Take dance classes

>take dance classes
>rotate between the girls you dance with
>see some guys chat with girls and make them smile and laugh within seconds of meeting them
What are they saying? How can I be a guy that can make girls interested in me like that in such a short time?

Any lines I can use?

I also notice the guys that can do this are usually tall and above average in looks.

t. autistic and socially awkward loser

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Be chad. Or famous or have money.

Should've listened to me. Dance classes are bad advice and I've always said so.

You shouldnt do anything, now. It's too late. Your character there is established. If you change now people will automatically (and correctly) assume you're trying to hit on the girls desperately, and in order to maintain their classes as a safe space you'll be disinvited from returning.

Theres no guarantee that would happen for sure. In any case he's no worse off than where he is now, so he might as well try. This is some shitty, pessimistic advice.

Back to r9k with that defeatist attitude.

No, user is right. People will note drastic changes in character/personality if OP is trying to hit on women. He should instead try to adjust a little but not too much with the intention of dating his classmates. Let time decide and let the girls decide if they want to talk to OP.

What about at salsa parties? Usually they start with a lesson, I won't see people from class there, it would be new people usually.
I still see the same thing. Guys making girls they just meet laugh

How do they do it?

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Because they're not awkward fucks like you are.

Dude it's not hard to make people laugh because they will laugh EVEN IF THEY DON'T ACTUALLY FIND THE GUY DELIRIOUSLY FUNNY. The problem here is that you don't understand basic social interactions.

>>Stranger meets stranger.
>>They are in a fun, casual atmosphere where you're supposed to meet and network with new people.
>>Both want to make the other person like them (at least as a person even if they aren't that attracted to each other).
>>Neither knows much of anything about the other
>>Someone says something as an icebreaker.
>>Other person is glad that they were given an opening to start a conversation so that they didn't have to try and come up with something themselves
>>So they laugh and comment or say something related to keep the conversation going
>>The person who said the icebreaker gets positive reinforcement and gains some more confidence, so they respond back in kind
>>Both people feed off each other

But as for you, you're expecting the other person to instantly understand everything about you and make an immediate judgment of "Would fuck" and "Would never fuck" so you freak the fuck out and sweat bullets about making any kind of mistake. So you tighten up like a virgin's asshole and come off like the awkward tard that you are.

Any kind of lines would seem unnatural coming from a sperg. Take it slow faggot. You cant compete with those guys now. Observe them and mimic their behaviors.

find something cute to smile at

Well if he's there to get pussy and not learn dancing he should go for it. If he wants to learn dancing he shouldn't go for it. Honestly, the boss move is to focus on learning the skill. Repeating that with other shit. That's the process to getting hoes and that's what it means to not focus on them.

You gotta win out vs other men to get the girls off of them. Sorry that's life. But everyone has an edge most people can't see it though.

I'm drunk. Have fun at the class. ignore the chads flirting. don't eye those interactions enviously. don't let anything imbue you with envy. perhaps admiration or attraction but never envy. And how to not stare or care? Quickly use it as a reference to set a goal and move the fuck on.

i'm drunk. gg.


Eye contact, smile, flirting. Thats about it really. You have to talk to them. Practice makes perfect.

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thanks for this advice

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Man, awkward people might as well kill themselves.

>make girls interested in me like that in such a short time?
i think you're overestimating what's going on

this man is an autistic retard, use this alarmist thinking to never have any progress anywhere

this guy's on the right track but idk why he's assuming you're an incel instead of just being an awkward/anxious dude

kinda agree, just try smiling and maybe some generic smalltalk shit like "hi" until you build confidence in cheesy icebreakers


it's not that hard to work around

>it's not that hard to work around
Says the one who's not awkward.

>Says the one who's not awkward.
false, i speak entirely from firsthand experience as an anxious lonely beta faggot, but i'm capable of small talk and icebreakers at this point, at least within strict contexts like this (a physical class) and some others. the more shit you do and the more you pay attention to people & analyze how they act, the clearer it becomes that breaking the ice while dancing with a stranger is way fucking easier than doing the same thing at work or a bar

>anxious lonely beta faggot
>i'm capable of small talk and icebreakers

Pick one.

>lovely anxious people are physically incapable of small talk
>i haven't improved, therefore nobody can improve

just give up then, you clearly aren't interested in doing better for yourself



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Well if you're not willing to change and learn then I don't know what to tell you? It's still your fault in the end - no one else can take that first step for you. Even if a girl does take an interest in you, anything that comes from that is destined for failure if you are incapable of introspection and initiative.

