I'm a lonely male virgin and want to get the thing called the GF. How do I get one, Jow Forums?

I'm a lonely male virgin and want to get the thing called the GF. How do I get one, Jow Forums?

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Are you Chad?
If yes, go outside and gf will come to you.
If no, give up.

Is it that bad these days? What is your personal experience with females like?

Ok, I'm going to sleep now. I'll check the thread tomorrow.

I don't have any advice but I hope OP is having a good night's sleep


Here's a quick tutorial on how to pick up a few.

Probably not a very respected answer but just get bumble - usually the thoty girls go tinder for an easy fuck while bumble requires them to make the first step (message you first) from my experience better practice GF material on there

Ugly guys go with washed up fat whores now.

Thank you.
Hmm, I'm not sure if Bumble is popular in my country, but I could try.
I'd say I'm average-looking, but the only girl I kissed was a fatty also, hehe. She had a nice face, to be fair.

01. Get Jow Forums
02. Get a job, your own place and learn how to cook for yourself
03. Get your license and your own car/motorcycle
(motorcycle is easymode for picking up girls)
04. Get a hobby, preferably an outdoorsy hobby (hiking, running, biking, photography) and join a club to participate in said hobby with other people
05. Volunteer
06. Talk to and get to know women at hobby club/volunteer events
07. After you've gotten comfortable with several women, ask one to have a coffee with you at someplace that is not Starbucks/Dunkin' Donuts/McDonalds
08. Keep doing this but with other activities in a public space
09. ???
10. Profit

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Not him, but thanks user this looks useful.
>01. Get Jow Forums
How Jow Forums should I get? Would lifting 1/2/3/4 be enough?
>02. Get a job, your own place and learn how to cook for yourself
How important is to get my own place? I cook for myself but still live with my parents because rent would take up 75% of my salary.

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Not that guy, but I worked at a grocery store a few years ago. There was this short chick in the department next to mine and eventually we started exchanging glances and shit. After a few weeks I asked it out. She said yeah. It was painfully awkward and would never have worked out. I honestly felt like I left my body or something while we were out and she was talking.
That was a waste of time and I've learned that nothing good will come from my advances. If a girl is interested, she will have to let me know because I'm not pretending I know what to do. And I'm fine being alone, even with as much as I want sex

Wow, what an egregious list. Look at what men have to do to be even considered if they aren't Chad. Fucking disgusting, but at least women are keeping the gene pool clean


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Yeah that's terrible, the expectations are so high. Working out and having outdoor hobbies? Who has the time for all that shit while playing vidya, watching anime and fapping to porn all day long?

Women are happy alone, and happiest without men or children. Don't complain when you are the problem.

Kek, triggered white knight. Keep working at it, bro. I'll stick to my isolation

We are animals at the end, Silverbacks get the lady gorilla's, Bucks with the most antlers get the doe's, Chad's get the girls.
If you can't put the effort in standing out (or trying to) yo don't deserve to mate and pass on your genes. And it's men themselves who actually set the standards.

Literally a list of chad things

No. Chad is attractive by default. This is a list for betabois to follow and pretend to be Chad. The facade crumbles whenever they realize it was all for naught

Make lots of money.


Keep coping.
I know a Chad who lives with his gf in an apartment that the gf's parents pay for. He now has a job, but at the time, he didn't have a job nor a car license and just played sports.

It will get even worse in the future as women's standards for boyfriend material continue to rise beyond reasonable expectation

Meant to reply to

Like inflation

>How important is to get my own place? I cook for myself but still live with my parents because rent would take up 75% of my salary.
I would like to know this as well. I really want my own place but I also don't want to be broke as shit at the same time and want to be able to actually live comfortably and save money. I haven't even bought a car yet. I was thinking about maybe moving out next year though.

Meh, it fucks with me hard that women have it easier sometimes but honestly, you kinda just have to deal with it if you actually want to get laid and a gf.