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Jonathan Powell
Other urls found in this thread:
Daniel Sanchez
Islam > Israel
Adrian Young
His daughter is currently sorting it out.
Joseph Diaz
You should read Nietzsche before going to bed.
Jaxon Sanders
Was that a nietzscheian slip?
Charles Wood
fake quote
Lincoln Reed
Kayden James
Noah Richardson
Gabriel Perry
Islam is a far more aggressive religion. Christianity is a very passive religion that preaches weakness, and cowardice, and yet Europe has done some truly monstrously impressive things dispite following such a religion, just imagine what the European races would do if they had a religion that encouraged them to kill, and destroy their enemies?
Wyatt Sanders
James Johnson
fuck off kike
Joseph Cook
i know merkel is old but she's not 90
Leo Thomas
Daniel Cooper
Brayden Baker
Jonathan Davis
I don’t like hortler
Carter Green
Yup,the deeper you go down the rabbit hole you’ll find out
Parker Gray
That was in 1928, he would definitely grow as a person, and after meeting people like Himmler, and Rosenberg, I’m sure he would have grown a fondness for the old Gods of Germany.
John Evans
>autistic pagan larper that looks like a mongol
Michael Butler
You poles don’t like anyone.
Wyatt Martin
Cameron Thompson
And yet he was head of the SS. He must have said something right.
Bentley Ross
opinion discarded
Dominic Myers
>from Table Talks
>The book carefully edited by anti-Christian Martin Bormann and François Genoud
^An apparent atheist who exposes the fraudulently translated Table Talks
Cooper Foster
i've seen interviews with einsatztruppen officers saying that himmler watched jews being executed and that when a piece of brain matter got on his suit, he looked sick and had to be led away from the pit by his bodyguards. What a faggot.
Camden Kelly
I'm fairly certain that "quote" comes from Hitler's Table Talks, a fraudulent book
Evan Adams
what a gay mustache
Blake Howard
So Hitler was the one who started the trend of picking a religion that suits your agenda rather than searching for the truth?
Aiden Barnes
reminder that Himmler was Reichsführer SS and had 3 children when he was 26. i can smell the wizardness from here user
Liam Russell
He's not wrong, Islam fits much better with the Nazis ideals of conquering Europe
Blake Martinez
it's the "he got a small dick" only for religions
Leo Cox
>Not Germanic paganism
What a cuck
Aaron Johnson
>searching for the truth
Pick 1
Nicholas Smith
Aiden Brown
Nicholas Russell
no wonder he lose, kek