19 dont know how to adult what do

Im 19 F and like i feel like im not cut out for this world a lot. I just dont know how to handle it. im not even really sure if i do.i feel like somewhere along the line i didn't learn how to adult or even teenager.

>cant cook anything besides pasta and french toast and frozen things.
>Don't have my permit for driving yet.

>Tried college but failed part time community college in the first semester. But i wish i could do college but now i just got shitty payments i don't want to deal with.

>cant handle stress and start crying or laughing over things most people would just be mildly disappointed in. Also to much just sort of sends me towards self harm and not eating.

>never had a job well had one for 2 weeks scared to get another one the idea of stocking shelves or serving fast food for someone i dont care about is both terrifying and depressing

> have a hard time staying present with things besides art and just get lost in thoughts and day dreams and forget and just flat out don't notice things my parents think should be simple.

>trash tier hand writing and time management

>the way i talk makes me sound dumber than i am cause of all the likes and uhms and random mispronounces and wrong words.

currently the main thing i have going on is these online art classes that i put a lot of time into because i want to be a professional artist. i try to treat it like school and schedule and stuff but have trouble sticking to it sometimes.

I just wish i knew how to get my life in some sort of shape makes me feel like a loser and a burden some times. But i just dont know how to Handel things. Some times i think i should just kill myself but it would hurt my friends and theres stuff i still want to do.

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Now here is an easy question.

How fat are you?

If you're thin and can put on make up you can get a pretty decent man that will be willing to put up with you shit.

> Some times i think i should just kill myself
> i just dont know how to Handel things.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to tell you to Bach the fuck up.

You are barely out of high school, your situation is far from unusual for anyone and hardly worth considering suicide over.

The majority of people are like this. You just need to suck it up and do what you need to do.
God I failed high school and then went and did it 3 years later, failing the first semester then had to re do it. Then I ended up graduating best in my class and did a physics degree. I’m terrified of people and I am very clumsy. I am also diagnosed with adjustment disorder which is inability to cope with stress. Yet somehow I’ve managed to get through some very tough and stressful situations
Just because you feel these things doesn’t mean you give up and say oh well I’m just not meant for this life.
Because tough luck you’re here and you have to make something of it.

If you want to be lazy and off yourself fine I doubt anyone will give a shit.
But really you’re just letting yourself down because your issues are easy to overcome if you stop being lazy

im probably to thin 110 lbs 5'9".

How to female:
>Be/get thin
>Learn to cook
>Go to Church
>Get a part time job
>Get married
>Have children
>Be a mother
Getting a "career" or going to college is a meme and a LIE, it will NEVER EVER make you happy. Making a happy family will be the most fulfilling thing you could do.

Tall and thin.

If you aren't disgusting you won't need to worry about taking care of yourself as an adult. Just make sure that you get a good guy who won't run after knocking you up. Then you can work on your cooking skills.

>do what you need to do.
>God I failed high school and then went and did it 3 years later, failing the first semester then had to re do it. Then I ended up graduating best in my class and did a physics degree. I’m terrified of people and I am very clumsy. I am also diagnosed with adjustment disorder which is inability to cope with stress. Yet somehow I’ve managed to get through some very tough and stressful situations
>Just because you feel these things doesn’t mean you give up and say oh well I’m just not meant for this life.
its not laziness I try to do these things and then get overwhelmed or fuck it up.

God I love Tomoko
What a great anime

OP seems like you just misses out youth. Happens. I wanted to kill myself but dont bother because i know everyone in my family loves me even if im a failure and i dont want to be a burden to them. I got really heavily bullied in my elementary to college days then i dropped out college 3x because it got physical So i tried to unfuck myself. Working out. Got a job. And making games as a hobby. I say OP dont give up on your passion.
Also you said you do art. Mind posting some of your drawings?
Sorry if the message is small since im phoneposting right now.

You just got out of high school in the current era which has destroyed the rites that help the young coup with the stages of life. You'll experience culture shock from entering college and you'll hit culture shock again after leaving college to enter the work force.

The best advice you can get is work hard and try to learn new things. Work on yourself to get rid of bad habits and to improve yourself. Work on how you talk, increase the amount of skills you know (cooking videos, practice speaking, look up methods of time management , etc), and put effort into it. At first it will be hard but over time it gets easier and easier. Its like learn to draw or working out. Takes time, effort, and practice.

Start thinking of which direction you want to go in life and push for it. But be mindful of what is the outcomes of your choices. Like being an artist, it is filled with struggle and worry from pay check to pay check. Though the internet has made things easier, its still not that stable. But is the risk of that path. Which all paths have some risk in it, you just have to figure out which ones you wish to take.

Sometimes you might have to find someone to lean on in dark times wither its friends, a lover, or family. But those are aids to help cope, the thing that matters is you deciding to move forward and what choices you make.

But to be honest you shouldn't really be scared of a job. It tends to be easy work that is boring but you get money for it. Plus most people in their 20s get stuck in shit jobs for a while. Its something your going to have to suck it up and deal with it.

add me on discord

You’ll be fine. Most teenagers don’t know shit and it takes another decade to figure some of this out. Then another to get good. The one thing you learn when you get old, is that were all still children in old bodies.

Get a job again, it's the only way forward.
Yeah it sucks total shit, but it will train you in how to be responsible and live life correctly.
Alternatively, join the military. I've heard it's pretty easy for chicks, and it's the same benefit as a job in that it trains you in life skills, but it has much better exit benefits one your term is up. (Most notably, college assistance) I almost went down that path, and my friend who did came out great.

