VPN/encryption/freedom general part 9 /VEF/

> centralized VPNs are not safe anymore, they can be easily targeted and taken down by governments, the only solution is to start developing and supporting open source and decentralized software


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We are sliding into a dystopian censored world, our duty as sovereign individuals with a strong online community is to inform and educate ourself on how to circumvent goverment restrictions, and spread alternative narratives trough red pills ,memes.
This thread purpose is offering solutions to censorship and surveillance by central authoritys trough tech and tips:

>Decentralized vpn
>Self-contained Networks:
>non custodial crypto mixer
>decentralized crypto fiat gateways
>Private chat:
>Addons: (unique addons make your browser finger print also unique)
>Encrypted pastebin
>Concept tech /experimental tech:
>disk encryption:
the sovereign individual
the bitcoin standard
economics in one lesson
the breaking point
>3d printing

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I’ve been wanting to get into more secure internet browsing but I am a total newfag.
>Where should I start?



quit using jewgle for starters

go back and read through the past threads there is lots of interesting info, mostly the first 5 threads, if you have some specific question ask me.
using a dVPN is a good first step.
also switching away from windows depending on how much effort you wanna put in.
if you want more specific info i can go on

yeah this is a good first step

PIA is compromised?

any centralized VPN cannot guarantee they don't keep logs you just have to trust them and their reputation

I guess it’s time to go decentralized and cancel my subscription since I cannot prove PIA integrity.

how does one prove the integrity of a distributed VPN?

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I thought they were once subpoenaed for logs and couldnt provide them

decentralization is the next frontier of software, thanks to blockchain tech now we can have decentralized vpn with the ability to do multiple hops and allow users to monetize their bandwidth bandwidth. but don't just trust my words do your own research DYOR

you can check the integrity of a decentralized VPN only if the code is open source, both the node code and the routing/tunneling code and the consumer software itself

I was reading over the link in the sticky regarding the dVPN. I’ll be setting up my computer to be a node while I’m sleeping or at work. I also don’t use a ton of bandwidth or stream too often so why the fuck not?

talk with the devs before setting it up, they are about to release the wireguard implementation with relay network which allows you to remain safe while being a routing node, so that people don't rekt your ip if they do illegal shit, also keep in mind that the software is still in audit/testphase so you will get payed with mockup crypto, but after main net you will be able to get payed in any big cryptocurrencie you want (btc eth etc....)
you can find the devs on the telegram channel link posted in the main site

so i must have greater competence in the creation of a dVPN than those i am auditing. were i capable of that, i'd have made my own already.

we need a progressive guide for normies
for instance the fist step would be to be to get off of Chrome
then install a proper ad blocker
then a VPN
at some point we'd try to get them off of windows
I guess at the upper end would be getting a computer with libreboot and uncompromised hardware

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Way to go European Union aka Nazi Germany 2.0, youre ruining it for the rest of us

3rd party audits is the answer to your question, while normal vpn can't be audited because they are not open source.
if you care enough and don't know how to code (or read code) you can hire a programmer to audit the code for you, or just go with the audit from respectable professional software auditers, its the whole phylosophy behind the bitcoin cathphrase "don't trust, verify"

yeah a normie friendly guide with the easiest steps is a good idea

Exactly, there's plenty of vpns that claim to be log less yet somehow they suddenly start providing logs to the government's

yeah and thats a huge problem, cause people buying a vpn think they are being user while the reality is they are probably just wasting their money

With that logic competent developers would never use anything but their own software. There's other ways to verify something than just by doing it yourself, besides ability to verify beats any claim made by centralized providers anytime of the day

yeah very good way to put it, also we can see that verfiability is a strong guarantee such that is being used to store billions of dollars for example in bitcoin or ethereum

I suppose that depends for what purpose they are using it, if its just to watch some geo restricted content, its ok. But if I were to pay for something that is using fancy words in marketing, I better get what I pay for

yeah for sure, there is no excuse for centralized vpns to not open source their code and go decentralized themself right now, those that don't will get left behind

