Would u be a house husband?

consider this user-
a sweet, strong white gf who wants to create a beautiful and otherwise traditional family with you. only: SHE will work hard so that YOU can stay and keep home

would u do it? or would ur pride get the best of u and you'll take a fuckgirl of a woman who will let you play big man?

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ONLY if you can make your authority ABSOLUTE. You must make your word law, and she MUST understand that if she pulls any bullshit that you are going to beat her to death with a brick.

yep, because im not going to live in a house guided by feelings. god damn bitch, bring me that money.


What woman would respect a man who isn't a capable provider? How are you supposed to have a lot of white babies if she's chasing a career that can support both of you?

It's not pride, dingus. It's practical reality.

Nice flag.

That would be ideal. Unfortunately don't women have like a biological need to be dominated or something

No... Once i turn 40 ill have a big depression(since work is one of the prides of a man) also i have adhd so the only thing i can do without another person shouting to me is programming

Thats the opposite of traditional family tho
Not to mention that my ego wouldnt survive it

Fuck yeah! I'll lick her feets when she gets home from a hard day of work and let her peg me in my MANpussy to relieve stress!

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Idealism is whats destroying the western world. And thats what you're selling here.

i see no downside whatsoever

Nigger that is fagalicious.
>I want to be treated like a child by a woman that's stronger than me

you could homeschool all the kids im programming and then youd have a whole development team

Sounds like the best thing in the world.
Women have it easy being able to be housewives.

The problem is you cant get pregnant

That is my dream and why I lift weights, paint, practice music, and learn other languages, so that way I can be her trophy husband and when she lets me go outside all dressed up in fancy clothes I can impress her friends and make them jealous that my white penis will only penetrate her.


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That's how my dad was. Ate better than having mom cook that's for sure. I'm in.

ONLY if you get to wear pretty dresses and silky lingerie during bedtime play as reward for her bringing home the bacon .. which you cooked!!

I'd like her more if she was using an imperial wrench, other than a metric one.

Only if Im working from home and earning more than her. Hypergamy isnt a meme, you know

No, it's too emasculating. I'm okay with her having the much bigger paycheck but I need to do something.

I own a house, so yeah, she can work and pay the bills while I stay home and keep the place clean. I already do that anyway, on top of working 40hrs a week. Not seeing a downside to this "house husband" scenario. Mainly because I'm not some dipshit who believes that my masculinity depends on having a job.

Hmmm... Is she a futa? And got money? And no kids ever? Hmmm...

Based fag this kind of fantasy is for weak betas who want to be taken care of

Would be a waste of time though? Men can't create life or anything like that so it'd just be sitting around doing nothing unless we already have kids.

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>they have no reason to keep you around after siring children
>your body recovers faster than hers so youd feel bad when you arent working.

Its why this never happens despite sexism, it isnt meant to be.

>Based fag
Kek I actually use it for HONK HONK

Why the fuck not? I can work on my side projects and maybe go big with one so neither of us have to work.
Only a dumb nigger would say no.

I'd be without purpose. There's an inherent instinct to provide for your family among men. It's not even exclusively a thing of pride or honour; it's just there. When you can't provide for and protect your family, it reduces your being.

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Yeah, probably.
I'd love to raise the kids and maintain the household. I wouldn't mind.

Sure, if she's actually really all about traditional family and really has what is takes to actually do her part both as a mother and a provider.

Ideally both people should be working hard, man and woman, the woman should look after the house while having kids, and the man should acquire resources, that's the way it's been for thousands of years, and the way it will be thousands of years more.

There are blips and accidents from the routine, but those societies die out and the family line withers and dies. There won't be any deviation in the long term. At least not while my blood is around.

>get to sit around smoking weed and playing vidya all day every day
>only catch is that I keep the house clean
Where do I sign up? Also, why do so many women hate the idea of doing that themselves?

Your blood is bgeing raped by shitskins and niggers as we speak though.

Real-World cases of "Female-Providers" is having children BEFORE going into a career, and the Husband being indirectly pressured into the household roll.

I basically am. I get to spend my time hanging out with our son, and drive him to and from school, jiu jitsu, swimming, karate, and tennis. While he's at school, I lift, and train in martial arts myself. My wife works in the medical profession.

Also, this

Sounds like your child is gonna have a great childhood. You sound like a wonderful dad.

Yeah. That's because men can't get pregnant. It doesn't make sense to have a house husband if you're going to spend 2-5 months too pregnant/recovering to work each time you have a kid.

This is also why house husbands rarely stay house husbands. Once all the kids are old enough for school, the stay at home parent can easily get a part time job.

Only if the wife would still have sex with me.
>this will never happen

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Would only work if He was doing masculine house maintenance/ renovating, upgrading the property etc.

A non earning contribution to the household is the proper attitude for a healthy relationship for the house keeper man or woman. parasitic dependence is reserved to those blessed with genetic beauty and sexual vigor who pay by having unstable and temporary relationships.

