisions required to ensure the survival of the species in a hostile universe, just like how the unintelligent need religion to behave altruistically and with deference to authority.

Get God to actually stand and speak for himself instead of being spoken for by nany different people with varying interpretations

Hang out with them.

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Fuck off authoritarian shill, I'll not believe whatever I want to not believe and you can suck my maple-flavored cock. Christos Anesti.

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Thoughts are self evident, God id not.


>how do we end atheism?


Try again. Read it again. Thoughts are occurring, but are they “your” thoughts? Is there a “you” that exists? That is not self evident. The true reality unfiltered by our bodies and 5 senses is unknown to us. You aren’t skeptical of what your brain tells you. Why not?


people are allowed to believe whatever they want.

Why would you want to end atheism?

I dont care, there's no evidence that they are any one else's thoughts. You can go on and on speculating that you could be a brain in a jar or in the matrix but without evidence I push forward as though I am not.

Death throes of confused people who think that banning atheism will save them from the muslims their Christian leaders tell them to accept.
Inb4 purity spiral no true Christian would do x

>Prove god exists.
>you can't, checkmate

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Show them God.

Daily reminder the creator/president of that show is......

Wait for it....

(((Russell Glasser)))

Proof that all atheists are illiterate retards.
Because it will destroy all life. You have 8000 nukes aimed at you right now as a result of an experiment in building a state based on logic, empiricism and removing all religion.
I don't believe in banning it but there's no logical justification for being an atheist and all it means is you hate laws and your responsibility to the world. Delusional propaganda that directly undermines the foundations of the sustainability of human life is not just another opinion to be tolerated.

"You" is a symbol for the ego. Ego is the center of conscious awareness aka I or me. When we say "you" it's a recognition of 1 center of conscious awareness to another (separate, individual) center of conscious awareness. You're the one that needs to try again, brainlett.

>lol people don't believe in the invisible magic wizard who pulled the universe out of his hat and never shows himself

Reunite government with religion. The monarch is supposed to be the living proof of God's existence, a shining paradigm for every citizen to follow and identify with.

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>You have 8000 nukes aimed at you right now as a result of an experiment in building a state based on logic, empiricism and removing all religion.

you are retarded.

>there's no logical justification for being an atheist

There's no logic in being a theist either.

They are beliefs, not knowledge, logic does not apply.

By preventing people to get a decent education and to think by themselve.
Also, making them afraid by killing lots of innocents non-religious people.

a s t r o t h e o l o g i c s y n c r e t i s m

>all it means is you hate laws and your responsibility to the world.

that's not true and is merely a strawman argument.

>Delusional propaganda that directly undermines the foundations of the sustainability of human life is not just another opinion to be tolerated.

So, YOUR belief is the foundation of all civilization, but no one else's is, right?

It's just pointless. It's like the battle against illiteracy. That analogy is real. They don't want to learn the language because they don't believe words have intrinsic value.

>make claim with no actual substance or evidence for the claim
>choose to believe (not know, because without any actual evidence there is no way to know) the claim is somehow valid
>"lol you dont believe the claim because you're just stupid"
Wow you sure showed me with your mental gymnastics

Your making up shit about atheism. We only are not convinced of gods existence but what we believe beyond that is our own. I still think laws and responsibility matter. What responsibility do we have in a world where god is ultimately in control? With great power comes great responsibility so your God would have all the responsibility and human actions would be pointless. Can human action change God's plan? Where's our responsibility?

>show us god
>we did
>No it was probably a volcano or something. Checkmate theists.

>we did
Nigger what?

If atheism is true, then no gods are coming to save us from ourselves, therefore everything we do matters if we want to survive.

>atheists get less children than replacement rate
atheists go extinct by themselves user
you literally need to get your own children, 2 is enough to absolutely btfo the atheist whites. They go crazy whenever some white couple has more than one kid. just imagine the smug grin you can show them when you show them baby pictures of your 6th kiddo, and imagine the maximum cope
we've literally already won user

By ending the jewish religions like christianity and judaism and pisslam. That way theres no fake jew sandnigger gods and people can start honoring the true gods

>we did
Citation needed

God literally incarnated for faggots like you. But you wanted to hang with sodomite Jews instead.

If you dont even know how to prove your god exists, how the fuck do you know it exists?

>prove god exists.
>hheres evidence
>no I said prove god exists. checkmate theists.

