GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

Love and Hate

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I want to see you.

No she doesn't and I have embrassed myself enough

I miss you.

I'm tired of being a fling.

No more casual sex.

I keep setting things up that I legitimately like to become better only to find I can't enjoy them anymore at any quality.

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My interest in My Little Pony is like a curse. Damn you Hasbro! Damn you /mlp/!

When I walked away I never wanted to see you again. I still don't. That said, work is work and if I have to work with you I will. Money is what I need right now. I hope to god you don't think I need *you* instead. I don't want you. I don't need you. I just need to get shit done and pay the bills. I'm being nice as professional courtesy only.

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1. Decided to invest in Bitcoin after being on the fence for so long BUT accidentally put 2400 instead of $1200 like I wanted to. Now I gotta wait until July 11 to pull out the $1200 I didn't want to put in. Thank fucking God I don't have to pay a fee on half of that. Knowing my luck the market will crash by that time

2. My phone finally shat out on me so now I get to spend $700-$900 tomorrow on a new phone. Highly considering an unlocked phone. May need to wait a week or 2 but it'll save me ~$400.

3. My apartment is clean. I constantly take out the trash. All the windows are closed. yet somehow these motherfucking blowflies keep getting into my apartment. I'm seriously considering going to the office to have a pest control guy come or buying some pesticide myself.

The word of the day is MAD. Fucking mad.

I don't know what I keep doing all of this for. I'm never going to to be happy. I'm never getting back what was taken from me. I'm never going to ever stop being the ruined individual I am. I want to give up.

I fucking hate myself. i really fucking hate myself at all. I don't deserve anything

Chicks like this sort of thing, right?
I have no idea why I was tempted to do this. I went on a date, it went well, I'm taking her out again, and now I'm doing this completely heterosexual shit.

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I'm an asshole who judges people and treats people like objects and not human beings. I'm an asshole and don't deserve love or friends. I'm not bad I just lack something that allows me to be an adult

I'm a grown ass man who's also a fucking cuck and can't talk to girls

I might be a narcissistic asshole and that scares me if I am one.

Ok i'm gonna help you out because I wanna see my brothers happy.

First of all, move the cooler into the kitchen. Laundry baskets into a closet. HANG YOUR MIRROR. Then, buy those peel-hooks from a grocery store/home depot whatever and string the lights on those, if not something better.

Because that... that looks ghetto. But I like where you're headed.

i just want a Japanese gf, who loves and cares for me. im tired of thots and abusive women with awful personalitys. i want something real

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She was so fucking fat she was unrecognizable.
I couldn't believe it.
And she had a tiny kid too.
And I'm still single ;-;

Nice place any more pics?

I can feel my energy draining with every date and trying out Tinder/Bumble just left me dead inside. I'm taking a break from dating, fuck this. If this is the kind of people I attract, I'd rather die alone.

I feel like a really shitty person.

I'm really sorry that you felt this way, J. I messed up so bad by leaving you on air before. How can I make up for everything I've done, and for everything I couldn't provide for you?

Nah man it's chill. I just broke up with you because I wanted to spend more time with my friends and felt like I wasn't giving you enough time of day.
Go be free, my little butterfly. Fly away.

i wanna go in a desert and punch shit like fist of the north star

>When I walked away I never wanted to see you again. I still don't. That said, work is work and if I have to work with you I will. Money is what I need right now. I hope to god you don't think I need *you* instead. I don't want you. I don't need you. I just need to get shit done and pay the bills. I'm being nice as professional courtesy only.

Who are you? Who are you talking to? Initials?

Who are you? Who are you referring to? Initials?

>Today’s events made me feel ashamed for liking you

What events?


>Wait. What I said really hurt you or you're lying to manipulate me?


I put some command strips up in an inconspicuous spot of my bedroom to test, and they damn near took this dickhead's cheap ass paint off.
The mirror is an easel mirror. It doesn't hang. It's not just sitting against the wall though.
The cooler and hampers are gone now.

I'll see if I can't string the lights up somehow. I think we have nonadhesive apartment tape at my store. I figured they'd be fine on the floor, if I had a candle going on the dinner table.
Sure. It's one of these setups. The apartment is basically one, big and open room, with a bathroom to the side of that kitchen there.

