Count the white people, I dare you.
Count the white people, I dare you.
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America is below 40 % white at this point.
>w-w-whiter t-t-than you muhammad!!!!
>mismatching outfits
What the shit is this?
Seems fine to me
Whats the problem?
We know, it is slowly becoming the US Nigger core.
>he thinks america is just for whites
fucking snowniggers, i swear.
Why do we spend so much on defense when we have two oceans defending us?
I went out yesterday and literally 50% of people were black
planet Africa soon, unironically
>all those women
As long as the sub and bomber fleets are white no problem...
She looks like shes sneezing
>Insinuating enslaving non-whites to die for you is a bad thing .
now look at the officer corps
Whats the problem? Its the mareens.
They takes the lowest asvab scores for a reason.
Evangelicals go into the Chair Force.
Fatties have the Army and Coast Guard.
The Navy is a mixed bag.
Because we currently defend our allies and their interests , but that is coming to a close .
>your cannon fodder needs a specific color
You’re a niggerlover. That’s what, mutt.
>He thinks America was ever for his subhuman kind
Fucking subhumans, I swear.
Because we must live to serve Israel and God’s Chosen People.
Whites are dying for Israel too, mutt.
Like Israel, our greatest ally?
>Race is only skin deep
There's like one white guy in that pic. Wtf.
Those are Marines, they get tons of non-whites trying to prove how badass they are but they're just killing machines/cannon fodder. It's good that they're doing some service for our country though.
Apparently you guys have never heard of the classic American military strategy of "Get behind the darkies" it's why we're undefeated.
the military grants illegals citizenship.
Reminds me of Ancient Rome honestly. We have a bunch of foreigners to act as our cannon fodder as we conquer the known world.
delet this
niggers, mexicans and cowboy wannabes end up in the marine corps.