I just took an iq test () and found out that I have a pitiful iq of 101. I don't know how I should deal with this...

I just took an iq test (testyourself.psychtests.com/staticid/975) and found out that I have a pitiful iq of 101. I don't know how I should deal with this. I have no strenghts in any area according to the test. I can't accept the fact that I am a fucking retard. Being intelligent is the only quality I have ever been able to cling on, when everyone else was either more handsome, athletic, etc., and now even that has been lost. What the fuck should I do? I feel like I have no value at all.

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101 IQ is high enough to do 70% of university degrees with hard work, stop complaining.

I have less than that and I'm fine in university and life overall. Stop mopping over some online bs test

100 is average so you are still more intelligent than 50% of people. Not that shitty online tests mean anything.

Knowledge and experience > Intelligence.
Einstein would look like a moron in a room full of farmers, once they realize he doesn't know how to till soil.

>I have no strenghts in any area according to the test
Are you really going to let some online IQ test put you down? Don't let this stop you from building up some strengths. Work on your fitness and learn a valuable trade skill; your ego needs a boost.

What's your IQ and what do you study?

People with average iq shouldn't get into a university. THis is why our education system is broken nowadays.

I got tested (at a college clinic) and got 119-124. It sucks being a midwit, but I also don't let the test dictate what I do. I engage with what's engaging and hope that I understand what's in front of me, and if I misunderstand, I accept feedback.

>OP discovers he wasn't superior, he just had a superiority complex

I'd wager most of the people on Jow Forums who are socially isolated but believe the phrase "I am smart," are the same way. I think they developed their superiority complex as a defense mechanism to explain away why they weren't making friends and enjoying life with their fellows.
>I'm not a loser
>I-I-I Just don't WANT to party or have fun or have friends!
>E-everyone around me are just a bunch of idiots compared to me haha
>shut up brainlet

I'd also wager similar complexes have evolved around virgin girls and sluts for the same reason.

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So, where do you fall?