Humor is the quickest way to break the ice on a good note. Think about your favorite comedian, and what kinda comes to mind, "Ah, I love that guy. He's hilarious!" Right? Same concept. If you can break the ice with something funny, then you're probably going to have an easier time chatting with them and getting positive feedback.

My point is, if you're capable of small talk and icebreakers, you don't qualify as an "anxious lonely beta faggot".

your point is false

you have to push through your anxiety and being awkward and TRY and then keep trying until you can do it, and then maybe eventually the anxiety and awkwardness will fail

your posts suggest you think of anxiety and awkwardness only as their most extreme forms and also believe they make you impossible of ever talking in public

i've seen a ton of anxious wrecks in public and even ON STAGE; when they come to talking they are very clearly very anxious and struggling, but they can get words out, get people to laugh, and break through to some common ground or appreciation eventually

>push through
Is that all you people can say?!
Do you have any fucking idea how much it hurts? No, you fucking don't, or you wouldn't be saying it so lightly.
Do you know what it's like to be paralyzed by the fear of others' judgement? To have to be careful of every single word you speak, and every single gesture you make?
All you people can say – for everything – is ‘push through’, like it's a fucking stroll in the park.

It's not easy, it's worth it
But most of us who endured shit to see the other side are tired of you faggots because your suffering is bullshit nothing compared to a ton of people who grin and bear it every day and all I can think is that you faggots are waiting for instant results from something because you were raised by the internet.

Tons of people know what anxiety is, but it's the people like you who choose to lord it over people on the internet and act like your lots are the worst in life, whose suffering nobody could know or understand.

The truth is, real life gets so much fucking worse than anxiety of judgements. It gets so much fucking worse, but you're the faggot who needs to make it all about getting a girlfriend.

Can we get a reproduction apologist in here to tell us having kids is our only purpose while we face obvious overpopulation and oversaturation issues? Those guys are my favourite, and I think you'd get along with them because they do just about as much fucking thinking as you do.

So what, am I supposed to think "Oh, a whole lot of people are living a life way shittier than mine" and suddenly... what, be content? Be satisfied?

the entire collective psychie of Jow Forums is a gigantic retarded whataboutism

Jesus, why bother helping you? If all you wanna do is sweep and assume shit about everyone you see then go your ass right the fuck ahead.

It's clearly fucking worked for you so far, right???

>the entire collective psychie of Jow Forums is a gigantic retarded whataboutism
I'm not sure I'm following.

Sorry about the tone of my last post, I'm a bit tense about stuff like this, but what assumption did I make? I asked a question.

>Do you have any fucking idea how much it hurts? No, you fucking don't, or you wouldn't be saying it so lightly.
>Do you know what it's like to be paralyzed by the fear of others' judgement? To have to be careful of every single word you speak, and every single gesture you make?
Yes, you fucking crybaby retard. Multiple decades of it.

>push through’, like it's a fucking stroll in the park.
simple =/= easy

>It's not easy, it's worth it
>But most of us who endured shit to see the other side are tired of you faggots because your suffering is bullshit nothing compared to a ton of people who grin and bear it every day and all I can think is that you faggots are waiting for instant results from something because you were raised by the internet.
>Tons of people know what anxiety is, but it's the people like you who choose to lord it over people on the internet and act like your lots are the worst in life, whose suffering nobody could know or understand.
>The truth is, real life gets so much fucking worse than anxiety of judgements. It gets so much fucking worse, but you're the faggot who needs to make it all about getting a girlfriend.

>So what, am I supposed [anything] and suddenly... [anything]???
no you lazy pissbaby

don't waste your time

oh classic
>waow im sowwy anown, i wuz jus sooow fwustwated i accsadentuwey gotted a mad, pweeease hewp me undestawnd

fuck off, all you want is commiseration and an easy fix. the sooner you realize that, the sooner you become capable of progression.


>You have to talk to them
I've also taken dancing lessons and never talked with anyone. How do you know what to say?

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Get the fuck outta here, I already know I've acted like an idiot.

Canada guy is that you?

you realize there is no correct
>what to say
you say things that might make sense and see how they go over
you make an observation about the class
you all about her day or how she got into dancing classes or if your shirt makes you look smart

How come such nice lady is attending dancing lessons without a dedicated dance partner?

I couldnt notice your beautiful hair, what shampoo do you use? Do you think it would help me?

What would you say if a shy man invited you after class to glass of water?

