I'm 26...

I'm 26. I broke up with my ex after 10 years because he gave me an STD he caught from cheating on me with a coworker (nothing incurable, already have that sorted out).
Last year I thought I was going to be married by now, I'm single instead.

How do I date again? Where do I look for a partner? Am I too old?

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Is this bait? Most people don't meet the person they marry until their late 20s or 30s or even later.


You're old and used up now and probably still hung up on your ex.
No sane man will want to pick up your wrinkly busted ass

I mean, the average age for marriage is 28, for women in the US, and I want to believe most people know each other for a couple years before getting married.
So I'd say that nope.

Relatable. Kinda. No STD involved or being cheated on, but me and my ex broke up a year ago. We would’ve been married by now. It’s crazy. I’m 23.

I mean, I agree that I'm old and used up, but I've been single for a year and definitely over my ex. Don't talk to him, don't think about him much, changed my life completely.

Nobody cares.
Why would anyone go for and old roastie with baggage and unrealistic expectations when younger women are better in every way.

No one is forcing you specifically to user, I'm very happy not dating you either.
I hope you find a barely legal girl to love.

Get in shape, go out, let people know you are single. Will get offers in less than a week. Hope you didn't relax too much thinking you were safe about marriage.

I'm in great shape. I was never fat, but I started working out more when I was about to get married.
I don't know how to do the whole "go out and let people know you're single". Who should I tell, lol?