Bf wants to donate semen to make quick cash. i vehemently oppose the idea and have said so multiple times...

bf wants to donate semen to make quick cash. i vehemently oppose the idea and have said so multiple times. He has however continued the process seemingly without regarding my opinion on it. I tell him to instead look for a quick mini job or such to raise money but he wants to neet as long/much as possible. I am fully monogamous and this monogamy extends itself to his semen. I simply dont want any kids of his running around that havent grown in my belly and/or nurtured by me. what should i do in this situation.
plus question at anons: if your gf wanted to donate her eggs would you allow it/what would you do if you didnt agree to it

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>what should i do in this situation.
break up
>plus question at anons: if your gf wanted to donate her eggs would you allow it
>what would you do if you didnt agree to it
break up

I am somewhat resistant to breaking up because other than being adamant on neeting he has been utterly and completely open to talking when we disagree and letting go when i put my foot down on something/i turn out to have the right on it. we have been together for a long time and got through a lot of disagreements and arguments on better than we started but donating semen is a full red stop for me
what are other alternatives to raising money, other than what i mentioned?

So in addition to selling his semen for cash, your BF is also a NEET? Jesus, how are all of these fags on Jow Forums still single?

He can donate? I heard sperm banks have strict guidelines on men worthy of donating. I heard they only choose the best of men tall, intelligent, no shady backgrounds, etc. Being a neet how did your bf do it to make it past the screening?

NEETing is acceptable, at least to me. my entire family NEETs in one way or another so i never saw it as something bad. if someone wants to say a big fuck you to the system or just simply wants to chill and spend their life as they want, thats completely fine by me. I think that you can see NEETs as only one kind of person, when in reality it comes in many forms

Hes physically very ablevand has very good past general history (i could go into detail if you want). Hes also not neet on paper, but he effectively spends his entire day just doing whatever the fuck he wants (camping, playing osrs, doing hobbies, etc.) while putting in ~3hr of work/day on something thats not at all tiring/that he enjoys

In some states, they're not his kids and he forefits the right to custody, or he has willingly signed them away in his contracts. It's his data to do with as he pleases, so it's not really any of your buisness.

im very sorry that i might not sound neutral, but this is a moral/emotional issue to me. ill try my best to sound as neutral as possible.
this goes beyond "data" in many ways. having offspring/kids is something extremely intimate and involving. there is no way i can see the possible children as only data he would be sharing as if he was a usb stick. his DNA is something of his that is extremely important to me, and in my view of reality, sharing that is sharing the very essence if what makes you, you. there is no one in the entire world who i can see myself sharing my DNA with and thus creating the rawest expression of love, trust and companionship with besides him, so the fact that he would do that is deeply hurting. i hope you can understand where im coming from.

So would it be wrong for him to donate blood? What if there is a couple that finds out the husband is infertile, do they not deserve to have kids?

i realize i made a "loop hole" there when trying to explain, but no, blood is absolutely fine to donate and i completely approve of the action. people who have nothing to do with me or owe me nothing are absolutely free to do as they please.

i never meant to get the message accross that infertile people do not deserve children. and like i said, people who have nothing to do with me or owe me nothing are absolutely free to do as they please, but to me, when a person puts in the level of compromise as me and my bf put into this relationship, they got to "answer to" to each other and to be accountable at at least some level, and having offspring outside of "our family" is something completely off limits to me, even if they have no relationship but a genetical one.

I just realized how retarded my reply to you was. My apologies.

thats completely fine. i accept your apology.

oh, and thank you for apologizing.

your boyfriend doesn't care about your boundaries. He has continued the process despite your discomfort, so even if he says he stops he will probably do this behind your back to shut you up. Men get such a small amount of money for donating their sperm, so that pocket change is worth more to him than respecting you. I would also be wary of staying with a man who has no qualms about being in his childs life. As a woman you should be very protective over the men you choose to reproduce with. What makes you think that this guy wont abandon your future children if he is already alright with having multiple fatherless children? I would get out while you can honestly.

>what should i do in this situation.
Break up, you sound like you're dating a loser anyway so it'll save you some time to just do it now.
>plus question at anons: if your gf wanted to donate her eggs would you allow it
Yes, it's a beautiful thing to do if she'd be willing to give the chance of someone who can't have a child to have one. If she just wanted the money I'd feel morally repugnant and might just break up with her.
>what would you do if you didn't agree to it
Make it vehemently clear that this would result in a break up and that her means of reproduction are mine.

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I think if your boyfriend is so lazy that he would rather jack off into a cup than try to go get an honest job then your relationship is doomed and you're wasting your time on this relationship. Trust me, his sperm isn't worth being possessive of.
Now as to your actual question if a couple can't agree on their reproductive organs they're probably doomed. See above.
if you wanted to be an egg donor or surrogate and your partner wasn't on board with it it ain't happening. Either you're breaking up or not. And further I can see why they would know about a surrogate but I'm not sure why they would have to know about the egg donor s***.

Being a NEET is only acceptable if you are not accepting any sort of public assistance. If you are using government assistance to sustain your lifestyle, you are a drain on the system and should off yourself. We’d all love to “enjoy our lives however we want”, but we go to work to provide for ourselves instead of letting our betters do it for us.

>TLDR - Get a job you lazy piece of shit

Yeah. Break up. No one in their right mind would advice otherwise. Think that’s pretty clear. I’m sure it’s not what you want to hear, but probably already know.

Dump him

If the shoe was on the other foot I'd leave.

Monogamy is sacred and that behaviour is akin to cheating

So he has been approved by a sperm bank? The few articles I have read pretty much say that sperm banks only pay guys who are 6'2", healthy, and have a minimum of a bachelor's degree.