>They are beliefs
One is logically consistent. The other is circular nonsense with inconsistent definitions. The cultural atheist claims he doesn't take anything on faith but every statement he makes including that one is based on faith in metaphysical principles like the idea that there are rules like logic that operate universally. All science, math and logic is based on assumptions that can't be proven but the atheist claims they have no such assumptions. The Christian theologians and ancient Greek philosophers that built our world and the foundations of modern science acknowledged the underlying assumption of God the Word/Logos that defined all the rules and is beyond those rules.

They're logically consistent. Atheists aren't. They're all illiterate retards.

Jews literally incarnated your god Yahweh, dumbass

You're straw manning atheism, or you actually just dont even know what atheism is.
>if atheism were true
Atheism isnt a claim, though. Atheism is the refusal to accept asserted claims about the existence of a God, on the basis of there being no evidence to substantiate the claims that said God exists. Can you religioushits not be stupid for like 1 moment?

I dont think you know what evidence to substantiate a claim means. Try again you fucking idiot

Force me to believe in a sky daddy and you're dead

>it's illogical to denounce shit that is unproven
>it's logical to believe in a floating skymonster and an afterlife

Atheists are usually not the ones rioting brainlet. They are not the ones knocking on your door telling you you are burning in hell, they are not the ones attacking women at an abortion clinic. Atheism is at its core, a personal choice, there is no "cult of atheism" where the entire goal is to get more atheists in, since there is nothing to be gained with it. Unlike all religions where it's based on you giving your money to a central cause.

>prove god exists.
people saw him at one time
>thats not proof
>>okay. How many people have to see him?
>it doesn't matter, becuase god doesnt exist. Checkmate theists

>Atheism isnt a claim, though.

yes, it is... let me break it down for you:

Does god exist: yes or no.

Now prove your answer is correct.

Can someone tell me why it matters what I do in God's world, other than my own desire not to go to hell? Why does it matter if I do evil if I just don't care about going to hell? What else is at stake?

atheism gets rid of itself when we stop caring about religions, because atheism then would stop meaning anything


the only claim that can actually be substantiated is agnosticism.

both atheism and theism are beliefs with no possibility of substantiation.

Bring an atheist back from the dead... Or bring the living atheists to the edge of death

Atheism isnt inherited fuckface. You can have six kids and they might all grow up to be atheists. Imagine getting corrected by a nigger in Africa.

>everything 5 morons claim to have seen is a fact

Thousands if not more people claim to have seen the Loch Ness monster. I don't believe a single one of them. I DO believe how a team of sonar ships didn't find jack shit in the entire lake.

>Citation needed
>the bible doesnt count. checkmate theists

>Does god exist: yes or no.
Yes, as an abstract allegory. No, as anything more than essentially just a meme.

I dont even need atheism to work that out you idiot. Its self evident based on how people act and what they say when it comes to believing in god.

The question of God is not a scientific one. People only started to ask "do you believe in God" since the rennaisance.

Science is not about proving absolutes. Things are either supported by evidence or they are not, separate from their actual existence. God could exist, but I haven't seen the proof.

>prove god exists
>>a bunch of people saw him
>lol then those people are morons because god doesnt exist. Checkmate theists.

>Atheism is the refusal to accept asserted claims about the existence of a God
Wrong definition. It's the existence of any God. In practice you never define God but simply flatly deny any metaphysical claim. Even Plato's forms are woo according to the cultural atheist. Nothing is real except what fits in the materialistic model even though logic absolutely dictates what the materialistic model describes must exist within some larger system.

Works of fiction are hardly proof of God, sport.

Unfortunately for you, religion is dying and there is no real way for it to recover, it will be rather slow, could take a couple more centuries but faith will continue to play less of a role in peoples lives, even conservative peoples lives over time, its inevitable, just do what you can to keep it alive as long as you can.

