It won't stop bleeding it's been 3 hours. Maybe because it's right under the lip which Is difficult not to move...

It won't stop bleeding it's been 3 hours. Maybe because it's right under the lip which Is difficult not to move. Lacking insurance, worried it needs stitches. Any opinions?

Attached: Screenshot_20190621-172654_Gallery.jpg (720x1480, 671K)

A macaw bite

Attached: 20190621_144742.jpg (4032x3024, 3.04M)

Dumb ass, why were you kissing a parrot?

You think it needs stitches though? Or it'll be fine

Maybe you can buy some medical tape and seal it up.

You’re gonna have a scar, but youll be fine.

sterile dressing, direct pressure. facial wounds bleed a lot because it's pretty thin skin. I don't know re:stitches but this should at least help with the bleeding.
avoid ibuprofen/aspirin and alcohol for a few days.

Thanks guys

Thank you

clean the wound with something like hydrogen peroxide

pat dry with clean cotton pad

get clean cotton pad and firmly apply pressure

if still bleeding after holding pressure for 5 minutes seriously consider going to emergency clinic

if you insist on not doing that, pinch wound(s) shut and carefully apply clean, brand new superglue to close wound. do not put superglue in wound, use it to seal pinched wound shut

keep clean and dry and don't touch it, watch for signs of infection. if infection occurs you need to go to health clinic.

lastly, stay the fuck away from birds that can injure you this badly. if it's your bird heavily consider getting rid of it. consider doing something to attain health insurance after this, the military is one way.

do not use hydrogen peroxide. it breaks down clot formation.

ok, this user is probably right. do you have a suggestion for a disinfectant for OP that isn't hydrogen peroxide?

Appreciate all that

sterile water is standard for wound irrigation.

good luck buddy.

so what the fuck happened with this violent parrot? tell us once you clean and pat dry the wounds and apply pressure. if you scar you'll look really cool but the backstory will be retarded.
>"Wow user, your scars are so manly. How'd you get them?"
>"A psychotic bird bit me after I kissed it."

Lmao. My dad owns this 2 year old Macaw and you pretty much summed it up. He's usually very friendly with me as I am his main care taker. He has never been aggressive with me. I was surprised he bit me.

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damn tell your dad to take of his own birds and get his son some health insurance!

lmao birds are so devilish

Yup. It will leave a shit scar behind but at least people like people with retarded stories to tell. Clean your wound tho and apply something to cover it up in order to avoid infections or otherwise you'll need to go to the doc.

wow OP that sucks haha
my parrot woke me up today by attempting to trim my index finger's nails
they go *crunch crunch crunch* on your nail after they pull it off. very careful about it too. if he makes a mistake and accidentally bites your flesh, he'll look all sad about it until you present your finger to him again

/bread. My father bought 2 dogs in the last 8 years. One turned blind and the other one came in like 2 years ago. I have to take care of the garden, pull the blind one on the sofa because he'll start whining like a loud little bitch. That fucker is blind since 10 months and he bite me like 5 times of which i gave him 2 times a soft kick for which my faggot of a dad threatened to beat me up since its only okay if he literally tosses him on the dinner table for pissing on the floor since it's """"his"""" dog.

To be fair: My parents are so shit in grneral i almost had a mental breakdown 2 days ago. Nevertheless: he got the birds, he wanted to have ghem so he has to fucking take care of them.

that's so cute but they sound so high maintenance. I like watching cute bird videos but I've heard it's like having a five year old who never grows up. one day I'd like to have some chickens to coo over and harvest eggs from them.

you're op right? how old are you? sorry your parents are awful.

Yes I wake up at 6am in the morning each day no matter what or else he will scream until you do wake up or attack you for not waking up. that's the worst part about having a bird
plus they get lonely easily but it's really nice coming home from work and being greeted by a hyperactive singing birdy who's hungry because they literally do not eat unless they have company in the room

oof how sweet but what a handful

I'm not OP and yes. I'll turn 22 next week, go to college and can't leave by now because of my little underaged sister.

OK so you're going through college but staying close to your family because you want to shield your sister? hold much longer before she's 18?

I know it's leddit and all but the subreddit raisedbynarcissists really helped me, even though I only ever lurked. it's admirable to stay for her but there's nothing wrong with leaving abusive climates. you have to put on your oxygen mask first and staying around parents like that is so very bad for you.
my parents were awful and cutting all contact with my family at 18 was very good for me.

what are you studying? how much longer until college is done for you?

I know how you feel

*how much

Go to the doctor.
Do you not have health insurance?

Go back to r*ddit

Well, first thanks for your response. 2nd my sister will be 18 in 2 years and i'm planning on becoming an electrical engineer in germany but my study's utter shit for obvious reasons. My parents told me I'll stay with them until I have my master which will be in maybe 8 years if my mental state stays like that.

