Any hope for a brown dude (the Indian sort of brown, that is) to pick up/have relationships with European chicks...

Any hope for a brown dude (the Indian sort of brown, that is) to pick up/have relationships with European chicks? I don't think most of them are into guys like me desu. Born and raised in Switzerland, going to uni next year. Students here are, generally speaking, very liberal, whatever difference that may make. I'm not the most attractive person, maybe like max 5/10 if I make an effort, but people seem to find me very funny. Most brown chicks I've met seem unlikeable and I'm more attracted to other ethnicities anyway. One big factor may be that I'm approaching 21 and have literally never had a relationship or even sex, mainly due to feeling insecure/a lack of trying. I've been hitting the gym for half a year though, if that helps.

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so whites have terrible birth rates and you're going to come in here and ask the best way to hasten their demise like it's nothing?
go fuck your own women and leave Europe the fuck alone you shit smelling monkey

Go back to your country

i look kinda Indian but am spic
white women love me
gotta own up to it bruh

They love you cause you grant them free brown points,

Not sure how this works w/r/t being an Indian dude but there is definitely some sort of hierarchy of desirability of males and females. E.g. I'm a white guy but I'm only like 5'7, my friends are like "just date Asians" but I'm not into that, I would rather date some average looking white girl.

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She doesn't even necessarily have to be white, like East Asian or maybe South American. Also , I was born here, speak the fucking language and am more Swiss than anything. I can hardly utter a sentence in the language of "my country". Couldn't go back even if I wanted to.
If you feel insecure because a random dude who wants to meet women of the same ethnicity as you, you have issues dude.

Obviously a 'hierarchy' exists. One of the reason I started this thread was to see where I am in this hierarchy.

>I was born here, speak the fucking language and am more Swiss than anything. I can hardly utter a sentence in the language of "my country".
Why do you think this matters? Fine, your parents are bad people who sacrificed you for their own material well-being. You still should go home. You'll be a foreign-educated rich man in your home country, cream of the crop of bachelors. In Europe your skin is associated with the hordes of people come to leech off the system, and it will take significant effort to prove yourself just to be on a level playing field with Europeans just for the recognition that you aren't bad, all before you start getting judged for your looks and personality.

>If you feel insecure because a random dude who wants to meet women of the same ethnicity as you, you have issues dude
I'm here to help you find peace in your life, and all you do is insult me. You're the one with real, tangible issues, virgin pajeet.


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First of all, my parents didn't come from India. Also, my parents fled civil war, they didn't have much of a choice. My dad would have probably been killed if not. And is it my fault I grew up having mostly white friends and knowing white people? I couldn't cope going to my country of origin, hell, I've never even been there. How could I accomplish anything without knowing much about the culture/language in the first place?

When I said "the Indian kind of brown", I meant I looked like one.

brah your choices are go back or be put in a camp when nationalists take power again
we're trying to help you Pahjeet

How can I go "back" if I've never been lol. Also, isn't "Pajeet" only used for Indians?

there are right of return laws in most countries

Do they approach you often? Are you European?

>Any hope for a brown dude (the Indian sort of brown, that is) to pick up/have relationships with European chicks?
Yes it is possible. Interracial relationships are a minority for a multitude of reasons, including geography, language and culture. Evidently you don't have these problems. Nevertheless there is still the fact that you are obviously different from the average Swiss. That's a gift and a curse since while being s 'novelty' of sorts your background also manifests as a possibly alienating factor.

>I don't think most of them are into guys like me desu. Born and raised in Switzerland, going to uni next year. Students here are, generally speaking, very liberal, whatever difference that may make.
The liberalism is pretty predictable for students in a European country but it doesn't equate to sexual attraction. You should be wary of the friend zone.

>I'm not the most attractive person, maybe like max 5/10 if I make an effort, but people seem to find me very funny.
A sense of humor is a great asset. For any guy who's less than an 8 it's pretty much an essential unless you're rich. Your looks are obviously crucial and you should adjust your expectations according to how well you can present yourself and are received by women.

>One big factor may be that I'm approaching 21 and have literally never had a relationship or even sex, mainly due to feeling insecure/a lack of trying. I've been hitting the gym for half a year though, if that helps.
Keep hitting the gym, not just for dating but for your confidence. It can help enormously and much of your attitude to other things in life can change as well. Your lack of experience in your teenage years is not a death sentence but it makes sense why you'd feel insecure about the matter.

You have to try. No one is going to fall into your lap and make your dreams come true. Relationships take work. Work to get one, and work to maintain one.

>and am more Swiss than anything
nope, you are an AASI from india, don't calim what you are not

not Indian

god these abbo indians hate themselves, they would never admit in public that they are non caucasians and mostly ASI
yet they reproduce at extremely high rates, so which is it indians do you want more of your kind or not?