Atheism is so fucking retarded
On a esoteric level, and on a "does the creator/god" exist level
You have a broad range of complex gnostic teachings, some affect life like paganism or satanism, where you can really increase your psychological understanding of everything and make you life better, and you have a broad range of ideas about the "god"
They dont even want to put up with esoteric knowledge, dualism, kabbalah, asiatic knowledge, etc
If you look behind your mainstream mindset and glasses, you see so much knowledge, so complicated, so fascinating
Im so fascinated by it, it gives live so much meaning
I love to lay down and summon shit, i pray to lilith and ask her for a succubus, and suddenly i feel a presence, and she gets on my bed, and starts touching me, giving me a blowjob, i get intense sexual stimulation to a point where i nearly orgasm
And i dont care if its real or not, it has an affect, it affects reality, and its the same with any sort of "religion" or knowledge, those things affect reality
And simply saying "well i dont believe, i dont care, fuck off"
Is so honestly stupid, like i care if its my body making stuff up, or if its lilith thats sending me her daughter
I love praying to god, it brings me joy, i love doing satanic rituals, its also has its affects
It enriches your life, and brings so much knowledge about life, humanity, how to live life and so much more
I will never understand atheism and its ignorance

Prove that the people weren't lying about seeing god

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>No, as anything more than essentially just a meme.

prove that your claim is anything more than an unsubstantiated belief.

No, it really actually doesn't. Its a fucking book that people you never met wrote before science existed.

It's not the wrong definition, you just cut my definition in half and ignored the second part. Fuck off

>the bible is fiction
>because i dont believe in it
>because the bible is fiction. checkmate theists

Are you actually retarded or what? You completely ignore my entire point. Show empirical, non-biased evidence of God. Johhny McFuckface in Alabama saying he spoke with God in a field is not evidence.

You do know that Agnosticism and Atheism/Theism are different categories, right? i.e. ontology v. epistemology.

Stop parroting the idiocy of placing Agnosticism as a middle-man: it's not. In fact, just about every self-proclaimed Agnostic is an Agnostic Atheist because, get this, they aren't mutually-exclusive.

Rational Atheism makes no claims of God(s) existing or not, it's just a lack of belief.

You'll also find these self-proclaimed Agnostics are too afraid to even own up to being Atheists due to the fear of negative attention that comes with it.

okay. out of all the people who saw him, no one claimed it was a lie.

Atheism is a lack of a belief, not a religion. How does it feel to have purina puppy chow for a brain user?

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If God exists, then christians live a high quality life with a strong functional society and go to heaven when they die.
If its false, christians live a high quality life with strong functional society and die happy expecting to be in heaven before it all turns black.
Either way, we win and atheists lose.
If they turn out to be right about no God, their life still sucks compared to the average christian

>show evidence for god
>>okay, here
>thats biased evidence. checkmate theists

People give life to ideas and a collective built for a god gives way to life. We think, therefore he is.

1. How does seeing 'something' demonstrate it is god?
2. How does seeing something demonstrate it is omnipotent etc

eyewitness evidence carries the least weight in court btw, and is notoriously unreliable

Because the "science" in it has been debunked millions of times. About how old the earth is, about where human life started, about our position in the galaxy. That is debunking a fictional piece with evidence. Going LALALA BIBLE SAYS THIS SO ITS TRUE is not evidence you absolute moron.

Fuck you christfag!

You sure love your strawman posts. I wonder if you know deep down you have to come up with these to bolster your flimsy beliefs

Where's here? The 5 people that say that saw him?

You are fucking dumb and need to work on your reasoning and reading comprehension

>You do know that Agnosticism and Atheism/Theism are different categories, right?

yes, I'm quite aware of this fact, while no one else seems to be aware of it.

You are talking about a belief in a metaphysical concept with no bearing on objective reality as if one belief reguarding it's existance is any more valid than any other belief.

There is only one scientifically and logically valid answer to the existance of god... and that answer is: "We don't know"

What you BELIEVE, on the other hand, is purely up to speculation and subjective matters.

It cannot be proven f god exists or doesn't exist, and your belief, one way or another has absolutely no objective basis in physical reality, reason, or logic.

prove that your claim is anything more than an unsubstantiated belief.
Easy. The fact that after 4000 years there is not a single shred of proof for the existence of god, and every time you ask a believer to provide some they just devolve into mental gymnastics like youre doing right now. They make the claim that God exists in the first place, but because they have nothing to actually substantiate that claim I refuse to accept it. There is no burden of proof on me, retard. Religioushits like to try and push the burden of proof on people who arent as stupid as they are. Its embarrassing.

>give me empirical evidence
>>okay these people saw him
>>what other kind of empirical evidence do you want?
>lol god doesnt exist so the evidence wont exist either. checkmate theists