I just took an iq test () and found out that I have a pitiful iq of 101. I don't know how I should deal with this...

I just took an iq test (testyourself.psychtests.com/staticid/975) and found out that I have a pitiful iq of 101. I don't know how I should deal with this. I have no strenghts in any area according to the test. I can't accept the fact that I am a fucking retard. Being intelligent is the only quality I have ever been able to cling on, when everyone else was either more handsome, athletic, etc., and now even that has been lost. What the fuck should I do? I feel like I have no value at all.

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101 IQ is high enough to do 70% of university degrees with hard work, stop complaining.

I have less than that and I'm fine in university and life overall. Stop mopping over some online bs test

100 is average so you are still more intelligent than 50% of people. Not that shitty online tests mean anything.

Knowledge and experience > Intelligence.
Einstein would look like a moron in a room full of farmers, once they realize he doesn't know how to till soil.

>I have no strenghts in any area according to the test
Are you really going to let some online IQ test put you down? Don't let this stop you from building up some strengths. Work on your fitness and learn a valuable trade skill; your ego needs a boost.

What's your IQ and what do you study?

People with average iq shouldn't get into a university. THis is why our education system is broken nowadays.

I got tested (at a college clinic) and got 119-124. It sucks being a midwit, but I also don't let the test dictate what I do. I engage with what's engaging and hope that I understand what's in front of me, and if I misunderstand, I accept feedback.

>OP discovers he wasn't superior, he just had a superiority complex

I'd wager most of the people on Jow Forums who are socially isolated but believe the phrase "I am smart," are the same way. I think they developed their superiority complex as a defense mechanism to explain away why they weren't making friends and enjoying life with their fellows.
>I'm not a loser
>I-I-I Just don't WANT to party or have fun or have friends!
>E-everyone around me are just a bunch of idiots compared to me haha
>shut up brainlet

I'd also wager similar complexes have evolved around virgin girls and sluts for the same reason.

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So, where do you fall?

Interesting. What you study/studied?

No. 100 IQ is high enough to grasp the concepts of arts, business, it, degrees ect. Just stay away from law , medicine, engineering ect

That's an excellent result. You are already smarter than 90% of people

Yeah I think like this. I have never tested my IQ and am afraid to do so. I'm a lawyer tho, so it should be highish I suppose.

Law, medicine and engineering give you jobs, though.

That test says 98 and I'm studying med. Year 4 and no problems yet

I do admit that the idea of being "intelligent" has always served as a base when I've compared myself with others. That way I have been able to deal with my self-esteem issues, by using it as a declaration of being able to stand equally with others.

I am torn right now. I have had a rough start to college (started 3 years ago, took a "break" until my convinced me to go back). Originally I went for architecture. Now that I'm back, I have a few things I want to do, namely philosophy and eco/environmental science. I have accepted that I will have to get a master's degree or higher if I intend on getting an actual career. That being said, I would like to try architecture again. I know what I am in for this time, and have a better foundation and ideas. So, philosophy undergrad, architecture master's, maybe. We'll see. I'm not good at making plans, less so with sticking with them

until my *mom* convinced me

You sound like a smart person to me, you probably just have problems with timing.

Thanks for that. It's been hard to balance what I want and to focus on one thing. I think I am finally seeing a path, though

I went to med school. IQ in the 140s.
I can guarantee you any average person can make it. Being smart makes it easier, but being hard working is the only thing that matters.

I know many idiots who graduated from law school too, so it shouldn't be too much of a challenge.

1. online iq tests are not accurate
2. the iq test only measures certain aspects of intelligence, your score is not the end-all-be-all of how smart you are
3. why were you clinging onto the idea of being intelligent? even if you are smart, raw intelligence literally doesnt mean shit if you arent doing anything with it. if you were just telling yourself that youre smart to make yourself feel better about being a loser, then whether or not that test was accurate (and 101 isnt retarded, it's just average) then you are indeed a worthless retard. nobody's perfect. everybody has to struggle to realize their value.

everybody has value. many people never achieve their potential. youre not going to achieve yours by just telling yourself youre smart. get out into the world with all the handsome and athletic people and find your place among them. i know you're capable of something user, whether it's intelligence or anything else. i believe in you

Thanks anons, I appreciate it. It is pretty childish to cry over these things, but I'm already feeling a bit better. I'm an emotional person who has had a lot of sel-esteem problems. Thanks for all the anons who gave advice and told me not beat myself about it.

