Single mothers and dating?

I am getting on in age I guess and one of my biggest fears is being realized. As I get older, more and more women have kids. I don't know if I am being a dick but disliking women with kids but I feel as if my choices are really slim now. I am 29 and have not even had a girlfriend but no matter what I try, I feel like every woman I like has kids already. A friend was saying that at my age, you would be really hard pressed to find a woman with no kids and who doesn't have extreme ex spouse drama or something. Granted, he is a married dude so I guess thats easy for him to say.

Maybe it has something to do with where I am looking? I use three dating sites, okcupid, bumble and POF. All the women that I have matched with thus far have had kids or they had something else deal breakery going on. Like excessive smoking. She has no car. She moves around a lot etc. Am I being too picky? Honestly my major preferences are as follows:

1. I prefer women to be healthy. Not overweight, not underweight. Hell even a little overweight or underweight is fine by me. I just don't want to be with a unhealthy female. So no one who is morbidly obese etc

2. No kids and no spouse drama. I just don't like trying to date a woman with kids. I feel like it never works out right if you are a guy.

3. No drugs or smokers. I don't mind women who spoke occasional pot or something but chain cig smokers make me want to vomit. Is that being too picky?

4. Educated. I would like a woman who at least as the skill or smarts to work a good job or hell even have a job at all. I just want to know that she has her own thing going on.

Are my preferences too picky? Am I just too tight with my preferences?

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No you just have standards, the problem is your probably looking for women closer to your age.
Look for somebody younger and stay loose but not break your rules.

How much younger though. I am 29. I just feel weird dating women not within 5 years of my age.

>I just feel weird dating women not within 5 years of my age.
Stop being a fag

How is that being a fag? I don't want anything to do with a 18 year old woman for example.

If those standards are too picky then today's world is a sad, sad place.

Nigga the thing you gotta remember is that chicks have the actual need of having kids when they turn 30 it’s something they have tattooed in their dna, unless you want to date crazy cat ladies I recommend you start dating younger gals

There is no such thing as too picky. You are your own person and you are entitled to hold any standards whatsoever. Even stupid and petty ones. It's your business.
People only care if you go around crying you can't find a girl to fit all 99 check points on a laundry list of criteria. Then yes, you will be laughing stock. Understandably so
But what you wrote in the OP is very reasonable. I personally disagree with numbers 2, 3, but we are different persons anyway. Keep looking for a nice partner, you are still young and you sound like a good enough guy.

You are pretty much thirty so unless you have something impressive going on your best chance is aiming for someone that is in that 25 to 30 age range that doesn't have kids. In fact I would put in my profile that you are not a fan of women with kids. A little mean but it will clear out some of the garbage. Still you need to know that online dating is a meat market and that there are 5/1 in terms of men to women. So the top males get a chance at all females and with most women on there getting messages even the "lower" standard ones get messages across all ranges of men.

So OP have you standards but I would start tampering them down. I am 29 and online dating is a cesspool of single moms that live at home. Just know that even those moms have fat heads due to men dumpster diving for some pussy.

I'm 27 and even point #1 is too much it seems. Haven't hit the others yet, well cigs I guess, but haven't directly encountered it since these people usually fail #1 already. This is depressing, especially when so much is expected of me.

I'm Also fine with younger girls, but how to find them? Usually they're super degenerate too and never match with me

Fucking hell.. I need a better way to meet more women. The crazy thing is, I am not even a thirsty dude. I just would like some companionship. However, I am not about to be at the beck and call of any woman.

Go to dance clubs or bars with younger themes. Hell if you go to church you could go to young adult services.

It is what it is. Trust me I went down the route of just online dating for years due to working strictly with men. It's a shitshow with 80% of the women but I still found good ones just not the best looking women in the World.

Still I will say that it does show a window into what women find attractive. When I wanted higher quality women I would make my profile pop with photos of with normal looking friends, taking photos of me doing stupid shit(ping pong, fishing, and hanging at a bar), and avoiding face only selfies. Having a strong profile will help you accomplish SOME of those goals, you have to also come to the realization that you are just one in a line of many. So unless you have a pop or something impressive going on, you're going to have to drop down the standards.

Outside of online dating, I would suggest you going to a mega church that might be near you. They have a lot of adult services and even christian dating events if they have a huge amount of people. Another suggestion is getting a hobby like martial arts. I did Judo for about 5 years and I dated a few women that did the hobby as well. Some were single moms but at least they were fit and could take 2 hours out of every Tuesday and Thursday. So I at least knew I had something in common with them but not exactly top tier options.

What gets me is how the fuck these women can be single moms in this day and age. Why is it so common too? Especially for some ethnicity of women? I hate basically being able to guess if a woman has a kid. For example, saw a puerto rican woman at my job. Beautiful curves. large breasts, nice ass. In my head I am thinking (without even knowing her mind you) "There is no way she doesn't have kids. She has kids for sure."

I walk past her desk and low behold multiple pictures of her and her kids and she is like 26-28. Fuck. Like I am regularly able to tell if women have kids based merely on how they look and how old they are almost. I have a really easy time guessing if hispanic women have kids. Its insanely common. So common that I think I am in the fucking matrix or some shit.

My boyfriend is 30 and I’m 24. Literally no one I know my age has kids. Even older than me. I have friends who range all the way up to 34. I don’t have anyone in my friend circle with children. I know like 1 or 2 girls from my high school with kids but they Were whores that got knocked up at 17-18.

Idk maybe you’re just going for those types of girls. Because it seems to me that there are plenty of us without kids.
You probably find more of them on dating sites because they are more desperate to find a partner because they have a child. I don’t know.

To be fair I am a Christian who mingles in those circles so that might be why I see less of it

I have noticed that with Online dating you will see a strong correlation of good looking women in their late 20s will have kids OR they are on a professional playing field that only 6 figures has access to.

Usually ugly women in their mid 20s are the prime option for late 29 year olds. Hell my most recent experience with a single woman that was half way decent only wanted to hook up but she was a total fucking loser living off daddy's money. Still had no work and no job options but had an amazing body but still had a horrendous face. Total butterface with a body of a goddess, yet still had options better than me. It was annoying to think that this woman was a total fucking loser yet after fucking would laugh at guys that swiped right on her or would send her messages. Perfectly average dudes or some homely looking guys that are looking for relationships getting roasted by me and some hammerfaced girl.

Dating just gets harder the older you get and online dating becomes a game of compromise. OP I suggest you need to step your game up. You are in a realm of not only needing to be great looking, while looking social but also having a good job to look like you're financially stable. Dating in your early 30s becomes a game of realizing on how the World Works. Single moms or girls with daddy issues will be common.

Listen to this guy user, he's 1000% correct.

that is not too picky user
are you at a good bf% can lift close to if not more than bw make >60k have a car >5’8” etc
if not, your bucket may be limited

Most people don't stick with single moms. Also avoid moms with niglet kids.

No, you're just a decent human bean.
Yeah, funny thing that more women are becoming single mothers yet men keep staying "single".
Makes you think, huh?

Either way, just keep looking and if nothing comes out, then try to become more intellectual than a Jesuit and become the best man you can be without a woman.
Perhaps invest in designer baby companies if it ever becomes legal somewhere that isn't China since the US is making abortion illegal again (i.e. more nigs).

Dating in general is a waste of time.

Give up now.

We still have cops killing niggers and niggers killing niggers and more.