Once you feel you're ready, then you can start taking classes again and move on the career path.

> join the military.
Stop, you're going to turn OP into a whore


Don't worry about it. Most adults are barely functional office/admin drones with narrow usually selfish interests. They enjoy the music that is on the radio and like to talk about sporting events or current TV series. When something bad happens or something breaks they go to a professional and complain about the cost. Sometimes they cook, but because they saw an advert or read something in a magazine and for a brief moment a spark of inspiration fired. They look forward to holidays because they like the idea of getting away from it all. Getting away from the life they choose to cultivate. Some rich person will probably leverage a dollar or two on their time for their entire life and that is their purpose. Birth, through the gears, into the recycling system, a bunch of water filtered, starches turned into heat via adenosine triphosphate, some carbon dioxide produced, hydrocarbons burnt.

It doesn't really mean much else to be an adult. What else where you looking for? A purpose? Drive? I only have these things because of testosterone and a slightly weird childhood and even so I find it tiring.

I don't like boredom and I like learning. I've gotten proficient at a lot of different things passing time over the years. Eventually I put everything down though, move onto something else. I play at stuff. I think play is important.

just because you havent done X thing by certain age doesnt mean it the end of the damned world you can youtube how to do most things now.

a cooking channel i can recommend is sam the cooking guy.

yes i do realise haing a job "sucks" but its how adults pay for the things you kids like to have like a roof over youre head or food in your stomach

>>sometimes you have to do the things you dont like, to get to the parts of life that you do like.

speech only takes paractice or at least small talk. if you can talk online you can talk in person.

its ok nobody taught you its good your willing to learn.

go for art OP.
i was going for it too up until a few months ago because i found something more profitable but i still wish i had went on.

i can give you 2 tips on art:
>if it is based on drawing and especially if animation you MUST learn to draw really fast and precisely, this makes the difference of broke and not-broke.

>when you take breaks or go for a walk avoid your phone/pc or other kind of stimulation. they inhibit you from thinking creative and having a proper rest.

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>19 F
God damn it woman (male).
>>cant cook anything besides pasta and french toast and frozen things.
Go watch youtube videos on how to cook something. As a 101, search how to cook chorizo with eggs.
>>Don't have my permit for driving yet.
Get someone to train you well at a parking lot that won't scream at you and pay the full driver's license since you're already 19. Don't be a miser and please pay it since it is likely that you will need to learn how to drive if you perhaps get promoted to assistant manager somewhere.
>>Tried college but failed part time community college in the first semester. But i wish i could do college but now i just got shitty payments i don't want to deal with.
Try again in a CC but do online classes; it is likely that you can do most of your gen eds online. Do not focus on your major's classes until your last semesters.
>>cant handle stress and start crying or laughing over things most people would just be mildly disappointed in. Also to much just sort of sends me towards self harm and not eating.
Now you're being an edgy 14 year old kid, stop that. You're fucking 19.
>>never had a job well had one for 2 weeks scared to get another one the idea of stocking shelves or serving fast food for someone i dont care about is both terrifying and depressing
Well, excuse me princess!
Then enjoy getting kicked out of your parent's house soon if you don't spit that pride of yours.
>> have a hard time staying present with things besides art and just get lost in thoughts and day dreams and forget and just flat out don't notice things my parents think should be simple.
So, you're retarded?
>>trash tier hand writing and time management
Eh, the latter is fine as long as someone else can read it.
But the time management is really bad; what the fuck do you do all day that you have such horrible time management.


>>the way i talk makes me sound dumber than i am cause of all the likes and uhms and random mispronounces and wrong words.
>sound dumber
>mispronounces and wrong words.
Are you some ESL? No?
Then you're most likely dumb, sorry bb.
>currently the main thing i have going on is these online art classes that i put a lot of time into because i want to be a professional artist. i try to treat it like school and schedule and stuff but have trouble sticking to it sometimes.
lmao k
Then again you think like a 14 year old so I'm not surprised.
>I just wish i knew how to get my life in some sort of shape makes me feel like a loser and a burden some times. But i just dont know how to Handel things. Some times i think i should just kill myself but it would hurt my friends and theres stuff i still want to do.
Your life isn't that bad but you're definitely dumb.
But hey, you may or may not get smarter if you start living, get a job as a secretary given how this job title is full of women, have better time management, grow up and stop spending 6+ hours on your shitty art and start studying unless you want to be a prostitute :)

Agree on the avoid the phone during down time. What helps me is doing things that break the repetitious cycle of behaviour. A lot of my life is automated, my brain is almost switched off, it forms almost no connections and no memories on say ... the drive to work, when grocery shopping, eating a mundane meal when exhausted and certainly when scrolling my phone looking for updates.

If for a change I cycle to work and I get up at a different time I'm suddenly more aware of the differences in light and how everything looks. I'm more aware of the seasons, what the plants are doing, what is happening in nature along the riverside. I notice changes in the city since I last came this way as I cycle up through all the back of everything where there is always redevelopment and change.

Just a simple change, but one that feels a lot better for me. When I drive I use the outer ring road to avoid the city and I might as well be switched off. I warp from my house to work and back without anything between each day.

honest question, what would I have to be to consider dating me based on a reply to you

Find a guy with a savior complex.
Like me, i don't care if you are a women child,
embrace me and let me do stuff for you,
eventually sex but, that can wait.

If not me find someone like me.