What should we do about school shootings?

what should we do about school shootings?

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make it target niggers only

Arm teachers and students. Allow open carry on campus.

My cousins school has a school shooter watch list they post in the office and mail to all the parents

how do they determine who goes on the list


you probably shouldnt allow children to have guns

Bad grades, mental problems, unpopular kids get put on it too



Do a LOT more, 99% of the subversive activities originate from the (((education system))), make it so that parents would rather home school or use charter schools.

Nothing, fuck children

No they don't.

Well that's a lawsuit waiting to happen

School Control

it's kind of disgusting that they are able to detect the struggling children and just put them on a list rather than doing anything to help

not a real issue


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what does this mean

I saw the list at my cousins house

Push for homeschooling. Modern schools are harmful for young boys. Boys should be raised by men and not some lonely cat ladies who think that physical activity is some sort of disorder

Every school shooting has been caused by bullied weak white kids in super progressive cities.
How about we stop telling children that being white is a problem so stupid niggers will leave poin-dexter alone and let him play his pokemon games in the cafeteria in peace.

Restore campus carry and EXECUTE the leftists who turned out schools into unarmed targets.

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They have more fun ostracizing people arbitrarily.

it was probably a hit list that your cousin made of the people that HE wanted to shoot...

>9 year olds mail printed lists of people they want to kill on school stationary

Cool story bro, does your dad work at Nintendo?

pics or not real

discontinue public schooling

have everyone homeschool their kids

liberal commie shit-heads love operating schools like it's a prison, and as such violence naturally occurs. they derive a deep sense of pleasure from destroying innocent hearts and minds, to them it's like raping a child with zero repercussions and the state pays you to do it. really fucked up.

How would this prevent anything. Is it meant to give those kids extra attention to make them not insane?

>zoomers getting shot up

we should do nothing.

This is the best solution. Even if you were to join the mob of screeching PTA parents demanding a solution this will always be in the back of their mind: public school has failed, we want to raise our own kids.

Make it illegal.

>what should we do about school shootings?
Shoot back

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Gib guns obviously. If you can gib welfare why the fuck can't you gib guns?

I think its for parents so they can keep them away from the normal kids

Make murder illegal.


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Close down the commie schools and let kids learn whatever online from home or give waivers for private education. Save billions and tell all those ugly lib commiecunt screechers to get fucked!

ban schools

Only a dumb fuck would send his kids to public school

Leftists logic would say -- "Bam guns! Take away the guns!"

Logic replies, "what about the 2nd Amendment though?"

Crazed leftist - "That doesn;t mean assault rifles are cool. Ban them! Confiscate them!"

Logic - "Wait, so if we do that, won't determined killers still get assault weapons illegally anyway?" "Given that, how will that stop school shootings?"

Crazed leftist - "Never mind about that! Like I said, Ban assault weapons, damn it!"

what should we do about school shootings?

Send law enforcement house to house in full body armor, drag all the whites out of the house, cuff them and sit them on the lawn, confiscate every single firearm, then melt them all down, all while we watch white men REEEE and scream and cry about it on the internet...

and when some smartass white cuck wants to be:
>huuurrrr mcccfuckingdurrr I lost dem in a boating accident officer!!!

We lock that white faggot up until he remembers where he "lost" them. Then we confiscate them and give him 10 years in prison for being a dumbass. Never forget: the white men of Australia and Europe lined up to give up their guns like the good boy cucks all white men are. The Australian men are far more manly than the pathetic losers in the USA, so there won't be any real resistance from American men.

tldr: take white men's guns. Ignore their endless larping.

Raise our children properly.

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Get rid of public schools.

Please try that.

State enforced Christianity so Incels can score wives.

get rid of the schools.
they are an anachronism from the 1800s

i can agree with this. but what do you do about mass shootings in general

>School shooting

Make school uniforms with bulls eyes on them.

Agreed, private schooling would help too

Ban schools, if gun free zones won't work, we have to go ahead and ban schools.

More dodgeball in P.E.

You never see some football playing Chad wearing lead inserts, because at the first shot, he uses his 4.6 40 yard dash to GTFO.

Arm all students and let nature takes its course

Spike the lunches with acid and viagra.

>what should we do about school shootings?
Stop shooting schools.
That was easy.

there's no helping those losers, just look at you.

I think doing away with penis inspection day would help a lot, honestly.

