Would you live in California?
Would you live in California?
I do.
I live in Oakland with nigs because crackheads in downtown San Francisco are the only thing worse.
I did. Now I live in texas and vote blue. These people need saving.
Its to warm and the population density is too high.
On the BART right now
I would because its América
I live in San Diego. I wouldn't WANT to live here but I've been living here for 30 years and now I think I'm adapted to burritos, regular weather and mexican smog from cars recently in Mexico meanwhile enjoying my safe white places like Target and hiking.
I’ll never visit.
Fucking hell there are enough Mexicans there that do that
Because I enjoy the front row seats, watching the collapse of a once great civilization is quite invigorating. Plus, I'm going to be the one having ALL the fun when shit does hit the fan here.
Join a militia and patrol I would if I was at the bottom of the western world
I am living in california and wouldn't leave no matter how bad the liberals make it .
> various theme parks
> mountains
> beach
> hotter women
yeah I think i'm good
My condolences.
kek BART will never be that clean
Yeah, it sucks. I live in a nice neighborhood is san jose, but I have to go to sf all the time for work.
Itd be nice to be back home in oregon.
The new trains are clean for now thanks Trump
Look at these nice homeless camps by West Oakland BART!!!1
I wouldn't want to park my car anywhere near that. Do the homeless break into cars often?
Of course! Despite the shit people in it's two urban metropolises the state is fuckken gorgeous and it be great to live in, especially the north
the pre requisite of course is you have to have a good amount of shekels too
Well that's the trade off i suppose
I'm a regular at Jow Forums and learned how to spot you glow in the darks. I don't join any "militia" but you can guarantee yourself there's a lot of us that individually head out voluntarily to secure to the border as concerned citizens. There's more like minded people then you realize once you start interacting with people.
Wait until you find yourself enjoying guns. You'll understand what the oppression feels like.
Cute, a hobo suburb.
Yeah that's why anyone with half a brain pays for parking behind a gate. My dad appartments has a gate and every other time he parks outside it his windows have been smashed. Everyone puts bags in their trunks.
Live? I wouldn't even visit and I have family there.
I have a shotgun and a glock 21 and i go to the range at least once a month. Guns aren't illegal here - you just have to do a little more to get them
I wonder if they have their own version of 'keeping up with the Joneses'.
Where did you get the idea that I'm saying guns are illegal? We just have to deal with the roster and stupid laws that reduces ergonomics and state to state import bans.
>$4.29 us gallon for top-notch fuel
>works out around 0.74p per litre in bong-coin
>regular bong unleaded is £1.31
>/o/ board for bongs is /O/
ohh i thought that's what you meant by "oppression" . Basically what i'm saying is that its fine, i have my guns in case a criminal breaks in- my family is safe.
California is great. Particularly SoCal. I lived in Alameda up north and it was so different- I lived in Virginia two for a year and Texas for a few months. SoCal is home.
I live here and even though its bad your flyover states are so much shittier
I would love to live in California, just not in LA or SF
50 years ago I would have loved to live in CA, was one of the best places in the world. Now? I wont step foot in that shithole until its nuked and we rebuild.
Because hot Asian babes
Keep flying over, nigger. We dont want you. Shuttle between spicafornia, niggerton DC, and Jew york and stay the fuck away while we stockpile ropes and gas.
Was waiting for one of you to spout "flyover state". Please remain in your containment zone.
You can’t open carry rifles in California retard
Used to live there. It is such a beautiful state, just ruined by the liberals, spics and niggers
post your rope and gas piles
I am 26 and live there. I was raised here and my family has been here since the early 1900s. California is an enigma. By many objective measures it's a shithole but I keep coming back. My reasons: family, high pay, weather, attractive women, and weather. I plan on taking my six-figure pension to some other state or country when I retire because California is BEANED.
fuck i thought it was a meme. even in miami we dont have shit like this
I do live here not that I want to.
Lol ya go on about your $50k house or all white neighborhood when in reality you live in bumfuck nowhere with absolutely nothing of value
No, I would never willingly live in Mexico
Not anymore it isn't...
You are pathetic. You would trade your liberty for muh beaches and bitches. I hope you never leave California faggot
We will use fire hoses to drive you into the oceans just like your grandparents got the hoses turned on them, nigger.
Used to, don't now.
ITT: Flyover state salt and ex-Californian cope
>bumfuck nowhere with absolutely nothing of value
Guess again fuckboi.
>YFW Oakland and Chicago are literal mirrors of each other
Not if yoy paid me 900 trillion dollars. Hollywood is all loony lefist assholes. And stick your horrible novies and preachy award shos up your ass!
i already do and i want to leave
Literally live in the biggest iron/steel producing state in the country. In the middle of the biggest corn/grain producing region. Hang on to your shitty avacados, wine aunts, and shitball tech firms you worthless sub tier trashbag.
Fuck NO!
I hate the heat.
good then stay forever
Pretty dope user. I wanted an indoor pool/greenhouse and plan on building one when I buy a new house. Although men owning cats is gay as fuck, you should give it to some pathetic single woman imo.