Any relationship with shared households are a partnership with ideally equivalent responsibility especially when children are involved.

Significant disparities in responsibility and value to the household create resentments of left unchecked. It can work but tends to be unstable.

Well, the number of violent and slutty teenagers would drop dramatically. There'd be a huge cultural paradigm shift in the next generation.

My parents tried that and ended in divorce. The women will start whoring around when the kids hit 16 or so and keep the marriage together until they hit 18. Don't ruin your future family with wanting to be a full time neet

Thank you! I try to impart on him skills he'll find useful in the future, while still keeping things fun for him.

I can say from experience that this is not the case, at least not always. If you keep yourself in shape, fuck your wife right, and genuinely put in time bonding with and raising your child or children, and make sure that YOU are the one in charge without being a dick about it unless necessary, it can work. I do so little housework that if my son and I do the dishes twice a year my wife gushes about it and fawns all over us cooking all kinds of wonderful food etc for weeks.

I can do it , but I know how this will end. ... Women have no respect for house-sitting husbands. If women doesn't feel smaller and weaker than her man -- she will very unhappy, and this unhappiness will gradually destroy the relationship.
This may last 1-3 years, but the longer it does, the more spectacular it will blow up...
If you are young and searching for adventure and can risk loosing a few yrs of your life experimenting with harmful shit like that -- by all means, give it a try. Maybe you need it to grow up...

If you are mature and not a masochist - just say no and get yourself a normal gal.

It's an adaptation thing. Feminists wrecked society and encouraged women to seek careers. I'd rather spend my time improving my body, learning new skills, and raising my son than working. She makes decent money, and spent all that time and money going to school anyway.

It never ends well.
You have a duty.
Duty before pleasure.

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Both parents working- leave kids with family or strangers

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So what are you going to do for the 11ish months she won't be working while she's pregnant and then a bit after? Better hope the job has amazing paid maternity leave

> SHE will work hard so that YOU can stay and keep home

jackpot. buy some romba house clean robot and play dota 2 all day.

Literally what I would do. Also forestry. Kids love the woods.

I am house husband faggot. Feels good man. Finnally got a taste of the dying american dream.

might work....


Absolutely. What the fuck is she doing with a size 17, though?

My wife and I met we made about the same amount 80-100k. She said she was fine with me being the house husband since her career field offered her more opportunity for growth. I took more of a back role in my job and stopped putting in extra hours so I could support my wife at home. She got her PHD and did specialized training in the medical field and now makes about 350k around this time she started complaining I wasn’t chipping in. We had stopped having sex regularly a little before because she was stressed out by work and was busy all the time with study and 80 hour work weeks(when women get stressed they don't want sex, for men its a release). Now she complains that she pays for everything and I dont do anything. She yelled at me for a week because I bought a 2k bike to ride to work. We are likely getting a divorce

Ultimately it doesn't because woken expect men to be breadwinners. It doesnt matter that I make more than most men, she just wants someone who makes more than her. It doesnt matter we make several times the national average and I was used to sleeping in a $800 rented room before we met. Dont do it annon.

Aren't pimps polygamist house husbands?

Only if I get to raise my kids fulltime, I had a very messed up childhood.

I feel like I could do an infinite amount of times better than my father and give them the opportunities I never had.
It doesn't matter who's making the money, either I provide or she does.

As long as my future kids are happy.

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I knew a kid raised by a stay at home dad and a provider mom. He thinks he's a girl now.

Holy shit dude, what are Jap divorce laws like?



I am one, but it was by neccessity. She has a good job and someone has to take care of the kids at home.

We already have a child. She's not pregnant now.


I knew how it ended just after I started reading. This shit is female psychology 101

the question was never whether or not men would do this, we absolutely would love to stay at home all day and not have to work. the problem is the woman would be the one who hates this situation, and shes also the one who hates the other situation too, so you see theres no point in having this discussion because either way it comes down to "what is the female going to get triggered by this time?"

>the low testosterone low semen dream
dont waste your time

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Only if I can make enough income to support her while she is pregnant and taking care of kids.

No, but not because I don't think I could handle the situation. I would be fine with it but I know the wife would eventually flake. Women have considerable difficulty playing dominant role/sole bread winner for extended periods of time without going crazy.

Ugh gotta agree with the Leaf here.
Unless you get the perfect woman she is not gonna have any respect for you and will eventually cheat.

I'm kind of effeminate but still straight. I'm more empathetic than every other guy I know, willing to talk about feelings and shit, artistic and emotional rather than logical (but still more logical than most women). My dream is to find a woman like OP suggests, she's smart and strong willed and brings home a good income, and live with her in a kind of inverse to the normal husband and wife. The problem is that all the women who are smart and strong willed, tomboys, "male-brained" I like to say, are lesbians. They don't want a guy like me, because they are wired like men and thus attracted to other women. I've been searching my whole life and every single one is a carpet muncher.

>A 2k bike
Hope you mean 2000 yen and not dollars because a bike is a fucking bike.

