Do you think looking at porn counts as cheating in a relationship...

Do you think looking at porn counts as cheating in a relationship? You are getting sexual gratification from someone else after all.

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From who? I'm masturbating alone in my bedroom. I'm getting sexual gratification from myself.
No, I don't consider it cheating.

Might as well add masturbation with that logic, you never who your lover is thinking of so they might be cheating!

The only time I felt cheated on with porn stuff was when my partner chose to whack off to porn for hours every week instead of fucking me. We went months without having sex but he was still cumming to other women online. I honestly love porn but I wouldn't continually reject my partner so I could have a fap session while they showered or were asleep. A male friend of mine had a girlfriend who did the same thing to him, as in having multiple hour fap sessions to people of the opposite sex instead of fucking him, and he felt cheated on too. I wouldn't say that general porn use is cheating, but it feels like being cheated when you are forced to be celibate for months to years at a time.

She told me that she's thinking of her ex. She did it so nonchalantly too, like it was something that she was, tee-hee, too embarrassed to admit.

Man, fuck this gay earth.

Lusting after other people is concerning, even if it is people over a screen. They clearly find you sexually inadequate.
Don't listen to these zoomer "open relationship" types defending cuckoldry by proxy.

Not gonna lie that's pretty fucked up, my condolences man. You should talk to her about it, strangers are one thing but past lovers? Mmm.

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do you think of your exs when you fap? how would she feel if you said that to her? Tell her to not tell you those things anymore. I wouldn't want to hear that from a boyfriend at all.

if the porn actors are inferior, lookwise, to your partner, then no

My ex was a porn addict and he jerked his dick at the expense of our sex life. After a whole I started considering it as a negoect of our relationship.
You see he was circumsized and hemalsonhad a really hard time getting an orgasm. I sucked his dick for hours and he couldn't cum half the time and when he did, he only managed it by taking over and jerking off! I was very frustrated by this because I felt like Im not enough to get him off, but I realize now that it was all his fault for being a porn and masturbation addict who got used to a very specific way of stimulation. He can only cum with his own hand.
Yes, this wrecked the relationship and he started blaming me for not being able to cum, which led to mutual resentment and eventual cheating.

and asset wise

Sorry to barge in but since we're on the topic of "is masturbation cheating?" I might as well add a variable to see how you respond.

Is cybersex on sites like omegle cheating? On the one hand, you're still only masturbating and most of the time it's with strangers anyway. On the other hand, you're having pleasure by giving pleasure to someone else.

Your thoughts?

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That doesn't make any sense.
It's like saying it's not cheating if his dick is smaller than your bf's/her tits are smaller than your gf's.

something similar happened to me. Don't feel bad about this. Even male porn stars have to look at porn before they do their scenes because they are so used to their hands. So many guys break their own dicks these days. It's pretty sad!


I think it honestly depends on the relationship. My current boyfriend said that he does not care if I sext with other men or do things on camera with other men. My ex boyfriend would be livid if I did that. I don't do either of those things, but it shows that different people have different boundaries. Personally I wouldn't like it if my boyfriend had webcam masturbation sessions with anyone, but im sure some women don't care!

Yeah, no way I'm asking my gf lol. She'd tear me a new one if she knew. I just find having sex sessions with complete strangers anonymously so satisfying. It's like cheating, without the is this coming back to bite me in the ass kinda feeling.

Why is your bf OK with it? Does he get off knowing that other men oggle his girlfriend?

Man, I wouldn't be able to come back from hearing that.

She will find out eventually because she will get suspicious and snoop. My bf is ok with that sort of thing because hes generally not a jealous person. He doesn't get off on it at all. He trusts me completely and he's lucky he's with a girl like me because I feel like so many women would take advantage of his blind optimism.

She won't. I keep this part of my life very secret. Either way, thanks for the replies. Hopefully we'll get matched with each other someday

I think personal porn does
If you're looking at camgirls, talking in camgirl chat, paying for onlyfans etc

I'd like to ask this but add an additional facet on; what if your kink is boasting about your partner and making others feel inferior to them?
Aka is it still cheating to sext other people anonymous online if you're both getting off to how good/hot your girl/boyfriend is?

Pay her back.
Ask her if she can dress up like one of your exes when you have sex. If she gets mad, ask her why since it's clearly okay for her to act that way.