GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

It's a crying shame.

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I'm a fucking crazy motherfucker. Seriously. Fucking. Crazy. I look normal, whatever. Still fucking crazy.

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How about this, whatever the reason, just don't fuck with me.

Decided to hangout with my best friend today. Everything was fine a couple drinks watching shit on tv just chilling. I took one of his ADHD pills and I just started feeling extremely emotional more so than I have in years and basically cried in front of him thinking about myself and everything. I hadn't felt like this in so long and feel more in touch with myself than I ever have.

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I just don't feel like there's a point anymore. I'm too afraid to kill myself and feel like I care too much to just check out, but I just can't actually think of a reason to keep going. Worst is I've got everything I thought I'd have wanted and I just enjoy it.

Am religious. Turn out the apparently religious girl who I really liked isn't religious at all and drinks all the time. Fucking hell. I know that staying away from her is the rational course of action but goddamn I want to fuck the shit out of her.

You don't know me at all...

Oh yeah. FUCK YOU.

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Ok, I guess its settled now. Peace.

I got spicy in my eyes like an idiot and it’s so painful. My sinuses hate me right now.

Hey anons....

It's not bad to love yourself. They tell you that's narcissism but it isn't. What's bad is to seperate yourself from other people mentally. We are all one. If you can see yourself in that other person, you can do no wrong to them. Why would you hurt yourself? In their eyes, you see love or longing for love they never had. This is the way of peace. Listen.

Okay here is we go.....

the truth

I want to wait until I can have some torture play thing in my life so I can break and harm them

>smarter than you
>richer than you
>will absolutely kill you in a fight (unless you're [much] bigger than me like a faggot)
What can I say man? Fuck your boxing.

J -

I only love Julian Assange. Only him. No one else.

Now you have it. Do with it what you will. I don't care anymore.

How such a skinny motherfucker think he could challenge me like that? Damn. Fuck your bitchass boxing rules and let's fight. I have anger issues so you are going to die. Ok?

I don't care who you love or fuck
I honestly have nobody else to talk to. What am I supposed to do

Be alone again?
God i am so pathetic right now and i know it. But it's fine I'll get through this.

I've started doing more stuff recently, eating healthier, drinking less shit and more water instead, running every morning on the treadmill, only about 30 mins for now but I will get it higher with time.

And frankly I'm feeling good about it, I should have done this shit way sooner, my only real issue right now is sleeping, I have trouble falling asleep, generally takes about 30 mins-1h 30min

Ten pounds difference isn't enough to beat me. I'm a black belt. I don't know anything about boxing but I know if you take a kick from me you're done.

You once asked me what I loved about my looks.

I love my freckle on my breast

I love my upper lip that rises in peaks like waves

I love you most of all

I will die for you

I made a really dumb mistake as a teenager and I have to pay for it for the rest of my life, I don't know how to cope.

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Almost finally had sex then the motherfucker didn’t want me to come to his house, what the fuck, why even mention it when you knew it wasn’t possible where I was. Fuck I was so excited to finally do something and I probably won’t for a long while. Loneliness fucking sucks

Provide the initial of who you want to talk to and if it is mine, I will text you. It's been a hell of a day and it would be nice to end it on a high note.

>girl 1 I asked out and don't know if I'll ever find a way to see her again.I feel like if I hadn't fucked up and never asked for her number, she
left such a good impression, I there's a good chance I'd be set. Now I feel like no one will be what I thought she could've been. A smart, confident l, attractive girl around my age, driven, natural conversation... If even she wasn't exactly like that, I missed such an opportunity and now I have to deal with knowing that I can't have that and will probably never find that.
>Girl 2, 3, 4 share hobbies and in friend circle in college, though younger than me. Girl 3 could be 17, girl 2 might have a boyfriend and I only like her for being pretty and energetic and sharing hobbies, girl 4 seems a bit awkward don't know her that well but I think she might be interested. I haven't really talked to them much outside of DnD. I feel like no one in my DnD cares that much about me anyway they never listen to my ideas...
>Girl 5 is someone I work with and see a lot, but barely talk to. She seems nice enough and attractive, but I don't know much about her and can't find a way to talk to her. I did flirt with once in a nonverbal way that, to me, seemed pretty clear and someone in the background watching us seemed to catch on to, but now it's fucking weird because I feel like I'd have to work backwards to actually talk to her after I already showed interest or something? I keep thinking I fucked up. Like the whole thing just seemed so stupid. I see her everyday and just avoid her because I don't know where to go from here or how to talk to her now. Now it's been a few weeks and I just don't know what I'm doing any more.
>Girl 5+ are all Tinder cunts. I don't know why I spent money on Tinder. Though honestly, if I can just get someone to blow me that might be enough for right now.

I hate life. I hate women. I hate not being asexual. I hate all the other stressors in my life I haven't mentioned. I hate decisions. I hate talking to people

I want to see you.