Consider this dynamic not to be the man is a bitch while the woman becomes the man, but of a princess and her strongest knight who she's married to. He protects and maintains the castle and keeps her safe (he takes care of security, teaches the squires [sons] skills to survive, and does repair and maintenance).

If it wouldn't work then whatever, I don't care anymore. Women are never satisfied unless they're a baby being coddled.

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I sort of do that and now I understand why women used to bitch. Pretty soon you are living with someone who thinks you are their personal fucking manservant. Someone who just leaves fucking messes right where they make them ESPECIALLY since they have been told since they were kids by Oprah and Gloria Stienam cleaning up behind their pig asses is a form of patriarchal oppression. I also made almost 40,000 last year trading cryptocurrencies, so it's not like I'm being supported, it's just since I can do 70% of it from home it's as if I have nothing better to do than clean up behind some pig. So much for equality, now I know the truth...fags, blacks and women just want power over other people.
Petty tyrants. The left is full of that type of petty tyrant.

> SHE will work hard so that YOU can stay and keep home
Female hypergamy can't accept men who earn less, or have a lower social status than them.
The result will be cheating on her part, the initiation of divorce proceedings.

>The result will be cheating on her part, the initiation of divorce proceedings.
If you're a manchild.

you could be chad thundercock and she'd still cheat on you for being a "loser" who can't support a "real woman"

Yeah well that's not the issue I only work 4 days a week. We are buying a house together. We have a small farm full of animals I take care and the stupid fucking koi pond. And I pay good fucking money for the luxury. Sure do something stupid and drive me off, maybe some women are that dumb but I'm pretty sure this one isn't. I out where's my droid on her phone and if I wonder where she is I just look. The day she takes it off the phone she knows I am taking my vinyl, my dog, my laptop, and my bowflex and moving, into a gutter if that's all that's available.

Who hasn't heard of a woman who can't quit an "abusive" relationship with a loser? Shit works, if you're willing to treat a doormat how she wants to be treated (which most guys can't stomach).

No, it's just not possible in most cases. Women require their partner to have a higher social status; typically earning more money. To be the provider.
Their psychology can't respect a male who is of poorer quality than themselves. Female hypergamy is real, and possibly the dominating social force in our society.
If you're at home and she's earning, then she *will* be seeking out higher status males to mate with. Her dissatisfaction with your lack of performance will become apparent, and she will break off the arrangement.

If it was be a stay at home dad or work just to put my kid in daycare I'd be a stay at home dad.

It's unnatural but better than day care

The world does not reward men anymore. women can get high paying jobs easily. Wouldnt be surprised if my future wife makes more than me

That is my dream

I have a wife that has an advantage over me financially, I have the ability to be a stay at home.

However, no man who has any dignity is content with earning less than his wife and providing as necessary. This gibs mentality is cancer, be a fucking man. You may start off on a lower rung, but sure as fuck do not stagnate, do not climb down.

I am a similar way. The trick is to realize that whatever you want is actually want women want, so we are one of the few men who actually understand what women like, and then you just provide that for your woman. You might think it sounds undesirable, but when you actually do it you will start enjoying it. For me I was rather submissive sexually, but women wanted me to be more dominating, so I did, and then I gradually began to like it, and now it's all I do. It is very enjoyable.

Been there done that. Kids are a pain in the ass. Go to work user.

I'd be her house maid. I'd wear whatever she wanted: a maids outfit, nothing, etc. When she came home I'd have the place spotless so that I could worship her and give her a bath after a hard day at work. If she wanted sex she would make giver her anything that she wanted including giver her recipricalless orgasms. If she wanted to spank me or lock me in chastity I would. I'd do anything to please her guests.

I'd love to be a house husband.

My girlfriend's dad is a house husband, but he gets his own money from disability NEETbux on top of his wife's profits. His wife adores him. He's /fit and redpilled on the Jews.

no respectable woman would let you do that

The only way it would work would be if you were doing some badass shit on the side like seriosuly diving into a project that you're making a life lesson. Chances are you won't have that, you'll just be a glorified NEET. No other men will respect you, your wife will resent you for being a loser. It won't work out if you're a man with dignity. And I don't care how alpha you think you are, when she is paying rent you will do as she says.

I live this life. It's fucking great. The secret is being taller than 6 ft, longer than 6 inches, know how to cook, keep clutter out, and lay pipe like your life depends on it. Because it does.

PS I have been treated to several MFF threeways as a reward for my excellence. Stay mad beta faggots.
t. Chad Omega

I have no doubt you're an omega

You know trannies aren't women right? Cause I have a feeling you're implying trannies here.

I already cook over half the time and clean about 50%. I actually enjoy cooking. If my wife could bring home 100K+ I would love to stay home and focus on hobbies etc.

I would absolutely home school my kids and keep them out of the indoctrination camps of public school. I have a STEM master's degree so I know I would be a better teacher than any public school teacher. I would make sure my kid was socialized by having them do lots of activites like team sports so they meet friends their age.

>Just completely change the core of your personality bro it's easy