Boomer Time

What did you guys do to this old defiant boomer? He looks visibly shaken, like he's seen a ghost.

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Other urls found in this thread:

We showed him things that would make most normies buckle and curl into the fetal position.
Not bad for an old man.

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he just discovered that some people unironically believe in the "Day of the Pillow"

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why the fuck is he making youtube videos at work? why is he wasting time at work?

could i get a quick rundown?

I tried telling him that he poked a hornest's nest and he replied saying he was a bear or some shit lol. he's fucking retarded and has a massive ego

>Boomer makes vid bashing millenials that have been working for him and "ghosting"
>Jow Forums gets a hold of it and starts bashing the guy feeding him redpills regarding boomers, immigration, etc.
>Yeah, it's a Jewish plot to get millenials and boomers fighting, but it's kind of fun sometimes.
>Turns out the guy is somewhat woke on the JQ
>Boomer keeps making videos bashing millenials.
>Seems to think most of the people shitposting his comments are socialists, basedboys, and so on - probably not really the case.
And that's kind of where we're at, not sure if it will go viral and what not, or where it goes from here.
It's been kind of fun watching it play out though, lol.

Boomer faggot couldn't handle the heat

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He's going down the rabbit hole. He'll come around.

This just in, he deleted the vids, lol.
Oh man, this timeline.

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>names the jew
>pretty much every redpill/problem that Jow Forums loves to parrot around

What exactly is wrong with this boomer? This is just classic divide and conquer by the jews. Replace the word 'boomer' with 'jew' and everything suddenly makes sense. You guys are morons.

What did he say?
Vid was deleted.

This guy had such lolcow potential

Death Threats

Hairy faggots are like that.

Yeah, that's why I went back and deleted most of my critical comments from his vids.
Once I realized the dude had anti-jew vids, I pulled back a bit.
Also kind of warned the guy that he shouldn't mess around with Jow Forums.

You guys need to apologize. He did nothing wrong.

he deleted the video

Poor guy got caught trying to pat himself on the back whilst being a thoughtless tard.

I ain't calling his number, lol.
He was doxxed btw.


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ALso add that the boomer piece of trash got BTFO many times with his importing of spics. Hes a fucking scum bag.

>"I'am ex-ranger, navy seal, bounty hunter, you can try if you want"
>Delete vids after dox

Kek on this bummer

Pure divide and conquer from an obvious controlled opposition front ie daily stormer

>>names the jew
>>pretty much every redpill/problem that Jow Forums loves to parrot around
>What exactly is wrong with this boomer?
You just answered your own question, they cant have a redpilled boomer smart enough to walk the minefield, so cue the divide and conquer

it was him shitting on millennials and hiring foreign workers to take there place because he didnt want to give millennial good wages.

Doxxed by antifa last night in a thread, yeah
they wanted to mass report his business for racism
if that doesnt tell you what type of person is actually asspained by this guy then you're cancer

>because he didnt want to give millennial good wages
t. leftypol

No that was the old video dummy. Im talking about the one that op posted

t. boomer faggot

You think this guy is bad? Check out:

I didn't watch it, but it started out with, "Okay, let's get a few things straight..."

it got delet

I am not a boomer
I just hate antifa and leftypol because they are commie queers pushing a generational divide for their faggot ideology at the expense of white generational relations

>Video has been removed by user
Haha. What did you guys do?


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Only problem I had with the guy was that he thought that millennials getting into personal debt was the single factor that got us into our national debt.

Destroy boomers in three easy steps:
1. Ask them how much he made on his first job.
2. Ask them how much he is paying now.
3. Use an inflation calculator on the number from (1) and compare with (2).

DISCLAIMER: It does not work if the boomer lies in step 1. But then he has conceded you are correct and is simply afraid of admitting it.

can we have a thread without schizos for once?


someone probably mentioned Jow Forums and he googled it finally

Anyone save this?
Or at least a rundown?

I don't suppose any of you downloaded the video and could upload a mirror?