Do you miss me?






need to talk to a woman about how I hate women

Man I really wanna fight the fucker. Where is he? I wi insult the shit out of him and fuck him up because he's so mad. Or he's an actual boxer and therefore is a pussy in the real world.

I wont work, I've already talked to him and there is nothing you can do to make me hate him. I know his heart. Stop trying to make me hate him.

Fuck you crackhead cunts. That shit was a drop in the fucking bucket. You couldn't fight me anyway



You broke me. Anytime I'm here
There you are. Running around in my mind and it makes me sick

We are gonna kill you evil fuckers. The end.

Rant away. I’ll listen.
Will you listen to my rants about men?

How did I break you? I didn't do anything...

"knock me out", more like "try to knock me out and stab me instead" or "try to knock me out, get rekt and call your tough guy gunfaggot buddies" to kill me


>I didn't do anything

The two’s thinly-continuing lines now
accept a sad meeting carrying much fury
Is their intersection an inevitability? Are they fated to do so?
To intently pierce through innocence
If your wish were granted…
If your hope were granted…
would you like to hold hands
and smile?
My feelings hidden inside now point towards the darkness…

Our resonance of this scorching sensation
points to a shining future,
inviting everything, everything
What my honed nerves
releases and captures is
life and will

This proof, completely undeniable,
is like a blazing flame
as it burns everything to the ground
I will return you to nothingness
We now face the beginning,
us two’s destiny

We're untouchable. IF you TRY you are dead. You have no idea who backs us.

(currently unmasked btw)


I'm unmasked. Not even close to being masked.

jilted lover. I've never wanted you and you know it.

I think I'm in love with my friend. We're both in relationships but I'm not really happy with my current one, and my friend seems to feel similar to me but I have no real evidence besides picking up on a few of those cues that "5 ways to tell if she wants you" articles and videos. I also have a track record for thinking I'm in love for a few weeks then regretting my choices

All I do is sit around and dream about you. How could I have hurt your heart yet...

goodnight, user. We'll both figure it out soon. Hopefully.

Ed Sheeran

>I wanted to fuck professor #1.
>Professor #2 tells me one day that prof#1 thinks i look at her weird.
>Im ebarass.
>Weeks pass.
>Things cooling down.
>Prof # 1 tells me a prof #3 thinks im cute.
>Meeting with her and she makes a joke in front of prof #4 about prof #3s feelings.
>Prof #3 has been acting weird since, doesnt wave or say hi for the past few days....

M -
I just wish that you could tell me how you feel about me already. God, how much I would love to know, and how much relief that would bring me. I miss you so fucking much that you have idea; you'll never know. And yet I keep having doubts about how you feel about me, and it's been slowly eating away at me. Not just that, but my depression's been kicking in again a lot more lately too, sigh... I can't help but think that I'm not enough for you, that I'll never be enough for you, and that's why you don't want to date me just yet. I also keep thinking that you keep on secretly resenting me, and I hate that so much, because I have no idea why, though I only wish that I knew. I don't know, sometimes I just wish that you could be more upfront about your feelings to me, but so far the complete utter silence from you has been nothing but deafening, ugh. What's worse is that even though it's been a LONG time, I actually had thoughts about wanting to cut myself again last night too, for mostly a different reason, but also because of you. All I can say now at this point, is that I'm slowly breaking apart again after being held together for so long, so please, I just hope that you tell me soon. I secretly love you so much, and I secretly always will.

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C, text me sometime.

you go first

Crackhead coward. I fucking guarantee your disenfranchised ass would be on a one way trip to the morgue if you so much as looked at me wrong. But I'm merciful. And I'm fucking serious. Poor white people piss me the fuck off. You've never seen poverty, you are poor because you are an asshole. So you deserve to suffer. Faggot.

>All I do is sit around and dream about you

You keep asking questions when you know the answer

Women are insane. Except autistic women or women on meds.

Also never talk to women about your problems, big no no.

Hey anons....

If you are worthy of being loved, you can love yourself. Just be better. Step by step.

I also agree with you there OP, it is a crying shame...sigh.....

>found out the cat I had to give to a friend of my mother was given by the guy to my town's animal shelter
I honestly don't know how to feel about this so I'll just take a double dose of nothing to feel

Shut up. Women have always been the scapegoat Eve, Pandora etc etc.....

Now we are waking up and now men have to actually take responsibility for their actions and their backward lust. Women love, we are more pure but we've taken the blame for FAR too long. This day and age is a time of balance.

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>women love...

Shut up, Pamela

I was beat a lot from a VERY young age. Fuck. Anger issues are permanent at this point. I will not tolerate Asian elistism. I'm smart bitch. All Asians are pussies, fucking try me.

Yes, women love. Maternal love is known historically as the highest love that has ever existed. Women love more than men. Prove it?

Women love romance as seen as romcoms

Men love violence and that is what is marketed to.

It's simple.Marketing doesn't make mistakes like that for decades.

