I cannot date a woman who has had sex before which is retarded and unrealistic for a man like myself (late 20s khv)...

I cannot date a woman who has had sex before which is retarded and unrealistic for a man like myself (late 20s khv). She can be great in every other way but this alone will destroy any ability for me to have a relationship with her. Immediately all I can do is think about how she's been with other guys. She doesn't have to be promiscuous, they can all be committed relationships and it doesn't change how I feel. Another problem is that if I attempted to get over this and date such a girl anyway I know I'd end up sabotaging the relationship from insecurity. Are there any other men out there who feel similar, but want to change? I mean the alternative is to forego women forever, which is honestly very tempting but not realistic.

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Is this just bait or are there that many stupid faggots out there posting on this board? This same thread shows up 20 time a day for fucks sake

Quite normal. You would been a monk or sage or priest or arranged marriaged.

Why are you so triggered and insecure?

You won’t care after you get laid for the first time. But because you’re a virgin, you’re whole mindset is fucked. So focus on getting laid in any way before getting into a relationship, unless you plan to marry your first girl.

>You would been a monk or sage or priest or arranged marriaged.
Unfortunately hard to do in this day and age. I have no religious beliefs or becoming a monk would be something worth considering.

>So focus on getting laid in any way before getting into a relationship, unless you plan to marry your first girl.
I get you man, I really do. The issue is that you have to approach relationships as a long term thing, I can't get a gf and tell her that she's my first and that I know it's going to end. It feels dishonest.

Are you kidding me? Have you ever actually been in a relationship? Why the fuck would you care, if you really loved the person?

>actually loving a whore

It's not like you can plan to/not to love somebody

>Why the fuck would you care, if you really loved the person?
whether or not I like a person doesn't change my feelings that I described in the OP, although if it did it would be to intensify them.

The most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. If you have standards you can certainly plan these things. Love is not this unconditional, passionate thing that media has tought us.

Shut up roastie

you don't have to know her past, she doesn't have to know your past

ignorance is bliss

No point in caring about the past right? It's done. All that's important is the future. If it's bothering you, then don't try to analyze their past actions, analyze how they act in the present, and if you still have a problem with them then you're perfectly justified to break up with them.

Knowing your potential spouse's sexual history is very much your business. How has society evolved to not caring? These things affect marriages

Love isn't passionate? It's an emotion. You can't rationalize it or control it. That being said very few relationship involve actual "love", so it's not like you need it to date somebody.

>ever getting married

This is the mental state I need to get to, but I don't know how to get there you see. As it stands I couldn't ignore it, my insecurity would drive me to find as much info about her as possible.

You sweet summer child. Love is not the most important facet of marriage. Marriage done due to love is likely to be doomed to failure. Being able to compromise and being complementary is way more important. Love is just ici g on the wedding cake. Being stable with no illusions of grandeur, and putting your marriage/family over any selfish whims is what makes a good marraige

You gotta do a few dirty things you’d rather a girl not find out yourself. Then you both have incentive to not pry about your pasts

>(late 20s khv)
theres your problem. im not going to blame you or whatever, but its important to understand its your lack of experience that causes you to think this way. i mean statistically women with higher body count are more prone to get divorced or fall into depression, but im sure your feelings arent based off that statistic (this and the fact that having 1-2 partners still bothers you while statistically its harmless).

my advice is work on yourself to become the best version you can be, and work on your fears with women. you can read and follow guide books such as no more mr.nice guy, do therapy or even both. try dating, realize a girl with 3-4 ex partners isnt as bad, we all just try to live through life and find the people who make us happy, sometimes we find them and sometimes we end the relationships with them, marking them as undatable before trying them out is definitely wrong imo

good luck

easier said than done unless we're talking about spending money to do it.

I realise that if I had experienced relationships earlier I wouldn't have these hangups but it's too late to do anything about that. Putting this stuff aside I don't even know how to get into a relationship anyway. Rationally I realise that a couple of partners is normal but the feelings remain, and that getting into a relationship when I feel this way isn't fair on the other person.

You'll find someone. I'm in the same age group and have 5 not difficult requirements for a relationship that are apparently very rare to find all in 1 person. I meet them all myself so it's definitely possible. I managed to find a girl who met them all, and had she not put herself in a position where she had to choose between me or her bad influence sister and turbo sjw liberal feminist roommate back in March we'd be getting married in January. Obviously she chose family and friend, making herself ineligible to even date in the process and even if she fixed her mistakes she wouldn't want to go to a therapist for her problems. My point is, keep your expectations realistic and you'll find someone who meets them. They're out there.

Love is not an emotion it's a choice fueled by emotions, a decision to stick with another person and occasionally consider their wants/needs above your own. People confuse infatuation with love then wonder why the relationship got stale and all the flaws start to show 6-24 months in, when really that's the infatuation wearing off and they didn't do anything to strengthen the relationship beyond fuck. 9 times out of 10 when we use the word love we can replace it with want or enjoy and the meaning doesn't change. That's not really love.

Well, you only got two options
>Find a virgin
>Get over it

The first one i would start looking around churches or other religious groups since that is your best bet of finding a girl that is a virgin and actually attractive

But since you could not date any woman that has had sex before it means you have some serious self esteem issues you need to work on and they would cause problems that would manifest even if you find that virgin you are looking for

To be honest, i think most men would have a problem dating a complete slut and the same goes for most women (me included). If you have loads of casual sex and never commit, that is a huge red flag, regardless of sex

That being said though, looking for a virgin severely limits your dating pool since most people in this day and age would have had sex in their twenties. My advice is you seek therapy to find out the reason behind all of this

There is absolutely nothing wrong with how you feel, provided you can hold yourself to the same standard. We need more who think like you. The hedonists on here will give you shit for it, but they're honestly more likely to treat women like pieces of meat than you are--waiting until marriage makes sure that you commit to the person based on who they are, not how they make your dick feel.
>you won't care about being a degenerate if you become a degenerate yourself
While that's not entirely accurate anyway, the point is in not being a fucking degenerate.

>How has society evolved to not care?
"Devolved" would be more apt.

You can have all the whores if you want

Ew, no

This is good, this is nature’s way of ensuring spineless little twats like you don’t reproduce

I smell a roast

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