
Attached: mlohaf0f90n01.png (673x390, 140K)

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Islam > Israel

His daughter is currently sorting it out.

You should read Nietzsche before going to bed.

Was that a nietzscheian slip?

fake quote


Attached: Arab-legion.jpg (3130x2454, 2.99M)

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Islam is a far more aggressive religion. Christianity is a very passive religion that preaches weakness, and cowardice, and yet Europe has done some truly monstrously impressive things dispite following such a religion, just imagine what the European races would do if they had a religion that encouraged them to kill, and destroy their enemies?


fuck off kike

Attached: adolf-quote.jpg (614x455, 22K)

i know merkel is old but she's not 90

Attached: Iraqi TV Host Breaks Down in Tears at Plight of Christians .webm (480x320, 1.86M)

Attached: Friday Sermon in Kerman City, Iran- If Jesus Were Here Today He Would Not Justify America's Atr (448x336, 2.6M)

Attached: Tehran Friday Sermon by Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami- Christians Should Honor Jesus, Chant "Death to (852x480, 2.31M)

I don’t like hortler

Yup,the deeper you go down the rabbit hole you’ll find out

That was in 1928, he would definitely grow as a person, and after meeting people like Himmler, and Rosenberg, I’m sure he would have grown a fondness for the old Gods of Germany.

>autistic pagan larper that looks like a mongol

You poles don’t like anyone.

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And yet he was head of the SS. He must have said something right.

opinion discarded

>from Table Talks
>The book carefully edited by anti-Christian Martin Bormann and François Genoud
^An apparent atheist who exposes the fraudulently translated Table Talks

i've seen interviews with einsatztruppen officers saying that himmler watched jews being executed and that when a piece of brain matter got on his suit, he looked sick and had to be led away from the pit by his bodyguards. What a faggot.

I'm fairly certain that "quote" comes from Hitler's Table Talks, a fraudulent book

what a gay mustache

So Hitler was the one who started the trend of picking a religion that suits your agenda rather than searching for the truth?

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reminder that Himmler was Reichsführer SS and had 3 children when he was 26. i can smell the wizardness from here user

He's not wrong, Islam fits much better with the Nazis ideals of conquering Europe

it's the "he got a small dick" only for religions

>Not Germanic paganism
What a cuck

>searching for the truth
Pick 1

Attached: brainlet christcuck.png (550x543, 50K)

Attached: pagans.jpg (720x720, 45K)


no wonder he lose, kek