Literally there is no good gf or wife, if you think you have one, it is because your turn has not come...

Literally there is no good gf or wife, if you think you have one, it is because your turn has not come. She'll do you some shit sooner or later. Prove-me wrong.

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my parents have been married for 23 years lmfao

Doesnt mean good but loyal

You're probably insecure and attract women who will take advantage of your insecurity.
No good women is attracted to an insecure man


This is true. Banged lots of sluts who know about my domestic violence arrest but never attracted wife material.

MGTOW for life!

Fake news.

getting married is about creating the next generation and raising your kids to be a positive influence on society, not about your feelings. Men and women both make mistakes and hurt each other, this is unavoidable. Partners should aim to hurt each other as little as possible so they can raise their children in a healthy environment. I'm not sure why people started seeing marriage as a way to live out a fairytale love story instead of passing genes down and contributing to society. Maybe you will feel better if you look at marriage in a practical way rather than some explosion of good feelings.

You're completely right. I was deeply in love with this awesome girl and out of the blue she wanted to take some time off... So after a month of not talking to me and me feeling like fucking shit, she just left me. When I showed her how I had felt during this month, she called me obsessive behind my back.

Same post replace gf or wife with bf or husband

no one is obligated to stay interested in you. It sucks to realize this, but the sooner you do the better you will be able to protect your heart.


I guess... Thanks, user.

WTF is a batowl

>Prove-me wrong
Parents have been in a loving relationship for close to 30 years. Never married but never been unfaithful to one another

I'm sure one of them have cheated, it just hasn't come out yet. They have been together so long they wouldn't know how to live otherwise.


I'll do you one better:
My grandparents loved the shit out of each other until they died.
From their late teens to their much later 60's, almost 70's, they never separated. It got so intense when grandpa first died, grandma died soon after.

She died of a broken heart and a very compromised immune system.

her immune system was compromised from aids because your grandpa took it in his ass, often, from sailors that reminded him of his days in the merchant marine

Incel mentality is always wrong

No, because you having this mindset helps me and scores of other men who are less than average attractiveness but aren't actively sabotaging themselves at every turn

I have family members being married for decades. my 80 year old grandparents still laugh and giggle like idiots and being all flirty still. I’m one decade in and we still have the same energy and fun as we first met. Only because you have a bad history dosent mean it applies to everyone.

great grand dad died years ago and they were together 70+ years, when great grand mom passed my dad was going through all their shit with my grandmother and come across a box of letters from when ggd was in ww2. Problem was these letters were to ggm but not from ggd. They were from a guy she was obviously fucking while ggd was at war and when he returned she tried to cut it off with loverboy. Those letters were dated from 1943 to 1973 with constant declarations of love and inquiry about the paternity of my grand mother. Find out my ggd wasn't my real ggd. Poor fool.

i've seen a happy couple that was married for over 30 years

They may appear happy but at some point in the relationship, during a break manufactured by her, she hopped other dick but they reconciled.

Zzz someone is being a bore on adv today

don't listen to that, that's shitty advice.
the world is cruel and unforgiving, friendships crumble, lives get ruined for no reason. but treating the world like this will make you miserable.
think of it like this, your older family is more likely to die before you, and a pet is bound to die, so does that mean you should distance yourself from your family and never get a pet? or should you spend your time with them, and be happy with them despite that?

the fact that you aren't even able to conceive of a couple just being happy together, without anyone having the urge to cheat, is saying a lot about you.

About me? My mom did this to my dad for a starter. Try and shame me but I didn't fuck around on anybody.

>actually has mommy issues
Like pottery

Just because your family is shit doesn’t mean everyone else’s is....

I sort of agree. It doesn't really matter, as years of social isolation left me accepting a life of romantic solitude. If a woman is ever dumb enough to be interested in me, I will only ever view her as a womb.

>if you think you have one, it is because your turn has not come
The trick is to die of old age before it happens.

you understand there are more people on this earth then your parents, right?

And they're all perfect

well in this regard, yeah, most of them are. the world isn't a godamn hivemind user

>we're all individuals

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Does dying count? Because other than that, my wife was perfect.