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I may be fucked up but I'm not some gay guy. Yes I watched some trap porn before and it was a one time thing

I am love

I love you, and I want this to work. I always tell you how much you mean to me, but I don't think that you understand how sincere I am. I tell you that I want to stay with you and marry you, and I plan to make that dream come true. I cannot tell you how happy you make me or how badly I need you. I won't let myself fuck this up. I refuse to allow myself to throw away something as beautiful and precious as what we have now. I want to preserve this until I die: your smile, your laugh, the way you look at me when we lay in bed. Our future is bright and full of opportunity. I plan to work hard now for that future. I will become better. I will become radiant. I will become the absolute best that I possibly can be. I will do this all for you. For us. I want to be more than just a man who is respected by his peers and students. I want to be a man who holds the future in his hands. I will become that man. I will never leave you, and I will always remain loyal to you. I will gift you a future that you can be proud of. More importantly, I will mold myself into the perfect man for you. Pride be damned, I will make you my carefree, always-happy wife. I love you, and I miss you dearly. I wish that I could see you, but we're both busy working for our future. I'm happy knowing that you're happy over there. I'm even more happy that I'll get to visit soon. Take care of yourself until I can take care of you.

Sorry, its my fault J. I don't hate you, I can't.

Incels cockblocking won't work forever loser

I'm sorry for everything to everyone
I needed this to happen to teach me a lesson

Let's see if I did the impossible. Feels good to be smart, I'll never doubt myself again. Yeah I'm not "smart" but I pulled off some serious shit today. Take that ****** ****** *******

I actually feel super weird after posting this. Guess I'm growing up.

Don't worry about it. Complaining about work crap. Never date a co-worker. Don't. Just don't.

I feel like I'm gonna fuck everything up

Does your last name start with F or B?

I'm trying so hard not to cut myself right now. I cant stop crying.


>Let's see if I did the impossible. Feels good to be smart, I'll never doubt myself again. Yeah I'm not "smart" but I pulled off some serious shit today. Take that ****** ****** *******

What did you do?

Got a decent grade on an impossible test.

What’s wrong?

I was picking up dinner at this family owned restaurant the other day, when I noticed this qt grill 2 years younger than me who cashed me out.

I was tempted to ask her out but that would probably be a terrible first impression. Instead, I introduced myself and asked for her name which she gave me. Sadly, her attitude never changed from the generic retail smile and facade.

Idk how I'll be able to ask her out when all I know about her is that she works at her family restaurant. Asking her out when she's in the job would be a terrible idea, and trying to find her outside of work would just be creepy.

I'm out of ideas. Maybe I could just go there one day and ask her if she wants to grab a coffee after work or something idk. Can't let this opportunity go though.

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Yeah, just ask if she wants coffee after work. That's all.

I want a tall gf with a fat ass

Pick me!

Girls (female) only.

I think I will. I have no idea when she works so I'm sure it'll be fun trying to find her lol. For a while, I've never felt like I've deserved a date or a GF since I couldn't adequately defend myself or my date/gf. I still can't really, but I have confidence that can at least date and not be intimidated by other guys. I'm training and lifting regularly now. Asking her out will be an excellent exercise in confidence and charisma.

Go for it! You're worth it.

Alright, I know I'm not gonna get anywhere or do anything worthwhile so I'm going to sleep and waking up well-rested. I'm praying things go well. I don't want to squander my opportunities anymore.

I miss you, I dont know if I'll be able to ever embrace you again; or if it will ever mean the same thing that it once did.. You will forever be imprinted in what defines me as 'me'

You taught me so much.. you fuckin weeb

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That seems way too fast, my dude. I'm a dude, and I'd decline an advance like that. It seems like it'd be a better idea to just try to go there and catch her every so often, and kind of just shoot the shit. Just a few small casual conversations, and then once they're familiar with and comfortable around you, then you can start working up into learning about their interests, and then work that up into inviting them out to an activity on their own time related to said interests.

