What the fuck do you talk about to women?

Most of them don't have the same interests men do.

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bumping because I’m curious about this too

A good start would be realizing you're wrong and getting out of the incel fantasy world where all men have the same interests that are different from the interests that all women have.

Are you really incapable of having a conversation outside of what you're into? God it must be hell to be a social retard.

I talk about whatever the hell I want to talk about. If they can't keep up then it's just awkward for them.

They're all different
With men not women. Women like nothing, girly types or career women or right wing women.

Women don't talk about anything desu

Two retards.

Travels, parties, work, past stories, series, movies, anything generic

And you can talk about something she is into and you are not, it's always cool to learn something new

Sounds painfull but i will try.

So one time I had a tinder date who revealed she was into comic books and we connected easily over that. Another tinder date was a girl into hard rock classics and tattoos and we had nothing in common so the punk music I played in the car didn’t appeal to her whereas the comic book girl was into that genre as well.
I dated a normie girl who was into nothing I liked but we got along because she was drunk all the time

Beats me. It was eaaier dating the 80s and 90s.

No offense OP but it sounds like you are a terrible conversationist in general. Everybody has some sort of shared experience that you can talk about. Or you can even talk about your differences.

Op only said about women not family or male friend's.

OP makes it sound like he can only ever talk to men who share his interests. How does he talk to men who don’t share his interested?

He still does or don't. Most humans are selective or stay with in hive groups. Sports fans are rarely dungeons and dragon fans or classical music fans.

I have serval or dozen hobbys I notices most people have 4 or 2 or none.

And problem with them is men are the ones more knowledgable about them.

But the point is, it’s not impossible for say, a sports fan and D&D fan to have a conversation. It’s dumb to think “we have no interests in common, therefore it’s impossible for us to connect”

You’re probably going to encounter a majority of people who don’t share the same interests as you. Either you two can bond over a mutual tolerance of each others’ hobbies/interests or you can try and force each other to like some of the things you like that they don’t or vice versa. Either way I don’t think the opposites attract stigma is worthwhile to follow. I suggest making it apparent to people what kind of person you are so that people that are more like you will gravitate towards you more.

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Yeah most people are casually into things or only like sports

People mostly bond with humor or stories instead. Or just looks.

In my experience outside of gen y and z, religion, humor, maybe personality. Music maybe.

Nowadays people like nothing or so casually into stuff.

I get them naked with fetishes and catfishing as celebs or so. Or as Chad.

Most women have a daddy kink or bdsm. And admitted that to me.

Rarely fails, other men have to work twice as hard.

Great mindsdiscuss ideas; average mindsdiscussevents; small mindsdiscuss people.

Read the book how to win friends and influence people (cliche I know) but honestly it'll teach you that people will start talking about themselves for hours -> if you can find some enjoyment in that talking should be easy

i started only hanging out with women that i fuck or want to fuck so its pretty easy to relate to them. books, politics, cats, whatever. mostly im just trying to make jokes and have a good time. why even have guy friends? what are you gay

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I used to think this was a big deal, because what were we supposed to talk about.

Then I realized that the awkward silences that came up in my first experiences dating weren't really a bad thing, just an inevitable thing.

Sometime there's lulls in the conversation, that just happens, but when you find someone you really click with, then those lulls pass by naturally because you want to hear what they have to say next.

Also, don't agonize over it being your "responsibility" to carry the conversation, it's not. As above, if she's interested in you and not autistic, she'll contribute her share to the conversation. If not, then it's not going to work out no matter what, try the next girl.

IF she is legitimately autistic, then yeah having things for the two of you to ramble and obsess about is good, but even then you don't need to worry about supplying anything, she'll have her laundry list of topics, so all you need to do is follow her lead about her interests.