Ban single mothers

>what should we do about school shootings?
Quit abusing our kids in the fucking public school system. Most kids with behavioral problems are simply exhibiting their natural behavior before being brainwashed and having their will and childhood innocence destroyed by evil cunt teachers. Fat, weak, ugly, sour-stinking, empty-headed lesbian teachers, making the education system a boring, uninspiring and vapidly sedentary process where vigorous male behavior is over-reacted to and punished and insipid domesticity is the rule. I had a teacher tell me that all men are pigs and I was going to grow up to be a pig just like my father. I told her to watch her mouth or I'll burn the fucking school down and she won't have a class to teach in. She sent me to detention, that night I came back with firebombs and burnt the fucker to the ground. Then I got expelled from school and arrested. If I had to do it all over again I would. Fuck schools and fuck any parent dumb enough to send their kids there. I don't understand why there aren't more school shootings and I don't understand why they don't target the administrators and teachers rather than students.

Close schools, it shouldn't the government's job to teach your little shits.

livestream them

What the fuck...

You burnt down a publicly funded building and service because of a disagreement with 1 person... Nigger you are retarded.

Mandatory blowjobs. Every dude gets his dick suck at least once a week

The whole school system is fucked. It wasn't just her. Besides they sued my parents and made them pay for it.

Slide thread, saged

I'll act like this actually happened.

>The whole school system is fucked

I wouldn't say that, I'd say a lot of people don't deserve the privilege of being educated, nor do they have the I.Q. to understand that they don't know everything, or the self discipline to learn something they aren't interested in. Do you feel bad at all that your parents ended up paying for your fuck up? I'm not "shaming" you for doing what you did, I'm saying it was a stupid fucking choice bromo. You might as well, hold as a life goal to go buy some crack, get a girl preg., and move into the hood.

Shoot back


Schools are gay and shitty. I learned more in the three days I was suspended from school than the 12 years that I was in school. Common Core standards are retarded and match that of an above average nigger (one who goes to school and listens to rap "music" but no drugs). I don't understand why I couldn't test out of these boring science and math classes (Alg II, Honors Biology for freshman year) and hy I have to take four years of English. user, if your under 18 on this board I am sorry but you need to grad early. I did it and I am happier. Schools get shot up because they are boring as hell and have niggers, kikes, mudslimes, LGBTQIABCDEFG posters, feminists (and clubs), commies (other leftists), cucked capitalists, and pedophile teachers.

Arm the teachers.


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>ITT faggots who believe the school shooter meme
inb4 take your meds schizo
>no u

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I was in the gifted program and after being expelled from school I self-educated myself. Went to community college without a high school degree got my 2 year CC degree then onto University when I got my bachelors of science in mathematics. Now I'm a freelance computer programmer, I wrote some major software for a public traded freight shipping company then I got into bitcoin, sold it all in Nov 2017 and am now independently wealthy. I'm married to a white woman with 2 homeschooled boys. As for my parents, they are complete fucktards boomers who deserve nothing more than a quick dangle at the end of a rope. Their insurance company paid for it, otherwise I'd probably never hear the end of it.

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- Segregate by race
- Limit classroom and school sizes
- Promote social cohesion
- Enforce a strict zero tolerance bullying policy

Now that's common sense.

I guarantee if you arm the teachers, kids would be fucking quiet and respectful in class.

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FAG. My children have guns and can probably shoot better than you. Pew pew.

Fpbp from a fagflag

I urban cores, or in the hartland?

>I wrote some major software for a public traded freight shipping company
how old are you?

All you BS seems so generalized and unspecific. >Got into memecoin, now i winz.

Any stock talk you want to let us know about?

We can go 1 for 1 on this. I'll post my python faggotry if you're good enough.

>Enforce a strict zero tolerance bullying policy
My wife was a biology teacher until we had kids, now she is a stay at home mom. Anyway, in getting her teaching certificate, they actually use bullying as a control technique over students. Because you can't slap them, or even say too much to a kid or his parents will sue. So they taught her how to use social shaming to get the other kids to bully anyone noncompliant. They literally encourage bulling in schools and use it as a tool. I was never bullied because I would just beat the piss out of anyone who fucked with me. But you will never get bullying out of schools because it is part and parcel of the school system.

>what should we do

We should put sage in the options field

Give all the kids guns so they can protect themselves against school shooters

I don't want to dox myself, but im 40ish. Python? Try C++, kiddo.

>what should we do about school shootings?

Make them illegal. Put up a sign that says "no shootings".

Pinned megathreads

Return fire.

The same way we protect federal buildings and airports. Controlled entry points with metal detectors and an X-ray for the bags. I'm pretty sure we figured out how years ago with nigger schools.

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>nocking python
Apparently, you're not in the industry, huh? C++, C shaaarpe. No.

You're a liar, I'm not sure where to start at.

Ask Jared Taylor
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Most if them are setups but if cops do their job response time is within three minutes.

Get good security setups at public schools

This, they could get hurt if they can't handle the recoil.

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Abolish schools