A quick vizualization of how much was redacted in the report

A quick vizualization of how much was redacted in the report

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What’s the report even about?

less than I expected

not much, really

nothing that hasnt already been leaked piecemeal over the past 18 months, written up by a dog of the deep state to make trump look bad and includes such fabulous sources as NYT articles and the guy who said trump watches the gorilla channel for 3 hours a day.

Literally everything in the report has been leaked to the press already over the past 2 years. I don't think there is really anything new in it as far as I can tell so far.

If Trump colluded with Russia or obstructed the investigation. They found 0 collusion, and Trump tried to obstruct, but he couldn't.

That's like less than 10%

Is that a lot?

>What’s the report even about?

It's about Game of Thrones I think. The redacted portions likely detail how Cersei colluded with Esteros and obstructed justice by killing that sparrow dude.

no no no...not for the us govyment, the kings of the black marker

Depends. If I put 10% jizz in your drink would you still consume it?

How big is the drink

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Who cares lol

How big do you want it to be, honey?

Considering it's for public consumption, the amount of redaction is basically nothing.

When you here politicians crying about the reactions later today. Keep in mind that an un-redacted copy will be presented to them in the next couple days. The AG has already mentioned this.

As big as you want as long as it's feminine

Brainlet here. Why was anything redacted, and who gets to see the uncensored version?

references to other ongoing investigations, references to grand juries which by law are classified, investigative techniques, and some personal details were redacted.

congress will receive the wholly unredacted version except the grand jury stuff

I'm impressed, I was expecting it to be the opposite.

Will the regular population ever get to see that version?

eventually? sure, there are avenues but i wouldnt think any legitimate release would be soon

Seek the light.