How do I actually get gf in Scotland whilst being awkward with no social skills?

How do I actually get gf in Scotland whilst being awkward with no social skills?

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Stop being so awkward and get some social skills.

you don't

>Stop being so awkward
Yeah, like it's flipping a fucking switch

More like grinding a skill level

Tried this

If you are awkward, have no social skills, and aren't attractive, then you are basically shit out of luck.

Sorry man, but that's just the way it goes.

How did it go?

Oh yeah. I can totally see how being awkward would help you become less awkward.

Get therapy for your behaviour issues

I've been in therapy for the last 3 years, and it doesn't do shit on its own. Not a thing.

Shit i just end up laughing and enjoying my night with friends and forget all about girls

Average looking but yeah thought so

Oh another scottish person on here. You are just going to have to become as masculine as possible because most everyone else is here and the culture hinges on that, I'm convinced though that most scottish women aren't worth it though, they are pretty fucking annoying and abrasive

>i just end up laughing and enjoying my night with friends and forget all about girls
maybe the real gf is the friends you made along the way
Other anons have already said it, chuck yourself in at the deep end, your fear of rejection is cucking you out of happiness

secure the existence of an independent scotland free from british hegemony, and the gf will come too

>Tonight on this week
>A Scottish nationalist has once again manufactured a grievance against England because he is involuntarily celibate, Michael, what are your thoughts on this?
Well to be frank, he should really consider just having heterosexual, or otherwise, sex. The people who lived on the borders used to fear the reavers who would often rape and pillage on their ventures into English territory, but it seems the modern era has Scottish invaders getting as far as Newcastle, being denied entry into dive bars for wearing the wrong shoes and then missing the last train back to the land of Tartan and Heroin.
>An interesting thought, to be sure, Alan what about you, care to opine on this scotsmans woefully intact virginity?
Well Andrew I'm glad you asked. Its a recurring theme these days I would say, possibly a sign of a greater struggle within the white working class. But, I have to agree with Michael on this one. Party politics aside, he should definitely consider getting himself laid, as a matter of urgency.
>Well, that's all from us here tonight folks, but we'll leave you on a final note. For those of you living near the border, I wouldn't worry about any modern day William Wallace barging through your door to steal your womenfolk, as it seems the poor chap isn't even up to task with the fair maidens of Scotland.

You’re retarded if you don’t see how that works. Shut the fuck up and stay a virgin pussy

>I'm convinced though that most scottish women aren't worth it though, they are pretty fucking annoying and abrasive

Scottish accents are fucking repulsive on women. Having to suffer that kind of lip in a relationship would make me want to kms everyday

Average looking is enough, just remember that no matter how low your self esteem is, there's twice as many women manipulated into feeling that way. Your job is to find a girl and rescue her from that self imposed sense of anxiety and dejectedness and her from yours.


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I'd suggest working on your social skills. As you do so you'll meet girls and it will get easier for you.

You haven't given much context, there's not a lot for us to go on. But I'll give it a shot:

1. Go out with your friends. If you have any. In fact, even if you don't go "out out" just being with other people more often will naturally will help you improve your social skills

2. What interests do you have? Anything. Like me, this sound geeky and people laugh but I like wargaming. Painting models and shit like that. It's the last thing that would ever get me girls BUT it gets me out the house, at clubs, in the store, talking to other people, strangers. It builds my confidence, let's me meet people and allows me to network and feel more confident about going to 'the next stage' in terms of being a social butterfly of you will. Also Airsoft was something else I liked. It improves myself fitness, my confidence, I socialize etc. Also martial arts.
So sure, these don't get me girls, bit they give me social tools.

3. Dating apps
It's 2019. Most young people use tinder, bumble, POF etc. Go on Google, look at guides on how to make a good profile, text talk etc. Understand that you WILL BE REJECTED a lot... Like a lot... On these apps. That's just the nature of it. You have to keep trying. It took me ages to get anything decent from them.

4. What are you actually looking for in a GF?
Friends? Sex? Romance? Commitment? What is a girlfriend to you right now I'm your life?
For me, it's sex, fun but at the same time I want someone who 'gets me'. They don't have to be incredibly good looking. If I went a good looking girl, I'd just hire an escort, carpet bomb POF with "down to fuck" messages or jack off. What I'M looking for is someone who I genuinely get on with and have mutual interests/similar personality.
So what is a girlfriend to you? Why do you want a girlfriend? And what do you want in a girlfriend?

Wish you success by Scottish brother. Love from England.

>whilst being awkward with no social skills?
Get Jow Forums, get money and get some kind of interesting hobby.
Do those things and your awkwardness and lack of social skills will suddenly become "eccentric behavior" and "mysteriousness".