Women are superior We love more, we are more conscious.

Pam is a skank

Physical beating are nothing compared to what I endured.

I WISH I was beat up all my life.

No yeah cmon, this won't end well for you. Nothing pisses me off more than asian or a white pretending to be a victim of anything at all

I know I could endure torture for you, I already have endured a life of it. I will die for you.

You don't understand my who I know, I guess.

Lol, if you only knew.

I care more about who you are and what you stand for.

Look at me, and only me
I see no one but you, always
Only the real me
Can protect you

The glitter of the stars that shoot across the night sky
If it won’t come true, it won’t even turn to a dream
I hold onto those precious words

Even now, the one thing that hasn’t changed
Is the vow I made with you that day, that I would protect you
I will change, for our future
I don’t care even if this world becomes my enemy

Fuck you for thinking fairies are evil. really, fuck you to hell.

For over 10 years now ive been fighting alone against 2 cronic disease and 1 of them has had me with 1 step on the other side 4 times now, but i always endured, hoping things will get better, and doing everything in my power to improve myself as a person, and now, 10 years later i find myself even lonelier than before, with a family i cant count on, and now with a 3rd cronic disease that restricts me even more than the previous 2, im not a suicidal person anymore but, i dont want to keep fighting anymore, if this takes me 1 step into my grave, i dont think ill fight against it, these last few years have been way too much on me, ive had to take on responsibilities way beyond what i thought i could endure on my own, and now, i got nothing from it, quite the opposite, and i honestly just, im just exausted

What could be worse than violence? You're just a faggot pussy if other shit affects you. That is a serious sentiment.

This reminds me of you:

In a closed down cube
I think melancholically

This four-cornered pen
Is still just a thing that’s hard to write with

When moving straight forward
I find the unreachable behavior of youths

Full of laws and rules
A textbook that’s just hard to read

As I look up
At the lifeless things growing from the ground
Without reaching for the floating clouds,
I face the desks

Today, too, I desperately struggle with the dark
My hardening core and heart
Starts to think that even innocence is a waste
And builds up the proof

Even that girl I always liked
Is now a vessel with dead eyes
Then I’ll also sink in the four-cornered sea
I think I’ll be able to breathe
Farewell to myself

Oblivious to honor student inferiority
Either way, my pride is at peace
Covering both my eyes and ears
That’s good “Well done”

Today, too, I desperately struggle with the dark
A castle just for me as I go to waste
Learning that even the past is worthless
I can’t remember anything anymore

Even that girl I always liked
Is now a vessel with dead eyes
Then I’ll also sink in the four-cornered sea
I think I’ll be able to breathe
Farewell to my young self
And hello, adulthood

Look brown people are tough as blacks and smart as asians, were just not as pretty as whites (ie. we're not faggot bitches). Good fucking luck. Enjoy getting fucking destroyed.

Ha. There is much worse. Mental torture. Think about what sticks with you more in life. Things that were said or blows to you.

It's just too bad this world isn't for me. I can't wait to finally get out... My brain has convinced me of that anyway.

Shut the fuck up and go back to eating your stinky curry, you smelly poo-boy.

I really need to stop being jealous and possessive.

Ok well think about this, I was beat until I start fighting back, then it was nothing but mental torture. That's how all tough people are.

People see me, they think I'm this refined sweet flower. I've been to wars that you can't imagine. I've seen people blown to bits. They died. It's not the war you know it's a war you will never understand. It's far worse than you can imagine.

I want to see you and hold your hands.

Why can't you tell me already? What's holding you back from wanting to tell me the truth? Why can't I know your thoughts? Please...

Carlos is here


I'm not going to make this a pissing contest. I will say, I am tougher than 99.9% of the men I encounter. I'm a woman.

Run away with me. I need you

I was trained for this, all my life.

You don't understand.

I disappoint my mom constantly and it breaks my heart to see the sadness and shame in her eyes every time she sees me but I don't know how to fix it. My oldest sister is the only one of 4 kids who isn't a total fuck up. Really considering just taking the little money I have saved and just running away. I'm 19 and I have a car, I could get pretty far with 600 bucks, but I know that would just disappoint her even more.

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I read this just minutes before the quake

Not me. But it's something I would say...

So if you're looking for T. Tell me

I was trained for this, all my life.

Bullshit, women are weak by genetics. I have really really really good genes. I build shitloads of muscle o. Command right into my 20s. Normal peoe can do shit beyond 19 (or whatever the case ND of puberty is for them). Yeah fuck all genetic determinists (bioloists mostly). You really wanna debate over who has better genes? You're a fucking travesty cunt.

Not really.


Complete bs, keep talking out of your ass... no one is listening. You're hopeless, a really sad case.

wow!!! what an argument! You really convinced us all!

Fuck, why are there so many stupid people alive?

C'mon how much work does a woman have to put I to get any decent muscles? I do t even woke out and I could kill your boyfriend. With my bare hands. And drink his blood.