What is the fattest "number" on the picture would you date?

What is the fattest "number" on the picture would you date?
Which "number(s)" would you prefer?

Attached: African-American-women-bo-001.jpg (460x163, 18K)

1 through 4 is good. Everything after is a no.

probably 4 or 5, but it depends on the person. people carry weight in different ways, basing it purely on the number that pops up on the scale is ridiculous.

3-6 is what I generally did attractive
I'd do a 7 if she had a cute face and a good personality
5 would be ideal though

Date 1-4
I’ve fucked up to 7, but I wouldn’t rather them


Anywhere in 3-5 is preferable, but I could do up to a 6. Anything beyond that suggests a level of lack of self care that I find unattractive, beyond the obesity itself.

2 to 4. Rest are monsters.

None of them they're all shit tier hip/waist ratio and I say this as a fan of fat girls


3 to 5

7-9 are unfuckable

I dated a girl that was around a 6 or a 7 for a good while. She had a beautiful face, great personality, and a big fat ass.

do i like the look of a hanging gut? no absolutely not, so I typically fucked her from behind. but besides for that, we had a lot of great times hanging out, she was very loving and supportive, and was amazing and fun in bed.

don't knock it til you try it. now i'm dating a "normal" size girl with a flat stomach and good proportions but she's kind of boring to talk to and kinda prudish during sex

Currently dating a 6

4, 2.5


The fattest I would date would probably be 3. It is theoretically possible that I'd maybe date a 4 who was beyond excellence and had no other "costs of admission" in every other way (personality, lifestyle, interests, etc). Dating a 5 and up would, to me, be worse than the loneliness.

Ideal would probably be a 2.

#1 is looking pretty dang unhealthy, I don't know how I'd feel about having sex with someone who looks like a drug addict.

I'd say that as far as looks go, past 7 is when things get pretty dicey. I'd like to think that personality matters, but once you hit #9 it's clear that where they are is a reflection of conscious life choices.

Also those thighs just honestly disgust me with how much wrap-around flesh there is. Reminds me of the direction I was heading before I lost the weight.

WIth 6 or 7 I'd still encourage them to lose weight and join me in being athletic for health reasons once we were together a while, but it's absolutely not a deal breaker.

Same for me

2 to 4

can't believe some people like 6 and upwards

2. everything else is not natural

3-6 is the attractive range. No skeletons or whales please

3, 4

2-6 but 4-5 would be preferable

3-5 preferred, up to 6 if we had been dating before she got fat

I'd say 12 or 13

I do 2-3 mostly.

2-4, but 2 would have to gain a little weight


4 is the absolute limit.

It's about how you carry it. For me, unless it's a disaster below the shoulders, attraction is retained for as long as an actual chin is.

2 and prefer 1 but I had a gf before that got to a 3 but I cheated on her because she wouldn't do anything about the weight gain.


6 is my limit, funnily enough my gf is pushing onto 7 so I’m going to talk to her soon about it. It will go horribly, she’ll cry and yell at me but I WON’T continue to date someone who is obese.

The fattest I'm really willing to date is 3. As far as I can tell, the thinnest any nearby single women in my age range are is 5. Dating someone you don't actually find attractive is worse than being alone. Apparently, I'm just going to be alone.

1 is unattractively skinny. 2 is okay if you're asian. 3 is nice. 4 is best. 5 is almost as good as 4. 6 is pushing it. 7 and up is out of bounds.

6 is my limit. I'm fine with some chubbiness, just not obesity.