GayHomoFaggots BTFO to the edge of the Universe

Aids vessels Eternally BTFO.

Attached: arthurfrayn_homoglobo_fuck_off.png (1440x2560, 1.89M)

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>memeflaggot actually posts something worthwhile
Holy shit, I found the exception to the rule!

This begs the question of what to do with buggerers. Personally, I think all male sexual deviants should be exiled to an island somewhere.


Attached: HeWorksAtWendys.png (125x125, 2K)

Is there a source for the Shepard claim?

Of course not, lol. If there was he would have posted it instead of trying to use it as a dunk.

Baconator, please.

Seems counter-productive.

Do you want the meal or just the sandwich?

Idk who he is but he's BASED and more than a little REDPILLED

Found it:



and this is how political bias rewrites history

We'll call it
>Fire Island

>is that the grotesque murder was not a hate crime, but could instead be blamed on crystal meth, a drug that was flooding Denver and the surrounding area at the time of Matthew’s death.
This is all rumor monger shit, but hey if its anti-gay it must be true.

That's about as rekt as you can get. I gotta say, he's not alone in his beliefs.

Yeah moving from Wyoming, many people believe the stereotypical white man killed matthew shepard, he was killed over drugs, as he was a degenerate person. That’s also why he was gay, the drugs

Just the sandwich please. It's for a cop.

I'd like 2 junior bacon cheeseburgers and a large diet coke

>Now a different truth is emerging, but does it matter?

Jussie was just following the playbook