Fuck off I hate this shit and I want to be somewhere else

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I like this idea, it sounds like it would take a while though. Of course, if I were her and I saw me asking her out, all I'd have is looks to judge on, so shooting the shit with her seems like a great idea to warm up and then ask her out.

Something tells me her family won't be so welcoming when I try talking to them though. Guess that's what confidence is for, or courage.

I just wish people would stop hating each other so much for futile reasons and try to communicate and listen instead of just throwing hateful opinions around with no will of discussing them whatsoever.

But they never will. Everyone loves to hate because they are afraid. Afraid of being judged, afraid of being rejected, afraid of the efforts necessary to establish a human relation. So they just hate preemtpively, without a real motivation, giving reasons to others for hating them back and never doing anything to stop the cycle. Humans are so broken.

I was finally able to consistently practice my instrument for 4-6 hours a day for several months straight but i fucked it up by discovering anime 3 months ago and now im practicing 1-2 hours a day over summer

Well, you never know until you try. Get to know the whole family. Maybe you don't walk away with the girl, but that doesn't mean you can't take something from it. Maybe you make a friend in the process.

Protip: you probably will

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I call it recreational outrage. It’s the new way for stress relief and avoiding their own problems.

> hairy otter mode
> wire wrapped amethyst

If she doesn't want you I do. Mrrrow.

>be me, trying to fuck my estranged wife or some shit
>Always hangs out with substandard breeders
>They are cunts, can't pick up their own dogs shits,
>get mad when I walk on one and track it on the deck
>Was laid on the path they told me to take
>10 fucking years of this horseshit
>Plus added autism
Why r u mad tho?

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I am just not good at TInder.

Jow Forums.. I got some problems.. Mostly anger management issues, and I need some help on how to deal with them. Could you anons give me some insight on how to deal with these issues? Anxiety I took care of my own, but the anger management is a different beast entirely. It's just been a constant thing with me, now granted I'm a fucking autist so there's bonus points there in the anger department and me being sensitive towards some stuff, but I just lose it randomly from time to time. I did bottle up my issues in the past but now have come transparent with my mom and grandmother about it. Do you think I'm subconsciously bottling up my issues again and thus lose it from time to time should something annoy me?

>Could you anons give me some insight on how to deal with these issues?
>Do you think I'm subconsciously bottling up my issues again and thus lose it from time to time should something annoy me?

Damnit. Well, I was asking because I needed some help to deal with my anger problems and me losing my temper.

Read the book: On Anger, by Seneca

Fine, humor me, who are you and who are you seeking?

Um... Okay. Do u like black metal?

How can I stop speaking as much. I’m kind of an outgoing person and I talk too much I think. People end up disliking me because I accidentally say weird shit. The other day I was learning at work and I was struggling so I said “is this even possible??” And I realized my boss was standing in earshot. That’s not the full extent of my dumb bitch disease but dang I’d love to shut the hell up one day

Oddly specific. What did those names do to you?

Have you tried funneling that rage into an activity. For me exercise works like running or lifting weights. It relieves the tension in your neck and shoulders and you feel less stressed. Or get some paints and rage-paint wildly with no regard to rules or anything

I don't go black metal, I stick to the easy stuff like Slayer and Pantera. It's been a new outlet recently and I've been experiencing new forms of relaxation. From odd choices such as Metal music, to even more obvious ones like introspection and confrontation.
On Anger, by Seneca, I'll look for that in my local Chapters. I think you guys have helped me more than a legitimate therapist ever did.

I have yes. Video games used to be my outlet, but that only lead it to be a standstill. I tried photoshop and since then, whenever I get mad, I make some goddamn masterpieces. This one I was most proud of because I did this during a time when someone stabbed me in the back and soon I funneled it out. It was the best feeling ever.

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Heavy rock or metal is a very aggressive music, and subconsciously makes you prone to violent tendencies. If you enjoy passionate and emotion invoking music, check out classical tunes.

Check out this link

Why can't I just appreciate a girl's personality even when I think she has a boyfriend? Why does every girl I know have to depress me even if I know I don't know her the way a boyfriend would anyway? Why can't I be actual friends with women I like? How can I be more emotionally mature that I don't become a whiney little bitch about it when I get home later?

