Just decided to break up with my gf, now what?

Just decided to break up with my gf, now what?

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Take time to yourself.

Relax, do things you enjoy, exercise, talk to people you trust. Understand that these shit parts of life are necessary and will only improve with time.

Take it easy bro.

now enjoy life and find a better girl

Thanks bro

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Did you actually break up with her yet or just decided you will? I'd still say to go with what said, but the way you responded to them makes me think you might've already done it?

Yeah I already did it. I didn't want to and I'm pretty bummed out about it but it's what I needed to do

start drinking as soon as you wake up and don't stop until you fall asleep or your liver fails

Don’t fall prey to weakness and take her back. It’s a very common mistake made by beta males

Just remember it's better to break up now than when you are married with kids!

When you are in a relationship you lose yourself, you have to regain yourself with time, relaxing, solitude to think about what YOU want for your life.
i'm on the same boat op, just that i planned the break up for July, it's also the needed thing to do in my case, i have been in breakups before, so it's not that bad this time, however there is a lot of anxiety to manage and i'm not the best for it. I'm planning to start activities like boxing to better myself (and to let go my frustration).

Wallow in self-pity and general malaise until your memory of her is reduced to a few muddled impressions of some odd, spare moments that you spent together. Alcohol and loveless sex helps this process along.

This guy is offering solid advice. No matter what you do, give yourself time to grief and process the breakup - do not try to rush it or move on faster under any circumstances and just let it happen naturally, you'll thank yourself later for it.

I learned this lesson when I had my first breakup, and I just wanted to dive into work and distract myself while trying to rush my feelings and try to get over her as fast as possible, but all it did was make me miserable and take longer than it normally would've.

Don't shut yourself away, spend time with your friends, try something new if you're feeling adventurous and remember that this is only temporary and it will get better. Everything's going to be okay, user.

Spot on and great advice. OP, by all means grieve. It's okay to feel shit and whatever bad feelings you may have. Being angry, upset, pissed off, bitter etc is natural. It'll pass and it will help you grow

Take time to process it. If you wanna binge watch a series, play a game, build something, do something, exercise, punch stuff whatever... Go for it.

Much love

How did you do it? I’m on the same boat. I’ve decided I don’t want to be with her anymore but I haven’t done it yet. It might happen tonight as we had a huge fight in the morning and I’m not taking any of her shit. I’m a little worried how things will be once I tell her. Adv?

I’m about to do it bros. Wish me luck...


Yeah, no it doesn't.

I just said I didn't think things were working out and that we should take a break

broke up with my gf last week
every day has been worse than the last so far, when will it start looking up?

and to make things worse, today is my birthday and I'm sitting home all alone

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I wish I knew. Also I'm sorry you're all alone on your birthday, but happy birthday bro

thanks user

Very simple user stop relying on other for your own happiness.