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Is this mediocre?
I think I fucked up most language-related problems.
Also my life is a 30 years long trainwreck only gaining momentum and burning brighter through time.
Currently considering becoming an hero.

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This, anyone who claims you have to be some savant to go through med school has no idea how bad it really is, dont get me wrong, if you are smart most things become exponentially easier with half the work but its still very much doable, met a lot of med school people because one of my friends was there, engineering too because I was there and the average student was, well, average

IQ doesn't mean anything. There are many people who are way more succesful than me and have better jobs, who are uncultured idiots that live on autopilot. What matters is being a good person and wanting to educate yourself and learn all the time. The rest is all fucking luck, unfortunately. And by the way I'm sure IQ might be higher for an engineer than someone who isn't, yet the engineer could just be, like I said, an uncultured idiot that only knows how to think mathematically.

This. I am in the 95th percentile of intelligence and there are millions of people more successful than I am. I make great money and lead a good life, but there are too many other factors to consider when it comes to success - one being how you define it. If success equals making money to you, then IQ is not necessary. I know people who are mostly morons making $200K a year. You only need to look at celebrities to see this being played out in real life.

I got 90 so you're above average average


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Well sure success is not limited with making money, but is it even possible without it?
Wouldn't it be just some escapist bullshit about finding inner calmness and valuing spiritual over material? Or some scenario with intellectual elitist with low income, living bitter and jealous life.

you're just below average. don't deny it

I'm more interested in how he is doing in general.

I didn't deny anything though, what did I deny?

Listen, there are always going to be people more successful than you, some earned it and others didn’t. Why are you allowing it to define you? All each of us can do is make the absolute most out of what we bring to the table. It sounds to me like you’re looking for excuses to be a failure and that is a mindset that will doom you.

I think Gladwell used an example of a gentleman with an IQ significantly higher than Einstein who has squandered his potential and achieved only a fraction of what his dumber peers have achieved both academically and financially. There are also countless examples of genius that has only been recognized after they died penniless. These individuals were nonetheless “successful” based on social standards currently, if not in their time.

Basically success is a moving target anyways. Society changes what it values every generation or so and we are at its whims so have fun and make the most of what you have.

ok sorry didnt notice the context with what you were responding to. just sounding like you stated 90 was average

Oh nah I'm at least aware it isn't

I got 114 but I skipped a bunch of the final math questions because I'm dead tired and can't focus to save my life. Not sure how much that would change it and honestly I expected to be between 90-100 but whatever.


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I guess I see what you're saying.
It's just...sometimes I struggle for achievement. But I just fail time after time.
I lower my standards, but still achieve fractures of my goals, despite genuinely making efforts. And sure the right mindset is concluding I did not make enough effort, and that I should work harder, and again, I do.
But years pass. And remember that lowering standards thing I mentioned. So I lowered those standards so much I don't even understand what do I stand for or what do I want form my life. And still I struggle with some basic shit lite earning minimum money for self-sustaining.
Not even sure why pure it out now. Guess I just got somehow touched by your smart post and hoped for some additional guidance :) Thanks for that btw. You are definitely right about my incorrect mindset.

131 feelsgood

You guys are such losers.

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>9k only


>tfw iq of 87

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I have a feeling you took an old-style IQ test (if the other anons are posting the same test you took), which isn't going to be anywhere near as accurate--not to mention the internet tests are suspect in the first place. Pic related.

>t. diversity placement.


Forgot pic (superior IQ at work)

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Practice these logic questions they are included in IQ tests to get familiar with paths. Then get high score. Then live as that score was legit. As you took it online substract 30 points to get your real score, retard

Oh, I see what you did there.
Rick and Morty is not that bad btw, give it a try.

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