So my doctor has delayed verifying my prescription order for adderall and his office is closed for the next two days

So my doctor has delayed verifying my prescription order for adderall and his office is closed for the next two days.

Is it a bad idea for me to try to get his personal cell phone number and text him to verify my fucking order? He works at the same hospital as me so getting his number shouldn't be too difficult.

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Absolutely a retarded move you idiot

Lol why?? Like seriously, the only way these fuckers ever do anything is if you pester the shit out of them.

wah wah Sammy speed-freak can't get his drug fix for two days wah wah

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the fuck? that’s some shit you do to your drug dealer. just give them a few days, doctors have other clients with real problems they need to attend to besides you

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How did you get the adderall prescription? Asking for a friend

sage because OP is a retarded faggot who can't sit still while he waits for his life reliance pill

if you can't figure it out for yourself, you're too dumb to get one

Same way I got approved for Disability Bux, you learn the symptoms and put on an act

Who Dares Wins

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>not a drug dealer

They are literally the same thing. He is supposed to be reviewing and verifying narcotic orders on time regardless of whatever retarded moral bias you seem to think exists between patient cases.

Besides- he's a psychiatrist. His job is to analyze patients and dispense psychiatric medications based on their needs. My needs involve taking prescription amphetamines in a timely fashion.