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>And is it my fault I grew up having mostly white friends and knowing white people?
Seems like your dating trouble is primarily personal rather than a result of your social environment and ethnicity. If you're not a total loser and the girls in your area aren't as racist as these douchebags here, you should be able to catch avergae caucasian woman. They're not that picky these days about race.

you said you are indian(aka mostly aasi in the large majority of cases) yourself

>They're not that picky these days about race.
they say they aren't but they really are

Nope, I said: "the Indian type of brown", so I meant I resemble an Indian. Didn't want people to mix up brown and black.

Why should he care about white's demise? He wants white pussy not white power.

Hell, I'm white and I don't care. Well, I don't want to live in New Delhi but I don't care if whites are a minority in 2050 either. I'll be old enough that I won't have to care anymore.

you're a selfish retarded cunt then

You mean women lie!? Holy smokes!
Regardless, if you're clearly from a different racial group it does create a subconscious barrier. Not to mention the usual tensions between friends and family members if it gets serious.

You said you were about average looking and and so even if you were white you'd still be in a tough spot with your lack of experience. Part of the irony of the sexual revolution is that there's actual far fewer(mostly male) of the population having sex with this generation. Success breeds success.

You've bred nothing so that's what you've got.

Nice to see answers from decent people who aren't totally ignorant. Thanks for the answers.

Why is being a minority an issue (won't happen anyway lol). Do you unironically feel threatened? If so, you might need to reevaluate your priorities.
There's more to people than colour.

>inb4 hypocrisy
My preference is solely a sexual preference.

>Why is being a minority an issue (won't happen anyway lol). Do you unironically feel threatened?
is South Africa the model you want for all western countries in the future?

Well maybe so, but I only have one life to live so why should I spend it worrying about something I have virtually no power to affect or interest in changing?

Because they're 'my people'? Give me a fucking break. That's a bunch of sentimental bullshit meant to give others control of my life for their own ends. It's something losers use to fill the void of their meaningless lives because they haven't accomplished anything themselves. It's a false belief that doesn't do a damn thinf for me. I don't care about the past or the future beyond what they can do for the present I live in now. If Europe is completely swamped with non-whites when I'm dead, so what? It's not like I'll be any wiser.

If OP wants to bang every aryan princess he can shove his brown into, more power to him. Most of them are stupid whores anyways.


How is that a viable comparison? Care to explain?

>How is that a viable comparison? Care to explain?
whites are a minority there and are murdered and tortured in rural areas pretty routinely
Europe will be no different when it is majority shit colored

I don't know what your interests are outside of Jow Forums but you could start expanding from that and see if there are any nearby groups for that kind of stuff. Try Meetup, Facebook etc.

Hell, try something new if you think a lot of the girls you're interested in might be there. Best to bring a friend if you think it will help you from feeling too awkward. Point is you need to get out of your comfort zone. But that's what this is all about.

It's not just about finding some Swiss qt3.14 to give you the succ. (Well, maybe it's mostly about that.) It's about personal growth and overcoming your fears. That's courage and it builds real confidence. Women are very attracted to that. Just making the effort at all is a step in the right direction.

You will make mistakes and you will feel stupid at times. But you learn and have fun. Girls appreciate a guy who's willing to take risks to impress them, even if they may giggle at your blunders. You don't need to be perfect but you should balance that understanding with the knowledge that you have room for improvement(keep hitting that gym!). Sorry if that all sounds trite. Maybe it helps. Loneliness sucks.

Also a result (partially indirectly) of years of war, hate and apartheid. None of which has happened here in connection with coloured people. (Apart from "racism" emanating from smaller groups/political parties ofc)

Thanks man, means a lot. Will do

And when the sun goes supernova and turns into a red giant, all life on earth will perish in the heat. But I can't do much about that either.

Seriously, you care about these people in South Africa just because they're light skinned and you're afraid of a possible distant future scenario? Shit sucks all over the world dude to varying degrees. Maybe those white farmers should move out while they can. Might not be fair but it's better than being robbed and killed. Or they can stay and die. Either way I'm not responsible for their fate or the fate of future white people I'll never meet.

Not sure what any of this has to do with OP's advice request.

>racial violence hasn't happened in Europe

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not to an extent that it is comparable to South African history, no. Don't think you read my last sentence.

I guess it's true what they say about dark-skinned people being less intelligent.

Why has this morphed into a completely different discussion? I know this is Jow Forums, but didn't expect this much crap on Jow Forums.

Why do you say that?

That is cause the pajeet decided to play on one of the most sore items in Europe right now. The Great Replacemnt.

Lol no.

Poo in the loo, ashish.

>But I can't do much about that either.
one man can make a difference

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The future is fucking ugly once everyone is brown, that's not what diversity is. Don't know how some women and men can't see that when they flush their genes away by mating with shitskins.