Are you cat or dog person?

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these are all cringe and outdated. no millennial woman would fall for that shit

>you say things that might make sense and see how they go over
That's the problem, I can't think up anything that might make sense.
Thanks user, I've already read that book and while it was helpful to a degree, I still don't know what to say.

>Do you wanna see my fortnite skin?
There, happy?

R u from India?
God that made me cringe!
Oh and that book is also outdated, basically act like some dead president from a by gone era,
Acting in character with something from the 50's or whatever may be a cute short term joke but, it gets old fast! Like very fast! Don't do things that were cool when your grandparents were kids. Holy fuck why do i even need to say that.

This is a great book that has helped me a lot in life (career in sales, lots of negotiating) but it doesn't teach social skills. It teaches people with basic social skills to use them better and gives an approach that will work the best with the widest range of people. A least common denominator approach to dealing with others. People like you who prescribe this book to autists trying to get gfs are tarnishing its reputation and extremely valuable information.

And here would be a better line to use, in any case
>finish dancing with a person
>"I really liked how you did X move at part Y of the steps, you have great style in your moves. Bye."
Relevant to class, genuine compliment, not prying too deeply into their life, not talking about their hair like a creep with a fetish.

"What are they saying? How can I be a guy that can make girls interested in me like that in such a short time?

Any lines I can use?"

Believe it or not, girls provide instantaneous feedback on how well the social interaction is going.
So, if she reacts poorly to something that you said, you said something stupid.
If she reacts well, then you did good.

Tease her.

She says, "I'm a kindergarten teacher"
You say, "Show me your teacher face"

>show me your teacher face
What the fuck?


There is no "magic line", so to speak. What you're seeing when you observe those guys make those girls laugh and be interested within seconds is called Charisma, and it's something that comes with practice from talking to people and interacting and it can't be faked. Some might argue than it can, but I'd say true charisma can't be. Practice by literally having conversations with people in social settings (pick your battles, feel the situation and determine whether it's appropriate to talk to that person) and determine what works for your personality, and how that person responds to what you say. Some people pick it up faster, some pick it up at their own pace.

Let's say for argument's sake that there was a script or a set of lines that you could use that worked. Do you really think girls would want someone that regurgitates sentences and can't hold a conversation without relying on someone else's words? It won't last long and girls will be able to read it in a heartbeat.

Charisma and interacting with others is all about practice and feeling comfortable with yourself in any situation. When most people say >just be confident dude, what they really mean is learn to love yourself and tackle anything that makes you insecure. Once you reach that stage, it radiates an aura of comfort and pleasantry that's magnetic to pretty much anyone. Those guys who are tall and above average feel comfortable with their own skin - whether it's down to their looks or something else, I don't know as it depends for each person. There's no magic way to suddenly become a smooth operator, and it happens at different times for everyone.

As a competetive ballroom dancer with over 6 years of experience, my tactic that helped me overcome pretty much all of my social anxiety is that you must treat the girls down there as friends and try to desexualize them as much as possible. This will allow you to get more casual and touchy with them and eventually allow you to overcome your basic fears. In my club there are 4 men (plus the trainer) and over 50 women that are close to my age and it is unbelieveable how easy it is to converse and chat with them without falling for the meme and lusting. This ability is also transferable to everyday life once you get the hold of it. Eventually, some girl will stand out and you can work on making the relationship between you two less casual and more romantic. It is very easy but you should first learn how to love yourself. Women feel that self deprivating attitude about yourself. Also try to give up porn, as it will help you a lot in percieving women as actual humans. There are no lines to learn, that will not be you as a person. Learn about their interests and realise that they consider themselves in an inferior position to you because of improportional number of men and women doing this sport, of course leaning towards male insufficency. Also love the sport, it adds to your whole charisma.

>What are they saying?
It doesn't matter what they're saying. Everything a tall hot guy says is always hilarious to women.
Everything YOU say, by contrast, will be creepy harassment.

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I remember once watching a "conversation" between a Chad and a woman.

Basically all the Chad said was "Hey. Uh huh. Yeah haha" and the woman howled with laughter at everything he said, grinning ear to ear and staring lovingly up at his face.

The lesson here is that it doesn't matter what you say, it matters who says it.

are these serious posts?

>What would you say if a shy man invited you after class to glass of water?
>You say, "Show me your teacher face"

the way you do this is the same way you do this with guys. can you make other guys laugh? if not then you're probably just not a fun or funny person. the way you connect with people is by being real and by being yourself.