Yep, and in fact some people who can audit bitcoins code did create their own altcoins that are in one way or another better than bitcoin but that still didn't make them adopted by market as much, its combination of good tech and first movers advantage that builds long lasting brand name

There's one reason lol, with none of them delivering anything revolutionary its far too easy to just rent a bunc of data centers and make a competitor, they are afraid.

yeah for sure, bitcoin is more the code its a community a social consensus a contract and ideology a phylosophy and a cult. while the software of those many altcoins might be better (which i doubt btw) they will never be able to replicate btc community their intolernat minority or the huge physical industry that miners have built with huge investments from banks and govs

Chines have been known to collect user data from around the world in ALL kinds of ways even with shitty apps like tik tok

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they should be afraid a decentralized VPN makes them compete not only against people (like them) who rent data centers, now they have to compete against all the unused bandwidth that normal consumer can monetize which is a massive amount, dVPN is like the uber of vpn rekting normal taxist

not to forget massive amount of hashing power that makes it most secure store of value in the world (in terms of bad actor threat)


doesn't surprise me, but the nice thing is dVPN can cross the great firewall .i wonder what will happen when the internet will be flooded with chinese people

Sharing economy is booming and is predicted to keep on growing exponentially, there's a reason airbnb, uber lyft and others are so massive despite not owning a single property.
With unused bandwidth sharing you could potentially have every home a vpn server with barely any cost in equipment

Its potentially a threat to current power balance in china

yeah, people often argue that btc is slow and that better faster tech will replace it, that is such a naive opinion what makes btc the strongest crypto is its unreplicable dafety guarantees no other altcoin will ever come close to the safety of bitcoin.
also thanks to the lightning network and tendermint bitcoin is able to scale and be private.
we have to think that bitcoin layer 1 will beused to settle big transactions and most low denomination txn will be done on layer 2.

I don’t think centralized VPNs are the deli many of you think they are. If they did keep logs, there would be able court cases to point to where they have been provided. And even assuming they do keep logs, do you think they are going to blow their cover because the MPAA sends a DMCA notice because you downloaded Yo Queiro Taco Smell: Redux?

*devil not deli

yeah we are withnessing the birth on a new sharing economy branch that might have a market as huge as uber or lyft.
dVPN allows for the commoditization of bandwidth making it the first fungible intenret native resource akin to oil or copper

yeah i think thats the endgame of dVPNs

thats exactly the point, you can never be sure of what they are doing, they might not rekt you because you are not a worthed target or they just might to make an example of you

Also, what are people’s thoughts on keeping a virtual machine inside a veracrypt container? Any added protection or value to be had here as opposed to using tails?

veracrypt is a very nice piece of software, if you pick a strong enough password nobody will be able to get your data so i think using it to store a vm is a very good idea, anyway i prefer whonix over tails.
also it depends on the use if you have to go around and have a live os always with you on a usb stick then tails is better, (there is also a live version of whonix btw)

I work in finance and every fucking day I dream about moving to Infosec. Not trying to be some h4x0r but because i like the challenge and outside of the box thinking of it. But I don’t want to give up a golden handcuffs job to go work helpdesk and password resets to “pay my dues.” I know more than the IT clowns in my office who only know how to install Windows applications, image machines, and barebones basic IT stuff. They even pronounce it Lie-nucks.

finance and infosec are merging in the crypto startups world, maybe try to search for a job there, evaluate the risks and always member to follow your dreams life is too short to waste time.

Identity chain based auth combination p2p&server-client web is coming

Just tear the band-aid off now, the sooner we fully open ourselves to one another the sooner we progress to a multiplanetary society.
"Privacy" as we know it today will be viewed how we see the telegraph. Once served a purpose but is now too inefficient to have a place beyond novelty in modern society

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You are advocating for a society without privacy ?

Data mining. The thread for you.

Seems like the last of Americans have been cucked already

how is this data mining exactly

they are ready to become the next ussr together with eu
data mining how and what ?

This doesn’t require a general. Eat shit and sage

Who could have thought the name would be still relevant today

privacy and anonimity best practices don't require a general ?
lol you say that while writing on the internet potentially being spied by countless organizations like google facebook etc...
go back to your mgtow and trump threads

>anarchist flag
>no need for privacy general

>meme flags
>asking what data mining is.
Wow try to hide it better kike.

