I started talking to this girl on discord. We have a lot in common and I thought we were getting on good...

I started talking to this girl on discord. We have a lot in common and I thought we were getting on good. But the past few days have been nothing but radio silence from her. I worry that she might have died or some other ill fate, not that I have hard evidence to believe such a thing though. Any anons been through something like this?

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>discord romance
how old are you?

Dude she is over the internet. Getting a crush on a girl over the internet is silly.


It's not a crush it's only a friendship.

i was getting ready to report.
Oh well.
Why do you take this shit so seriously? Especially fucking discord.
You have no clue how many girls I am in contact with on discord and how I don't contact them that fucking regularly

this shit is inane. Grow up

OP do you realize how silly you sound? You are jumping to an extreme here. She probably just needs some space. Maybe her internet went out. Did she block you? Try to reply to one of her messages with an emote. If you can't it means she blocked you.

Women only fall if ur chad

reported for low quality post

kys faggot

How to meet people over discord? Is it good?

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>i was getting ready to report.
I'm suffering as it is. I don't want no more troubles.

>Why do you take this shit so seriously?
This is all I have.

>You have no clue how many girls I am in contact with on discord and how I don't contact them that fucking regularly
To play Devil's advocate those girls don't care whether you live or die.

>OP do you realize how silly you sound?
Yeah, but strange things happen all the time, why not believe.

>Did she block you? Try to reply to one of her messages with an emote. If you can't it means she blocked you.
I want to try this, but I don't want to come off as stalkerish.

>I don't want to come off as stalkerish
she won't get a notification if you react to one of her messages with an emote. do you know how to do that? its not like a regular reply.

I wish I could tell you Keanu. We didn't meet on discord.

I don't know. How can I do it?

>Try to reply to one of her messages with an emote. If you can't it means she blocked you.
Do you mean that if she blocked me, the emote sign won't show for me when I scroll over one of her messages?

yeah it won't allow you to make an emote on any of her messages at all. the screen will shake too.

I guess she really is in a better place.

just calm down. distract yourself for awhile.

I'll be okay user. The worst of my anxiety was a few days ago. I'm in the acceptance stage now. Thanks for the concern.

post your discord? i cant sleep and I can keep you company desu


youre gonna have to allow people to add you if they dont share a server

Usually when girls go quiet it just means that they've gotten into a relationship with a super controlling guy who's abusing them and not allowing them access to the internet, or letting them go outside to talk to their friends.

I'd say just wait it out. Eventually she'll run away, or the police will get involved, and you might hear from her again. Until then, just assume she's dead I guess.

Probablemente está haciendo una mudanza y no ha instalado el internet aún. O quizás solo se cansó de ti. También está la posibilidad de que en realidad haya sido un hombre que fingía ser mujer para jugar contigo.

de las americas

hay mujeres en discord?

Sí pero no hablo español, lo siento

>youre gonna have to allow people to add you if they dont share a server
I don't understand what this means and why you posted it.

Probably she likes you but is afraid of falling in love with you because you're far away from each other and a relationship only via internet is stupid.

hay mujeres latinas o que hablen español en discord?

Femanon here. Most likely she is fine. She just lost interest or being Discord isn’t her first priority.
I go on discord when things are slow in my life. So I’ll spend some weeks socializing and maybe some flirting. And when things pick up in life again, ill just leave it or delete it. I’ve heard similar stories from my girl friends