My sister goes out often with her pals but she obviously notices the alcoholism and general drug abuse, their fights and hypocrisy too. I had to take my drunk dad to the bed 2 years ago what left her crying so I talked to her. I told her she has to get into trade school and follow her dreams even if she'll end in mcdonalds or some shit and move out asap.

Also when i had that breakdown it was drunk in a bar with my pal whit which i do study after he asked why i do hate myself and am so sad. Nobody seemed to notice but crying in public while summing up all the shit that built me into a mess for like an hour isn't a good feeling.

I'll definitely cut my ties but for my own disatvantage i'm an extremely forgiving person. I have good times too when my parents aren't on drugs but then there are episodes where i had to go into some monkmode shit to not tackle my drunk mother down the stairs or not driving my car into a tree.

Also my aunt lived with us from my 6th to 14th age since my grandparents were even more toxic. After he died she escaped from us leaving me and my sister entirely alone and now she tells me to "get help or grow some balls and finnish my studies". The moment she fucked off into the house she got from the testimony let me realize in what situation i really am and that nothing's normal here.

That's hard. Things will get better user

Get some alcohol and a band-aid on it

It hurts cause your a dumbass

Thanks. This wasn't the hardest thing since getting threats from my dad is nothing unusual. The people here are right. I'll have to get some jobs at my college and move out. Maybe I'll be able to take my sister with me. Maybe not, but 2 more years would be suicidal for me.

>i'm an extremely forgiving person
If I may... that may not be the case exactly. It's more likely you've been programmed by your parents to be overly accommodating especially to abusive people. They installed the script in you and you're used to their crazy behavior. That's not a forgiving nature, it's trauma response.

Please get yourself out ASAP. You must worry about yourself before you worry about her. If you stay, the moment she's of legal adult age, both of you need to get out. You two can be roommates.

Never ever feel guilty or bad to permanently cut ties with your family.

If that's the case please get out user. Can you join the military if all else fails?

I tought about getting into the bundeswehr and get shot but with type 1 diabetes it's no option and the one half hearthed suicide attempt with insulin on alcohol i had made me realize tgat i want to live but that i don't want to live like that.

I'll try man. I know myself that i can't stay here and that it has to happen no matter how bad ill feel right away and even my mom told me sober it would be better for me to move out and get an appartment with my pal and that frustrated me: my mother is generally a lovely person but when she drinks i start to be wrathful, sad and tired at once. I don't know how or what to feel and i know that i need to do something but if I'd do it I'll feel ashamed. I felt ashamed today for hhinking about bitchslapping the woman that planted me into this world.

Please don't feel ashamed. You do not need to inflict violence on her but it's not bad you have thoughts of it. No one consents to being put into existence. You just are. You're very tired and been through a lot. An apartment away from your parents that your sister can come over and have a sleepover with you to get a break from them would likely be very good for her and you.

That would be a good idea, buti fear that they could visit me too. My college is 20 minutes away from me by train so that might be problematic but i doubt that this wouldn't be an excuse to deny a try.


Sorry i'm down rn.

Just because they want to come in doesn't mean you have to let them. You'll need to learn how to assert boundaries, which will be difficult since they've made sure to erase yours.
>"No, you can't come in. Leave or I'm calling the police."
Repeat as necessary.

Free yourself user. Liberate yourself. Once you help yourself, helping your sister will naturally follow.

You're right. I thank you very much. I'll try the next few weeks to stay as long away from them as possible so i can at least pass some exams and will move out as soon as I'll be able to pay everything.

You're going to be OK user. It will take a long time but one day it will come true. Best of luck to you and your sister.

Thanks man.

If nothing else I'll give you this
I moved to an entirely new state when I moved out. I had my family's support, but I managed to get a job with employee housing in a ski town, the money is there too, if you bust ass working 2 jobs you can save up quite a bit, the resort is not great to work for, the pay is lacking and they use a ski pass as an excuse to pay less, even if you don't want it. The restaurant servers can make up to 300 a night on the busiest times. Bussing or food running is an easier way to get in and still make decent tips.

You'll be tired and it's not great, but if you're truly desperate it might be worth looking into. Even if you dont plan on staying (you definitely shouldn't) it's a good way to go somewhere else because you can save up a bit and now you're away from your family

I have no problem with working 2 jobs to get my 900 bucks or something like that. I'm being constantly spamming with task and chores at home. Sometimes even at 11 pm.

Dude that's gonna leave the greatest scar. Like the scars characters have in movies and video games that actually make them more attractive

be me
go to doctors office to get a cure for my disease because it’s causing me distress and impacting my daily life quite severely
get called a sick man and told to fuck off

Clean it with 70% isopropyl alcohol, go to er and get it cleaned to avoid staph. Refuse anything greater than the clean, spend a few months burning off the 200 bucks for no insurance.

Also get insurance.

Blood type 0 by any chance?