My TWELVE year old brother is pushing 350lbs. It's getting scary and absolutely fucking infuriating...

My TWELVE year old brother is pushing 350lbs. It's getting scary and absolutely fucking infuriating. Of course it's all my parent's faults but they're too lazy or stupid to care, I honestly don't know which one. When my brother goes to see his pediatrician, of course they all tell my parents that they need to control his weight. But all that happens is that maybe if they've been guilted enough, they'll put him on a diet for a month. Maybe. Then they just stop again. And they always blame him, too. They're always telling him he's fat and that maybe if he didn't eat so much, he could actually run and wipe his own ass. It's honestly so infuriating, you have no idea.
I don't know what to do. Honestly, I don't really even care about my brother all that much, I don't see him very often. But just the absolute neglect from my parent's side pisses me off so much. DCFS has gotten involved before, but my parents did a good job at hiding anything that would make it obvious what's going on inside the house.
At this point, if they won't listen to doctors or social workers, I'm not sure what I could ever say will ever get through to them. How hard is it not to have a 350lbs preteen?? They don't have a job or a car to obtain the food themselves! I honestly have 0 clue what they're doing to him to get him that big. I hate having friends around my family because of him. They always stare, and I don't blame them. Yeah everyone in the family is fat too, but idk what happened with him, I wasn't even a quarter of the weight he was at his age.

I don't know how to get it through my parent's thick skulls that he's going to end up on My 600lbs Life if he doesn't lose the weight. I don't even know if they care. They do love him, they're not negligent in any other aspect of his life. What do I do?

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That sounds freaking tough user. If you can't reach out to your parents, maybe try reaching out to your bro? He's 12 so he's cognizant enough to know his weight isn't normal. I was a heavy kid too and I knew it, so he surely is aware of his size.

You said you're not close but you seem frustrated because you care for him. I wonder if hanging out with him and going for walks would be feasible for you two. Maybe this is a chance for you and him to bond.

Any major traumas happen to you or your brother in your developmental stages? Drops on the head? Parental Alcoholism/Drug abuse? Kidnapping/rape? Car crashes? Family death?

>What do I do
Sex his belly folds

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I don't see the problem here. Kid likes to eat, so let him eat. He wants to be big, well fine. It's his body. Respect your brother's choices.

Im sure youve experienced most of that

Nah, just half, like a regular life.

I havent experienced any of those :^)

>suspicious prebirth parental relationship life highly likely

He had an asthma attack when he was 11 months old, he turned really blue from what I remember. Other than that, not really. My parents fight a lot, but me, my sister, and my other brother were all raised the same way so that doesn't explain him.
I will say that the younger the sibling, the fatter they are. I'm the oldest and the thinnest, sister is 2nd oldest so 2nd thinnest, younger brother is 3rd, and 12 year old is 4th and clocking in the most weight.

>asthma attack
>11 months
How is the air quality in your residence, or have you moved homes?

The asthma attack actually happened at a party a cousin was having. Like a 2 hour drive from here. Never had one again after that, though.

At one point my mom did try to take him out and walk him around the block. He was 9 I think, around 150lbs at that point. He was constantly tired and constantly complaining. My mom, a 45 year old 280lbs woman, could run laps around this 9 year old.

Family meeting. Say it's ridiculous how overweight the family is and how it is your youngest brother is on a dangerous road. You can literally throw out foods that aren't healthy and not replace them. No one needs to drink soda, eat doritos and snack on sugar all day.
It really depends on what sort of commitment you want to make to this. Also, if nothing else, why don't you go to your doctor and then perhaps a dietician or something and make sure that you get your weight within the healthy range.

It's pretty impressive to bench 350 at 12 years old. That whole stunting growth thing is a myth, don't worry about it.

intermittent fasting

If your parents are poor and don't have decent food, it's way easier to gain weight if he's eating things like frozen snacks, boxed foods, processed foods. Those things are ok in moderation if you balance it with fresh goods and exercise.
I don't know what you can do other than talk to your brother himself if you're not able and willing to help him out on a regular basis. I'm sure your parents aren't being very supportive

>it's my parents fault
Both you and your brother need to grow up.

Nothing you could say to them would matter, they've already given up on themselves and you'd have to fix that before they cared about someone else.

This sucks to say but you might want to reach out around your area and see if some type of healthcare or protective service can step in to assist.

Years ago some guy on Jow Forums got custody of his cousin who was dangerously obese, but obviously this guy was old and had a decent income to let the kid in his house

Get a bike and the one thing where the kids are. You sit on the back, get a whip and he drives you around. If not no fortnite for him. Just completly block his mac adress from your router.

How are you going to blame a 12 year old for this nigger

Are you retarded? He IS going to have to grow up at some point, and earlier maturity development is no worse than late.

Find out what shitty snacks he's eating and destroy it all, clear the cupboards if you have to. Any consequences from that aren't as bad as him getting fatter, it might be worth a shot to shake things up, nothing else has worked

Literal child

kys look what you made me do

I have to sage this thread because of your contamination you subhuman