Maybe you guys just need a little bit of cuddling and you won't be racist anymore

Maybe you guys just need a little bit of cuddling and you won't be racist anymore.

Attached: cuddly.png (835x775, 1.01M)

>just become a faggot bro

I wince at physical contact that's not accidental or related to fighting.


This but unironically, the biggest threat to any regime is angry young men. How to neuter them? Turn them into homos

>a little bit of cuddling and you won't be racist anymore.

t. stay at home dad

Attached: suckit.jpg (990x556, 89K)

honk honk

Didn't stop the Spartans

Homosexuality in Sparta is overstated by jewed historical revisionists that gave 100% factual credence to the anti-Spartan memes spread by their enemies.
They WANT every pillar of of western civilization to be fagged and non-white.

It did...eventually.