I hate this. I hate life. I bet this wouldn't even go away if I was dating and not stuck in decision having only BARELY asked a girl out twice in my fucking life?

God I just want to be asexual and aromantic or something. I wish I could be aromantic and surround myself with women who are outright super sluts like that one woman I knew years back who I almost got to have sex with who just didn't even care. That was straightforward, at least; I didn't have to worry about her open relationship or anything. Probably even better if she was just single.

And that's it. Maybe I really don't even need or want anything else. Why face the pain?

M. would just show her whole naked body to everyone and I wouldn't really care. No one did. I didn't feel jealous or anything. My only concern was for her bf who I wasn't 100% sure was really into it, but if she was just single and I didn't have to spend money on her and she could provide that same kind of support(/confidence?) that she, weirdly enough and as not-what-I-meant as it sounds, kind of gave me just as an almost-fuckbuddy and just have those close relations around my age that I could to talk to about more or less anything... Maybe I wouldn't need anything else.

But then why does it have to bother me like this? I hate it. I wish I could have no dumb and j realistic romantic feelings that make no sense.

True. Also, I'm glad you gave me my 1812 overture. This cannon's for you user.

Also, Karajan's conduction of Blue Danube is euphoric and an ethereal experience.

im not in weebmode today so im listening to some music made for normies.
are you listening to it right now? this is for you!!!

I don't listen to trash that's on the "top 100".

Even if I am boyish
My heart still beats for you
Just one kiss from you, and you've got me hooked
And the woman in me is awakened
Just like a blooming flower
Because you care for it with water and sufficient
Light of your everyday love
That makes my life sweet

When we went to college
Was just when I gave you my sweet "yes"
That you've worked for 3 months
Instead of chocolates and typical moves
You captured me with your poems and your corny songs

That's why when I met you
I already knew that miracles are true
I learned to wear heels and frequently
Wore black dress
But you didn't wish me to
Change completely just to prove
That there is no hard bread to a hot coffee
Of your love

.....Wow that's cheese, even for my tastes.

Kill me.

i mis u
but also I feel ashamed for thinking about you because they will say it’s wrong and inappropriate

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I'll let you suffer with your decisions. But there is always redemption from it. There is hope. There is other genres than the shit you hear on the radio. There will be metal, there will be classical music that hasn't been touched. There will be vaporwave that'll live on in generations. There will be future funk that shakes the bedrock foundation on what is considered disco. There is always tasteful redemption user, and I believe you too can be redeemed for your mistake.

I wanted to have a short romance and die in your arms.

How sad that I wasted so much time.

I miss my boo

Oh god kill me even if I just got a goodbye kiss from you it would make my life. How do I kill my emotions

You don't. Let them exist.

Which one are you?

Oh my god no!

I miss you already
I want to see you
I'll do everything for you!

No, it hurts. All I ever do is get hurt. It never stops.

My heart is being pulled from every angle.
These strings might take too long to untangle.
All it takes is two to tango.
All I need is my one angel.


i was hoping that I could regain my health but I seem to be getting worse and worse. I want to prepare my home and computer, so in the event of sudden death, those who love me won't be left with unresolved questions.

I lived my life fully. I didn't really get everything I really wanted from life but I cherish everything I was blessed with. Good has come from all my mistakes.

I want peace in death.

Did you reply to me on accident, user? I am a girl btw

I keep worrying that I've scared you off. Please don't run! I really like you and am just starting to trust you. I know it takes me time to open up but I hope I'm worth it. I like that you're opening up to me, too. But every time I open up I get scared you'll bolt. Maybe I have had too many people run. Maybe I just have been hurt too many times. I just want this to work out. Even if you decide you're not for me and we should be just friends, I want to be in your life and see you succeed. Your companionship means the world to me. Please, stay. Please?

No. no homo plz. sry. This butthole is reserved for my future theoretical waifu.

Look. We're all hurting in one way or another, and if we do not accept those hurt feelings and instead try to drown them out, they will only come back to haunt us. user- No. My son, it is time to face your emotions. It is time for introspection. I believe in you, and we're here for you during these dark times. Now please, make the first step and communicate with them. Not through how humans talk, but how feelings grow.