He was kinda tame in his last video and said that wanting to hire immigrant was a joke

holy shit... that's like one step down on the white scale of anger from a full blown incident

There you go

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I don't understand how people on this board can pretend Anglin is not funny.

he nuked his whole channel lol

"I'M A BEAR!" lmao there's a reason people don't fuck with Jow Forums. he just pissed off a million autistic hornets


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Baptism by fire my fren

that video is too old, post your comments about that vid on on this vid instead:

Don’t even try that shit. That is the number one reason the West is falling apart. If you don’t even have the fucking balls to call it out you are fucking worthless

I hate how he constantly deletes videos and comments if he gets BTFO too hard.
Literally shutting himself off from reality, typical boomer.

lel..he was taken that stuff way too serious, i hope somebody reuploads this

You are obviously a fucking boomer shit for brains.
>generational divide
Oh yeah I really wonder why that is fuckhead? Why not look at this image here for all your answers capitalist faggot. oh yeah we are leftist! fuck off you act exactly like the boomer HUR DUR LEFTYPOL next thing ill see is you calling me a fucking tranny. kill yourself.

Yeah, I warned him yesterday about fucking with Jow Forums.
He said, "What are they going to do, mess with my internet?"
Some other guy replied, "Yes."

>pushing a generational divide
pay your employees roughly the same amount you got paid yourself, problem solved.

Maybe he read Anglin's recent demand for reparations from boomers for fucking everything up

>Boomer opens mouth with dumb shit
>Antifa and Jow Forums both give him a thrashing
Wew lads what a timeline

witnessed, boomers need to pay up NOW

I have it on my cache and can replay in full. I'll close the tab and delete the video if the boomer comes in here to apologize in person.

Being respected has nothing to do with being a commie. But keep licking boots and proclaiming how hard labour is a value we all need while every other aspect of society rots.

All boomers can’t understand everything is fucked solely because of them. They deny it and blame everyone else for their mistakes. I’m a zoomer and I watched a vid where is talked about how we were the real problem with the nation. I can barely cast a vote

mind you inflation only tells us about basic purchasing power in daily life e.g. phones/bread/clothing

obviously rent and housing have went up faster than inflation

Please upload

but money had more purchasing power back in the day, the dollar is inflated to shit these days. Every year prices go up, Fast food, grocery stores, coffee, etc. The dollar is collapsing

Did he delete his channel?
Can't find it anymore.

It says it was deleted, what did we miss? QRD?

he's right though Daily Stormer uses an ip tracking proxy and Anglin has ties to Netanyahu's son.
He's controlled 1000% and I don't doubt the DS website is a honey pot. Don't visit that URL.

The difference is so stark just inflation makes them shit their pants. Really, try it.

Of course, I meant adjusted for inflation.


Peak Boomerism
They'll all start dying off from here out

yes, he delet everything

Screen-record that video and upload to a video-sharing site. If for no other reason, to satisfy our curiosities.

I like to get on all the lists

Wow I can't say I'm surprised.
What a fucking pussy.
I bet he got doxxed by a zoomer and they started complaining to his manager. I hope he gets fired and becomes ANTIFA

>Did he delete his channel?
Well, a boomer "badass" that "tells it like it is" found a marginal amount of opposition. What do you think?

t. facebook

Fucking cry more leftypol if you want a better wage then get a better job you loser

I am not a boomer you dumb cunt you're just a loser that cant fathom that people your own age arent total losers like you

I am not a boomer genius

you mean leftypol completely, this guy is completely redpilled and has basically just pissed of the YANG GANG type loser that wants handouts ie you

>licking boots
t. commie that is probably on welfare

t. leftypol

All thanks to boomer economics

This guy lives in Craig, Colorado. That town is so isolated from Denver that the SJW shit is practically non-existent.

remember when he was thanking trolls fro making his channel go viral and skyrocket, what a faggot

I'm glad my dad only posts on FB

Typical boomer, a capitalist before an American

even if the wadges back then are adjusted for today, still the price of living is more expensive. Everything is fucked

Btw, the comments on the latest vid he posted were really good and getting in depth, before channel was DELET.

He certainly seems to have asspained leftypol to no end
now they are larping here as usual

The hot takes on this vid are too many too handle:


Well I guess he learned his lesson, but I kinda feel sorry for that old man.

he got doxed yesterday.

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alright now this is bait.


All Australians are boomer bootlickers. Your entire country was founded to enslave criminals and your culture is based around glorifying your servitude.
Australia boomers are the worst. As long as you have your shitty beer you couldn't care less about being slaves

I'm Gen-X. I have all the skills this boomer complains about but first they shipped all of our jobs to China and now that they brought manufacturing back they're replacing us with Mexicans. I hope every single one of these businesses is burnt to the ground.

>he fell for the white age-based d&c

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cope more you commie losers you like to project that the entire youth is a bunch of commie queers like you but the reality is you're a fringe bunch of retards
womp womp

that's hilarious.
Now he's going to be unemployed and will have nothing to do but shoot cats and dogs with his pellet gun

> Yes.