>handing out VPN info on a public domain so anons click the honey post
>Somehow not a set up for data mining

If you type sage in the options field before you post it allows you to type s󠀀oy and s󠀀oy󠀀boy in the body of the message without filtering it.

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Not original user but another user who is interested. What do you think of ProtonVPN? I heard a lot of shit about it. Any good free vpns or do you have to use the ones you pay for?

>guys amway will never be threatened by marykay
>my MLM ponzi scheme is THE one

>caring about pronunciation when most autists don’t speak to other people for weeks at a time
You reek of pleb

Posting a VPN thread and no mention of lethean? Sloppy job

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its just a monero fork on top of regular vpn, nothing new aside from preminers shilling it

you flag is meme too at this point faggot

Do you guys have advice for phones? I don't even like having mine on me anymore cause I think it's listening.

any centralized VPN can't be trusted proton vpn too, if use a decentralized vpn you can provide bandwidth at night and browse for free during the day

any good recommendations?

the moment you will realize fiat paper money is the biggest ponzi of all it will be too late and you will end up like people in venezuela making nice clothes and baggages out of paper bills

twitter.com/pwavrobot/status/1117898799085572096?s=20 do your own phone if you care enough and think its worthed

look into the list at the start of the thread either a rent a vps or use a dvpn

Okay, I just wanted a second opinion. Sentinel looks good.

Okay wait, what is wrong with Google Chrome? Posting from my device using the Chrome web-browser.

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right now is free (so you can try it out by paying with mockup cryptos that you get by pushing a button) but when they finish the audit, release all features and launch version 1.0 of the software there will be payed and free nodes (hosted by the community like tor)

if you use chrome google literally owns you and every bit of data you produce, use firefox or a firefox fork

It signifies they have zero idea. If you can properly pronounce the name of the OS, how much can you actually know?

I don’t even trust chromium. I think a hardened Firefox with ublock origin, https everywhere, and privacy badger are your best bet

yeah hardened firefox is good, but depending on use i would go with the same deafult addons as tor to make your anonimity set bigger, specific/niche addons make your fingerprint unique


God bless you OP. I highly respect the effort you put into consistently making these threads. I'm pissed at myself for not availing of the opportunity to ask questions and give advice from what little I can add, but I'm always caught at a bad moment when I'm doin things.

What instant messenger do you recommend? I've used a lot of time, but settle on Telegram as it bridges the line between security and usability. Privacy-wise, it appears to go in this order:
Tox, XMPP, riot.im, Wire, Telegram, Signal, everything else.

I'm not really techie so I rely mostly on the advice of others who seem know their shit.

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it depends for desktop you can go with retroshare or ricochet for phone signal or keybase (but the problem i guess is making friends switch too, telegram is way better then whatsapp)

tox is also real good yeah

OP, I’ve got nothing but love but I think a step by step might be better rather than just links.

1. Full disk encryption.
2. VPN
3. Proper browsers usage,
4. Etc

Someone actually told me who is a marine that the U.S. military use WhatsApp because of end-to-end encryption. Seems really odd to me.

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yeah with time i will do a complete guide, just need write it down properly its a slow process tho

Also OP what mobile browser do you recommend? For the longest time I used Lightning. I love how intuitive and speedy the UI is - low bullshit. But it got buggy and outdated after the dev stopped updating it, it's ancient now. I started using Kiwi browser the past weeks, but deleted it today after sometime pointed out it had non-free code. So now I'm trying out IceCat. Other options I have downloaded are Orbot, Brave, and Firefox Focus (Klar).

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E2E is only for transit it encrypts between the two end devices, instead of decrypting and re-encryping between clients and servers.
It has no relation with data stored at rest on the end device i have no idea what : WhatsApp, Signal Telegram do to the data at rest.

icecat is the one i use on phone, but i don't expect my phone browsing to be as private to my desktop, so if i have to do anything that needs anonimity or privacy i do it on pc