Everything you need to know about Californian cities can be summed up in this webm
>In the middle of the biggest corn/grain producing region
Sounds like a blast dude
>still cheaper than Swedish fuel prices
Only bums and yuppies like city, coper.
CA is probably the worst state in the union. I would honestly rather live in Mississippi
It seems way too warm. I live in northern Germany and I don't even like the summers here.
If i had to live somewhere in the US it would be Vermont or another place with an overwhelmingly white population.
I want to leave because its so expensive here but dont have enough to do so nor the means
what a shithole
I do, either nuke us or send help
I'm stuck here. Thankfully I drive a faggot ass Prius, not as bad as it was when I had a truck.
If California was cut off from the rest of the country we would instantly create a giant new industry of raping you morons for WATER. Oh you want steel? Will cost ya. Oh you want the grains which make up the majority of food sources? Will cost ya. No, we wont trade you for strawberries, avacados, or iphones, we will just get them from mexicans and chinks. Enjoy dying of dehydration in your overpriced shithole, dumb fuck. While I sit cozy on dozens of acres of freedom.
>You would trade your liberty for muh beaches and bitches
Whatever that means bitch boy. Some of us have lifestyles and enjoy having sex with sun tanned women on the beach with the city skyline in sight.
You can keep your “liberties” to shitpost on Jow Forums and shoot guns in your boring Bible Belt rural shit hole.
What can I say about California that hasn’t already been said about Cory bookers asshole? Is worn down, stretched beyond its means, and covered in poo.
Hmmm a little too close for comfort. SoCal here as well.
Mississippi here. Think carefully before you say that. You'd essentially be trading Mexicans for blacks. While our taxes and cost of living are substantially lower, we have our own everyday grind that wears on the soul.
>used to live there
Just admit it, you were deported.
wtf are you talking about dude?
you're fantasizing about resting in cornfields while getting iphones from Chinese. Thats gonna be a yikes from me dawg
As if you have ever had sex you pathetic liberal faggot. Jow Forums isnt for you, nigger. In fact we hate you. Now go get stabbed by a spic, shot by a nigger, and pay $2500 a month to live in a shit tier apartment while I stretch out on my land. Bbbbut beaches and sun tans! fucking kek
How is Las Vegas, NV as comparable to a California alternative?
I live in Valencia? Are you close? Meet me at six flags for rollercoaster rides and funnel cakes
Comeback we need you, I'm tired of seeing illegal spics
In the desert maybe, but in southern carlifornia by the coast its 70s-80 freedom units with no humidity everyday.
It ruined east coast humid as fuck weather for me forever.
More like the first world version of Mexico.
Like it's better but still shit.
I dont have to fantasize, I can get electronics from chinks and south korea, I dont need SF jews for it. Where you gonna get water dumb fuck? Where you gonna get iron? Enjoy importing it from overseas for higher cost and lower quality while the actual productive parts of the US are self sustaining. You niggers cant even sustain your own WATER, one of the only things actually needed for life you cant even do right.
I only take the BART about once a year and every single time I've exited the train, some black guy tries to sell me his mixtape or his "dead brothers" CDs.
what are you talking about man?
Nice try, not even a beaner myself.
Had to sell a house there because of the ever increasing property taxes, mind you it was in middle-of-nowhere-Fresno.
Only thing I miss is the natural beauty (Yosemite, the beaches, etc)
>Literally live in the biggest iron/steel producing state in the country. In the middle of the biggest corn/grain producing region.
In other words you live in an area that’s about to suffer an inevitable unemployment crises due to automation of low skilled jobs like factory work and farming
You can keep your white trash opioid addicts and cow shit, Cletus.
>hotter women
Last time I was on BART, some nigger brothers were dancing to music and doing gymnastics on the straps and bars on the ceiling. Then they went around with a bag collecting money and reminded everyone to demand justice for some dead gud boi who dindu nuffins.
The trannies are easy to spot. None of them look like women, ever. Trannies only look like women in their minds.
I'm further south then you. But I can easily meet you there in 2 hours. I can see the border from my house however I live in a good community.
I'd love to visit, but no way. I'm in Jersey, so leaving one high tax state for another isn't good move.
What about Oregon? is that state alright or are all the Califags ruining that one too?
Oregon here
We don't want you back
I live in Placer County. It’s too expensive for nigs and spics so it’s still 80% White. Feels good man.
Gas is cheaper in California , only thing stopping me from going there is the Mexicans.
I live in Los Gatos. Kinda like a little white colony in the Silicon Valley. Granted they’re libshit whities, but their daughters are hot as shit and the spics that do come around here are castizo.
The people i know who have moved to Oregon from here are Berkeley fags or LA fags that wish they were Berkeley fags
You make me feel so much better and more grateful that I live in California.
If im to live in US i would live in North Dakota. No niggers or spics, 5% Russian, republican, best quality of life in the US.